Wednesday, February 29, 2012



I am so sick of going on these fuckin' dates with major players in the life arena. They are so fuckin' cheap! I went on a date tonight with a V.P. of a huge well known company. We had a fuckin' ball...aren't ya'll tired of hearing me have a ball with these fuckin' Pots...with no return on my investment? Well, me fuckin' 2!

He took me to a resturant that I've never been to before..I tried food I've never ate before, heard about the beautiful kids and listen to him bitch about the wife...How she shops and shops and spend and spend.

We discuss the allowance again and I tell him $2500 a month. For him to say that he will think about it because he doesn't know...because he's never been a S.D. before.

ARE YOU FUCKIN'  FOR REAL???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is a Vice President Of a company that we all know and love.....Boy I wish I could tell ya'll the name because then you would say just like me $2500 isn't shit to piss this shit out for breakfast!

Plus, I'm pissed because he promised me a small allowance after telling him about gas and how I don't think these men are serious.


So I wasted my premium gas to drive all the way on the other side of town to get an I'll think about it and get back to you!

We talked about fuckin' Tanker Truck before hand and how that was a complete waste of my time...and he said he wouldn't do the same....BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!!


It just pisses me off that.. I will be your escape from your drab life and you think that your wife deserves the royal treatment...
when you say she's fat and out of shape, dresses poorly, doesn't give a fuck about herself anymore...

it cost to look this damn good and it damn sure cost to fuck this juicy sorry T.M.I

I'm starting to feel like I made a mistake by leaving my original S.D.
I would hate to have to go back with my tail in between my legs :(

Tell me Felines is the allowance I request to much?

Is there something you say  or do to seal the deal?

That was my starter allowance with my last POT. + GIFTS+TRIPS+GREAT SEX+ANYTHING I WANTED.......

I don't need a self-esteem boost. I don't go on these dates to hear how beautiful I am, How smart I am, How mature I am, How classy I am....yeah yeah blah blah blah....

Thank you but compliments don't pay bills.

I know I am all those thing....and because I am all those things I am a catch in the Bowl and out of it!


Damn is that so hard.. If your not a Daddie don't respond to a Sugar Babies ad.

Thanks for listening to me vent...I really needed to :)

I have 2 more dates tomorrow 1 guy from the S.A. sight with allowance specification on his profile of $5-10k....We will see. Cross your fingers he seems nice.

Another Pot who is cheap A.M. of course (he didnt offer me any gas when I bitched about it ) and I don't know why I'm going to meet with him....
He claims he has a gift for me...
            sure don't they all (eye

 This SUGAR BOWL isn't for the faint at heart. It takes alot of time,money, and hard work.
                      ~Caramell Seduction


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012


I'm not trying to sound ungrafteful by any means....but I'm starting to get sick of eating at
If you Felines knew me in real life I am known for being extremely greedy and thanks to GOD and my good genes I gain no weight :)
I think if I look at one more steakhouse I'm going to go nuts! I don't eat seafood
I'm such a picky eater :)

But, seriously...there has to be other places to meet POTS.  This is an area where I always seem to have problems with...Where to meet POTS.....

I know you ladies are thinking I go on way to many dates to still not have this figured out, if your not thinking it..I'm thinking it for you!!

I am an over thinker..sometimes this can work in my favor and sometimes this can work against me.....

In the summer it's easy because I meet POTS. in this little cute Mayberry-Modernized looking city that has waterfalls and tons of high end shopping,parks,resturants.... it's absolutely amazing there. A guy in the R.L. introduced me to it a long time ago (the least he could do with all the drama he caused and it's been my stomping grounds ever since...I would love to own a house there one day.

But in my beautiful 4 season state it's hard to find good places to meet without running into people I know. I know a lot of people and my parents know a lot of people. Remember being a Sugar Babie discretion is the name of the game and it wouldn't be to attractive to a POT. if everyone knew me by name if they saw

So Felines tell me where you meet POTS.?

