Thursday, February 23, 2012


I went on 4-5 planned dates today. I was stood up by a POT.  I normally would ex a POT out of my Sugar Bowl for that but Felines 1. the wedding is next week  2. we have good chemistry and his allowance specifications are good plus he's been a daddy before and 3. I deserved to be stood!


I have never been stood up a day in my life, not in the Sugar Bowl nor in Real Life.
The reason I say that I deserve to be stood up is because last week I stood up 2 POTS. I got some type of  "24hr. Bug" on my last date and couldn't go on the other two dates I had planned after that :(
Now, they aren't responding to me...and I don't blame them.

I haven't been on here in a while. I haven't been posting on my own blog because I've been "Sugar Speed Dating" . I respond to others Felines while I'm in class listening to a
Way to many men in toooooo short of a time period. It helps that I meet them all on the same day in the same area away from my house but 2 sub. away from my B.F. (RISKY I KNOW)..... but I keep getting people mixed up...even with my spread sheet. I think I am feeling what they call..."The Sugar Burnout" (do anyone else call it this or is it just me? lol)

Between family obligations, school, sugar world, my boyfriend, volunteering, taking classes for my goal (continue ed. course and manadtory by state courses),exercising... I'm feeling the burn, legs hurting on my dates with these POTS., lying...I have never been the lying type...I suck (I have to practice lies b4 hand with my sister the "PRO", returning emails, remember to respond to emails to POTS., following up on g.voice text and calls, trying to remember time specifications on when I can call or text POTS...........and the list goes on forever.............................

It's all starting to wear me down!

These POTS. want way to much attention!! Some give up the gas and some don't. I think its' proper etiquette to bring something with you when you are coming to see someone. Right? Or is it just me?

I mean my B.F. never come over someones house without bring something, anything will do.

DAMN THESE POTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In my Homer Simpson, got to love

L.O.L, Why are these POTS. scheduling dates (1ST MEETINGS,now ) with me weeks and months in advance. I can barely remember what I have to do let alone 2-4 weeks or 2 months  from now...hahaha...
      You got to love 'em! Such professionals...

The POTS. that I'm really interested in come in March. Some in the beginning, a few in middle, and some at the end. I told them since I have to wait so long to see them that I want gifts...HAHA. They said ok....we'll see (eye roll)...I'll keep you posted.          :)

I'm with a POT. right now (with half opened eyes and makeup still on my face ) and he I.M.s me this
"POT:‎ if you were hear with me what would you do?"

I want to say IDK roll over and ask your wife and imagine its me!!!
but I can't say that because S.B. are supposed to be

Then as I told him goodnight I got an email from a POT. who I haven't seen yet (my fault not his..I stood him up) and only emailed a few times this email, and I quote:
"i am not upset with you, and i want to see you but i'm a bit perplexed why you won't chat with me on the phone first or at least give me your number to text. :("

SO, I give him my g.voice number and tell him to text me only. This is the email I just got.

"Babe why are u olaying games? I tried callin your phone and it said it was a google #. what are not telling me?"
He meant "playing" but I guess he was typing in such anger (eye roll)
So this is what I sent back:   "what r u talking about. I have a google number
i have no reason to lie to you...i dont even know u...just like u dont have to lie to me.
text me...ill respond and prove it to u :) "

So now he is texting me and asking me to call him and send him pictures....Didn't I give him my number and stated before hand that I wasn't talking on the phone,tonight? Why yes, yes I
I sent the picture. But then he wants to talk to me on the phone. Begging me to talk on the phone..only 2mins. he says.
Yeah right! So, I sent him a nice response via text :
"im going to bed. i am extremely tired. i just sent pic. if you want to meet tomorrow we can :) "
HIM: "Just 2 seconds"
ME:" not tonight exhuasted. ill be more then happy to talk tomorrow during the day :) havent i already proved enough tonight...haha"
No response...haha, I guess he punishing me for not talking to him.
But, what he doesn't get is that I don't know I don't care.
If, I hear back from him then I will be more then happy to meet with him but if not I wish him well on his search and Bid Him Adieu !
I mean I told him I was tired what more do you want from a person at that point?
Say goodnight and start fresh.
The other day he emailed me at 1:+ am asking can he come over or can I meet him....
Uhhhhhhhh No(like the show My Wife &! I don't know you. W.T.F.
This is exactly why I don't give out my number until I'm pulling up for our first date/ or lost (as I'm so often am...even if I pick the location)....I hope I don't have to block his ass...because I will with no problem and post his profile on my blog!!!!!    lol
I hate pushy men, there is nothing sexy about a pushy man! It comes across as way to emotional,controlling, CRAZY, stalkerish, and desperate!
Desperate isn't sexy for anyone....not women and damn sure not men. I like being around people who have control over themselves!
Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.
                ~Robert Orben
   (OMG,Im in love with this quote!!!)



  1. "sugar burnout" LOL wow girl... I could never imagine meeting more than 1 POT a day. I dont want to rush from one date to another because that way you cannot really get to know a SD and I dont like the hectic stress, either. Thats why I´d prefer to select a few to meet and take my time for it. But that´s only for me, it actually depends on what you expect and waht you want.

    take care, girl. btw, loving that quote, too! :-)


  2. I'm dealing with that right now. It's so much better to keep convos with pots via email instead of exchanging number if you haven't set a date to meet.
    They get pushy and annoying with texting. I learned the hard way.
