Monday, February 27, 2012


Please say a prayer for the families of this school :(

I try to keep my post strictly about the Sugar Bowl but sometimes the Real World needs a forum that you can speak out on also.  Today, In Chardon, Ohio an upper class suburab in the local high school a young man opened fire on a group of students in the cafateria. He was arrested. 4 injured 1death so far. This is a sad Monday.

Please take a moment of silence for those kids and their families :(

Please, be careful Babies when in the Sugar Bowl and Out of the Bowl. Although we're no longer in high school it is important to treat everyone with respect and not ostrasize anyone. Bulling first off isn't sex. I try my best to try to make everyone feel welcome who ever they maybe my presence or out....I'm no "Mother Teressa" but somethings just seem like a no brainer to me.
Be good to people..go against the a leader not a follower...don't be weak and stand by and watch wrong being done to others!

I'm not certain to why the boy opened fire on the school...I'm sure more developments will unfold throughout the week.

This relates to the Sugar Bowl because we deal with emotions in this game. We have to deal with a Daddies emotional attachment to us and we also have to deal with our emotional attachment to our Daddies. I read many Sugary Blogs and Babies fall hard....I been their.
Try to talk to your Daddie about your goals and expiration dates. How will you guys handle the break up. I know talking about how your going to break up doesn't sound sexy but I think it allows for a smooth exit. With my former S.D. he continued to give me my allowance for up to 3 months..we agreed on 6 months..but I cut it short because he thought that all my Sugar would be included with this allowance. I will admit the 1st month it was hard to let go of him...we continued to conduct ourselves with our usual Sugary Activites...but then I couldn't take his emotional rollercoaster not 1 more day and the allowance wasn't worth it anymore!

There were days that I had nightmares about him flipping out on me. He was so involved. We are now "friends."
But, that could have  been something that you see on the news.

Things escalade so minute it can be a conversation about moving on and then the next your arguing about how you are sick of each other.

Felines please try to keep your emotions in check... I'm not trying to be anyone's
I just don't want to hear about a baby off of S.A./  or anyother site on the news

Can you imagine how the news would sell the whole Sugar Babie thing? Lets be honest everyone one doesn't understand what it means to be a Sugar Babie...I guareente that it wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Would they even focus on who you are as a person or would it be the fact that your on A.M., a sight for married men and women...or S.A. looking for a gentlemen to spoil you?

So, try to take all precautions.
So for getting so dark...but something like this makes you think of how quickly or how things can build up.

People are crazy...period
~ Caramell Seduction


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