Friday, February 10, 2012

Can He Be A Gift Daddie?

Fuckin' Canada,

Keeps calling and texting me. I guess I made a really great impression on him. But what difference is a really good impression if you need money, right! So, he told me if I ever need help he will be more then happy to help me with money and whatever I need but IDK. Once the chemistry is broken I think it's hard to redeem with me. I put a lot of emotions and feelings into grooming (if you will) that POT. and I got no return on my investment.

In his text messages he keeps asking to see me and begging to make up with me...I'm haven't been to interested until this light bulb went off in my head...........

So, I've been thinking....He works for the airlines. I travel alot...when not in school. I'm thinking about asking him to be a Gift Daddie.

Have you babies ever had a Gift Daddie before?

For the Kittens and other Felines....
A Gift Daddie is exactly what the name is...instead  of your Daddie paying  your allowance in money, he pays you in gifts.

No, my goal isn't to recieve gifts but what girl doesn't want them ever now and again.

If he doesn't except this proposal...then I bid him a due! There will be nothing for us to discuss or talk about ! He's wasted way toooooo much of my darn time.

So, I'll keep you posted!

"Everybody is always tugging at you. They'd all like a sort of chunk out of you. I don' think they realize it, but it's like 'grrr do this, grr do that...' But you do want to stay intact--intact and on two feet."



  1. Uh if he';s offering to help out with money..what's the problem?

  2. No, he wants to have the perks of a Daddie but not pay any form of allowance what so ever. I can't depend on that money. But, I am going to test him, my control arm on my car is starting to wear...I'm going to ask him to pay for's not cheap at
    Musical Daddie already agreed to pay upon our meeting (if I can get my ass to the
    I'll ask him would he rather be a gift daddie.
    If he wouldnt have disappeared he could of gottin' away with being just a mentor...but that ship has sailed.
    I'LL KEEP You Posted.


