Monday, February 20, 2012

AHHHHHHHH! This is a big deal for me and I know a lot of people reading this won't get it....but I made 20 members (actually 21)
 This is huge for me and a major milestone in  my journey as a sugar babe 
our journey together. I have meet a lot of Felines that I consider my Sugary Friends and that is an awesome feeling! I hope to get to know each and everyone of you felines because we're in this together...whether your a kitten, a cub, a Lioness, or Lion (my male friends who follow me).
I hope that my friends keep growing and I am actually ya'll know I'm

I tried doing a blog before just about random things and it never lifted off the It was so boring that I forgot the name of it and stop reading it myelf....Ha Ha..sad I know..but I'm honest. lol

I celebrate when I had 1, 2, 5, 10 friends. I told my father when I was at 10 how excited I was. He was like what is the blog about (nun yours dad) I told him and he said what's the big deal,
 so I'll explain it to those who don't get it just as I explained it to him....

I don't do social media, I don't knock anyone who does but it's just not my thing...I'm not saying that I would never get into it...but since it's big boooom it's never been my cup of tea. Yes, my parents have facebook and tweeter (but I've always read blogs and commented my opinion) and everyone talks about me....yeah yeah..I

But, I like keeping a sense of mystery about myself.

So with those things people follow you because they know you, or becasue they know someone that knows you, or they want to get to know you, or they are  what I like to call "Facebook Stalking". But, with blogging it's about people enjoying reading what you say. It's a meeting of the minds. We learn from each other and grow from what we've learned (well at least the smart Felines who want to be the best S.B.they possibly can, does).

So having 20+ lol .................yes I gave myself a  (+ ) for my extra friend..... is absolutely amazing to me!!!!
I used to read many of your blogs and say to myself one day I'm going to start blogging about my life in the Sugar Bowl because I have some great stories and advice to share, (haven't even bit into the juice of my sugary adventures yet...) and just wouldn't act on it.

So felines you have helped me scratch off my Bucket List/ New Years Resolution (Whatever you want to call it) starting a Sugary Blog.

                Bucket List:
1. Take mandated course to open business (only have 2 more classes of this).
2. Start a Sugary Blog
3. Go zip-lining

Ha Ha, I have so many more things that I want to do and no where near done yet but I have check one thing off my

Thank you Felines for giving me the insipiration to want to blog and the knowledge to help keep me safe on this journey.

I never expected for anyone to actually read what I've written so YES, I am really happy and pumped!!!!...and if you don't get it or you think this is cheesy.....
* Remember this: No One Owes You Anything In Life!

I've always believed in counting my blessing before I recieve them, as they are given, and after I get them!

 So, once again THANK YOU!!!    :)

If there is anyone who is like how I used to be just reading and not writing there own blog...stop sitting on the sidelines and join in on the's really addictive.

Is anyone else addicted to blogging? Or is it just me?

Whoever said that women couldn't get along or be friends...hasn't meet a Sugar
                            ~ CaramellSeduction



  1. I was wondering where have you been!!! You kind of stop blogging a bit lately but glad you're back :) !
    When I first started I was really addicted to it too, lol, blogging like twice a day but took it down a notch.

    1. Thank you for missing me. I will give warning when I go M.I.A. next time...this way you'll know when or if to call the police. lol
      You know I'm
      It's good to know that I'm not the only