I'll name a few places I've been
1. Hyde Park
2. Red Steakhouse
3. The Mayberry looking city
4. Parking lots (I know)
5. Ritz Carlton
6. Hotel Lobby
7. Hotel Resturants
8. Ice cream place
9. The mall
10. Outside of the coffee shop (I hate the smell of I know)

Do you Felines hae any suggestions...I know it would be hard because you don't know where I live but if you give me random ideas I should be able to build from there.

A girl has to have options
~Aurthor Unknown



Please say a prayer for the families of this school :(

I try to keep my post strictly about the Sugar Bowl but sometimes the Real World needs a forum that you can speak out on also.  Today, In Chardon, Ohio an upper class suburab in the local high school a young man opened fire on a group of students in the cafateria. He was arrested. 4 injured 1death so far. This is a sad Monday.

Please take a moment of silence for those kids and their families :(

Please, be careful Babies when in the Sugar Bowl and Out of the Bowl. Although we're no longer in high school it is important to treat everyone with respect and not ostrasize anyone. Bulling first off isn't sex. I try my best to try to make everyone feel welcome who ever they maybe my presence or out....I'm no "Mother Teressa" but somethings just seem like a no brainer to me.
Be good to people..go against the a leader not a follower...don't be weak and stand by and watch wrong being done to others!

I'm not certain to why the boy opened fire on the school...I'm sure more developments will unfold throughout the week.

This relates to the Sugar Bowl because we deal with emotions in this game. We have to deal with a Daddies emotional attachment to us and we also have to deal with our emotional attachment to our Daddies. I read many Sugary Blogs and Babies fall hard....I been their.
Try to talk to your Daddie about your goals and expiration dates. How will you guys handle the break up. I know talking about how your going to break up doesn't sound sexy but I think it allows for a smooth exit. With my former S.D. he continued to give me my allowance for up to 3 months..we agreed on 6 months..but I cut it short because he thought that all my Sugar would be included with this allowance. I will admit the 1st month it was hard to let go of him...we continued to conduct ourselves with our usual Sugary Activites...but then I couldn't take his emotional rollercoaster not 1 more day and the allowance wasn't worth it anymore!

There were days that I had nightmares about him flipping out on me. He was so involved. We are now "friends."
But, that could have  been something that you see on the news.

Things escalade so minute it can be a conversation about moving on and then the next your arguing about how you are sick of each other.

Felines please try to keep your emotions in check... I'm not trying to be anyone's
I just don't want to hear about a baby off of S.A./  or anyother site on the news

Can you imagine how the news would sell the whole Sugar Babie thing? Lets be honest everyone one doesn't understand what it means to be a Sugar Babie...I guareente that it wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Would they even focus on who you are as a person or would it be the fact that your on A.M., a sight for married men and women...or S.A. looking for a gentlemen to spoil you?

So, try to take all precautions.
So for getting so dark...but something like this makes you think of how quickly or how things can build up.

People are crazy...period
~ Caramell Seduction



So, as a few of you Felines know...I met my former S.D. by free-styling. I wasn't looking for a S.D....I didn't even know about this world...but he was looking for a Babie, and so our 2 1/2 year Sugary Relationship began :)

 My youngest sister boss has the sexiest voice ever. My sister tells me that he doesn't look like his voice...haha. But as you Felines know I don't care about looks. I have been trying to land this man for about 3 years now. We have never saw each My sister and I are completely night and day...I'm sweet, lovable, and get along with sister on the other hand....well let just say she is the COMPLETE opposite of me. lol
He was married when I first started flirting with he's divorced. He told my sister that he isn't interested in a serious relationship and sex is whats on his mind...I told her to tell him "Money is on mine" lol
So, come to find out my sister has been telling him that we look just a like and act a like... WHAT! That is the farthest thing from the truth..S.M.H.
Once she told him the truth and should him a picture (I didn't care for the picture)  of me..he won't stop bothering her and asked for my number. So, I tell my daddy (biological not sugary) and he say he thinks it's a bad idea because he doesn't want it to effect my sister's job and that most men can't separate their personal life from their professional lives.
After discussing this with my sister she told me that he is a very mood man and when he was going through problems with his former wife he would take it out on the staff :(                DAMN IT!!!!
O.M.G....after all this plotting to get to this man and now I have to turn it down.  But, I'll keep him in my left  He already told her that he would spoil me to death and I wouldn't have to want for

