Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I was watching the show "The Jeffersons" on television last week and the episode was about George Jeffersons first girlfriend wanting him to "Keep her" lol...a.k.a she was a Sugar Babe just like us Felines. I believe she said on the show that the year was 1963..
We aren't doing nothing new...lol. Men with money have been "Keeping" their women for ages..lol

So, I hate hearing men act like it's such a dirty thing to have a Sugar Babe....but it's not dirty to ask me for sex and try send me away with the pile of bills I have.

I've always been attracted to the Sugar Bowl because I think that it is freeing for women to fuck like they want and not be judged (fetishes or multiple partners..whatever, it's yours!). We're able to not have to be so polite.

I feel like the sugar world is my alter ego!  I'm watching this show  "Giggolos" with my ex (we're just cool/ friends now) and the guy on the show said he likes to be a Giggolo because he's spontaneous and something else I can't remember...lol I know sorry. I said" me to."  My ex said that I'm not spontaneous. I told him maybe in my other life /my secret life and he said he doubt it. lol
"You would never have a secret life..I know you to well." he had the nerve to say. lol

Little does he know that I'm a Babie....BABY! lol. I'm laughing at him because he's tells me I'm too respectful for that..lol

Babies are respectable....we just like to take control of our lives. We write our own ticket!

This is an ex that I broke up with over 2 years ago.
*Not my perfect daddie Lisa..lol (inside joke..lol..I know it's rude).  Maybe I have had more then 1 daddie. I'm not sure if I would count him as a daddie persay...
He paid my rent for over a year, paid all my bills, and bought me many  gifts and took really great care of me. I still have alot of clothes at his house. We dated the first time when we were 16 or 17 yrs. old and then got back together a few years back.

He lives in sunny M.I.A (he lived there when we got back the 2nd time but wanted to try to make our relationship work...so he moved to the midwest) not even a day after we broke up there he was back in M.I.A...lol.  Everytime he comes to the Midwest to visit he works on my car (wash, change fuel, put gas in it) and gives my a few bucks for my pocket. He's one of those guys that believes it ain't trickin' if you got it and I always need it..and He always has it.lol

Naw, lol...it's love there. He just needs to grow up a lot. He hates that I have an "Average Joe" type boyfriend, not rich and didn't grow up rich and doesn't want to be rich..he just content with his life and that pisses my ex boyfriend off.....my dad (biological) to...lol

So, if we were counting gifts and money spent on me then my ex has invested a pretty penny in my little ass..lol. So, he can be my first Sugar Daddie and my real S.D. could be my second.lol

"Local" negotiations wasn't a match with my desires...He wanted me to drive to him 5 days a week per month for $2500.00 (not including gas)....is he fuckin' crazy!  That would be damn near my half my allowance...spent on gas...

He said that he gave last S.B. $3000.00 but she was local. I think it was bullsh*t because
we live close enough that it wouldn't matter if I stayed in a different city. I can get there in a hr. and a half to 2 hrs. max.

So, then he suggested "Pay Per Play" what the hell! Is this "Pay Per Play" thing the new Recession Friendly way to get OOOCH? It's Annoying!  I'm not interested in him dropping a few coins everytime he gets an itch (ok, if you choose to do it and I'm NOT say I will never do it, I may change my mind)...I don't want to go shopping...I want to start a business...DAMN IT!

I'm thinking about it with Jimmy Johns only because he wants to break it down to me/explain and I need the money I have to go out of town next month and it's not going to be cheap.
So...we will see...but if Jimmy John sounds like B.S. also I will walk from him to.

I had 2 A.M. guys that I talked to, text, and emailed with for months and we could never see each other because me school schedule was bananas (My school semester is every 8 weeks..so in a traditional semester I've doubled the courses...I took 24 credits in 8 weeks...what the hell was I THINKING...I was burned out)!!! But he emailed me and
SO, one  of the guys from A.M. travels a lot and he got me a gift he says..I hope it's money...lol
Im just play (sort of...I just told u I need the damn money) I'm grateful for anything someone wants to give me. We will see. He doesn't come into town until March 10,11,12 then he leaves again..
He's 63 years old I didn't know that until he recently messaged me...lol..but I don't care he's a nice guy..

What's the oldest Daddie or POT. you've ever had?

Am I over reacting about the "Pay Per Play"?

Do you have an "Average Joe" boyfriend and your in the Sugar Bowl?


                          "Love doesn't pay the bills."
                                                     -Author Unknown


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