Sunday, February 5, 2012


                                           PAY PER PLAY  


 Jimmy John wants to do I guess "Pay Per Play" I've never done this type of arrangement before and I not quite sure how I feel about it. I would rather have a regular allowance that I can semi depend on v.s. something so irregular as a "Pay Per Play."

Have you felines ever "Pay Per Play?"    How does that work?

This part pisses me off when you talk to a Daddie and tell them on conversation number one, that you want a monthly allowance and they hit you with something like this.

But, it's a part of the game.

Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.
                       -Billy Crystal



  1. My SD and I did P4P for awhile. I was a young girl in college in the sugar world, didn't even know such thing as an allowance existed lol. I was lucky he wasn't a jerk and eventually it lead into an allowance.
    I personally wouldn't do P4P, I'm used to the idea of depending on an allowance. But if you're not seeing him often and it's only once or twice a month, then I wouldn't mind entertaining the idea.
    But if you told him you wanted an allowance and he's introducing P4P, it's really up to you.

  2. Thank you for the advice and the insight. Im going to renegotiate with him how many times a month he plans on seeing me. Like you said if its only a few times a month then I'll consider it with the addition of it eventually turning into a monthly arrangement.

    Thank you :)