DAMN.....DAMN.....DAMN....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In my Martin Lawrence

Next, My local beauty supply store. So, I haven't been in the beauty supply store in sometime now. I went in to get some extra glossy clear lip gloss ($0.99 keeps lip way shiner then the expensive bards and less sticky) and there he was. The owner of the store is in love with  me. SO he He has told ever client that comes to the salon I work at. I just ignore him because he sells everything I need and you can't mess up with your hair He walks outside and says "who's nice car is that?"...I ignored him. He comes up to me and ask me is that my car...I said yes. He ask "can we switch?", I told him "I don't care I know where he works but keep in mind that I need some brakes. "I told him I would bring the car back because I was on my way to go on a date (sugary). I ask him what type of car he has and he tells me a Toyota Camry. I told him O.k. we can switch. We switch keys...We have the same key. I said this is no Camry key. He told me take a look at the car and see if I like it. I go outside and he has a fully loaded BIG BODY with costume everything (I have no BIG BODY)....
I come back in and told him when I grow up I want to drive one of those one day. All the women in the store laughed at me. He said "why do you have to wait until you grow can have that one"...(eye roll). So everyone in the store is waiting to hear my reply. So I said "yeah, thanks it's much better when you buy it yourself don't you think?" and walk out the store.   The worker in the store said "she was thinking girl switch keys with that man...he never lets anyone drive his car."

Now, that was me with money talking...that's how I used to act. No..No..I don't want your money I have my
 Post recession me   LOL: Ya'll Felines know I will be up there this week...HAHA
He keeps asking what can he do to prove to me he likes me and he's serious....
I have something in mind... How about Keeping Me Daddie! lol
I'm going to start him out slow... I'm going to tell him if he wants me he needs to start courting me. Me still having to pay for products and supplies...isn't sexy. That isn't getting my attention at all. 
Also, I like discretion...I enjoy men who knows how to shit the fuck up! I think more men could get more pu$$y if they kept their mouths closed.  I don't need the whole world knowing that he's my POT. or S.D. 

So, we'll see my mother and older customers have been trying to tell me to date him for years now and I tell them no...
Now, I'm in a much different place now in my life (broke) and he's starting to look yummy to me...haha

Just keep it real Ya'll know I'm crazy :)

So, I will keep you ladies posted on my Potential POTS 
I know that Pots. stands for potential...but these are Potentials to be

Always leave that door open you never know when you'll have to go through it.
 ~Caramell Seduction


Saturday, February 25, 2012



I went on a quick lunch date with Mr. Tanker Truck. I told you guys about him before..I met him a while back on A.M...we had great chemistry but I stop talking to him because my P.C. caught a virus from one of my shady POTS. ....not him.
So, we went to a chain resturant. I didnt mind because my B.F. was getting off soon and it was on my way to his house (3 exits away). We laughed and ate an extremely quick meal. I gave him my spill about being a broke college hE GAVE ME $60.00 for gas. It was appreciated. He said he wasn't comfortable with paying for my I suggested that he put the money on my reloadable gift card, or to load up a money pack and I'lll load it up on my card...he agreed that that felt better to him He emailed me that he really enjoyed our date and would love to go foward. He said that we should go on another date and then maybe get a hotel...
OKKKKAY I said and was ready to roll.


I had a great day. It did't start off that way it sucked but got good and then aggrivating (read last post). I went on a 2nd date with Tanker Truck. We met and had lunch. I was late again W.T.F (It was a cop on the highway and everyone in front of me was going 2 mph) but only by 5 mins. When I got there he was already NICE! lol Who does that?
We have the best time in the world. He always has tears coming down my eyes. I laugh so loud with him and it's because he's not trying to be anyone but hisself...and you got to love that. Right?

We had the whole resturant looking at us. It was soooooo fun. We talked so long 3 hrs. I think. He forgot that he had to take his car to the mechanic in his town by 3pm, he lives at least a hr. away...
Poor Guy ...haha

So we didn't get a chance to finish our conversation about my allowance. He told me to take my time to think about it. I told him that I knew what I wanted and that I  liked genuinely him and I wasn't meeting him and laughing my ass off for nothing, I was being sincer.

