Monday, February 27, 2012


I'm not trying to sound ungrafteful by any means....but I'm starting to get sick of eating at
If you Felines knew me in real life I am known for being extremely greedy and thanks to GOD and my good genes I gain no weight :)
I think if I look at one more steakhouse I'm going to go nuts! I don't eat seafood
I'm such a picky eater :)

But, seriously...there has to be other places to meet POTS.  This is an area where I always seem to have problems with...Where to meet POTS.....

I know you ladies are thinking I go on way to many dates to still not have this figured out, if your not thinking it..I'm thinking it for you!!

I am an over thinker..sometimes this can work in my favor and sometimes this can work against me.....

In the summer it's easy because I meet POTS. in this little cute Mayberry-Modernized looking city that has waterfalls and tons of high end shopping,parks,resturants.... it's absolutely amazing there. A guy in the R.L. introduced me to it a long time ago (the least he could do with all the drama he caused and it's been my stomping grounds ever since...I would love to own a house there one day.

But in my beautiful 4 season state it's hard to find good places to meet without running into people I know. I know a lot of people and my parents know a lot of people. Remember being a Sugar Babie discretion is the name of the game and it wouldn't be to attractive to a POT. if everyone knew me by name if they saw

So Felines tell me where you meet POTS.?

I'll name a few places I've been
1. Hyde Park
2. Red Steakhouse
3. The Mayberry looking city
4. Parking lots (I know)
5. Ritz Carlton
6. Hotel Lobby
7. Hotel Resturants
8. Ice cream place
9. The mall
10. Outside of the coffee shop (I hate the smell of I know)

Do you Felines hae any suggestions...I know it would be hard because you don't know where I live but if you give me random ideas I should be able to build from there.

A girl has to have options
~Aurthor Unknown



  1. How about thinking outside the box every now and again? I once told a guy I wanted to go to the zoo and another that I wanted to have drinks on a boat.. Both my wishes came true! They might think it's a bit peculiar at first but in case the guy's a time waster, you have to make sure you're having a good time first!

  2. - Museums
    - Auction houses
    - Casinos
    - Alfresco dining/drinking areas in posh neighbourhoods (great in summertime/good weather)
    - Exhibitions (e.g. boat shows, car shows)
    - Product launches
    - High end car dealerships/showrooms (you can pretend or actually drop off a CV there).
    - Hanging out at hotel lobbies/bars where you know a business conference or high class party has just taken place and the people will be mingling.
    - New openings (e.g. clubs, shops)
    - Gatecrashing is also a pretty neat thing. Sometimes just walking in with your head held high is all you need to gain access, so don't leave your confidence at home.

    Some of these things require research and this is where google is your best friend. Just don't forget to think out the box and make sure if and when you go, you are in a good mood and look good :-)

  3. O
    I love it!

    WOW! I love it

    You ladies are on a roll :)

    Im sure those locations shows a daddie that your fun and not stuffy and

    Thank you Felines so much I'm going to try some of your suggestions and let you know how it goes!

    Thank you for reading and commenting :)