But then we got off subject  for only  2 seconds...he looks at his phone and said "Awwww Shit! I got to go!"
...and ran out of there like

But, he sent me text messages saying that he really enjoyed our date and look forward to seeing me.
I was hoping that he would have had the allowance with him on this date and we could have got the ball rolling...that's what happens when you meet off of A.M. (eye roll)

He kept saying that he hoped that he could keep up with my allowance requirements. Whatever.
He's in sales...and has been for over 20+ years...Don't try to use those sells tactics on

I told him I'm sure you'll do just fine and we'll be just
He laughed because he likes honest people.

So as I stated before we had a ball on those two dates. I really enjoyed being with him. So I check my G.VOICE and he left text message stating that he enjoyed hisself...he then left me an email saying the samething. The next day this is the email that he sent me...
Don't you Felines love reading my

Hi Baby,

I tried to call and talk with you yesterday after we met and left a msg... is your #***-***-****? Your not getting my text's either. I thoroughly enjoy you. I appoligize for having to take off so quick, but time fly's when we are together ( good sign, but sucks when time is limited). I need to know what type of "help" is needed on your monthly budget. Yes, I want to move forward now, but how you respond will say weather I can go forward.

I hope you understand, as I have another involved in certain aspects of my world.


Tanker Truck

 I would like a monthly allowance of $2500.


I'm sorry...I can't move on that. If you like to have lunch sometime give me a call...I think your a special young lady.

 Tanker Truck

what did you have in mind?
Tanker Truck:
I'm reluctant to say as we were MILES apart. I'm no veteren of this SD world by no means, but I'm not that far up the food chain, and someone who is... would maybe not flinch. I have done the escort thing two times and you are way above that market place. Your an awesome young lady who is fun to be with, and I'm blessed to have met you, as you truly make the world a better place, and will go very far in life.

I would still like to know. I'm not an no means and I take personal offense to you saying so. I'm don't need to know market price since I'm not in that field. Hving a sugar relationship is completely different then an escort relationship. WOW! I didnt see this coming.
Tanker Truck:
I'm sorry you took it that way. You made it clear from the beginning you were after an SD (i.e. wanting a two way sugar blvd). As I stated that... yes , I was open to that, and I'm looking for that one special girl that I can treat well and enjoy a few times a month of pleasure, friendship, and to grow that however it may. Maybe my reference of an escort was inappropriate, but I was caught WAY off gaurd by your figure. It certainly was not intended to offend you, and for that I appolligize whole heartedly. In all honesty...I'm very attracted to you already on more than a physical side, and that is what I want. Please dont hate due to my poor choice of wording.
Now, here is the thing. I discussed with him upfront about what I want for my 1, he agreed. When we lost touchand  he  reached out to me I retated my allowance and he agreed again. Before our 2nd date I stated my allowance and that's why he said in the email that he hope he can keep up with my allowance.
This M.Fucker pissed me off. I have nothing against escorts. I'm members on some of their blogs. Escorts even state that there is a difference between S.B. and Escorts.
He said that he wouldn't feel right paying for sex but he tells me he had 2 escorts before and Im over market price.
I never responded. Even if he could come up with the $$$$ he broke the chemistry. I never need money that fuckin' bad. Fuckin' POTS from A.M.
So I went right back to my direct approach. If you want to even chat with me you need to tell if you can afford my allowance. What I'm going to adapt to my approach is before I leave out the house for my 1st date I'm going to ask do we agree on my allowance of $2500.
If the POT agrees on the allowance then I will go and see him but if not then there is no reason for us to communicate any farther.
I'm over the "Time Wasters, The Bullshitters, The Picture Collectors, The Gas Wasters, The emailer and Texters, The we'll meet adventually, and The You Can Get Caught On A Date By Your Boyfriend Risk"
I'm not giving up by all means! I'm just going to fat out the fat. What is the "fat" all that I just listed above! haha
This is the other reason why I had a fucked up day Friday! 


   ~Caramell Seduction


My Boyfriend And The Sugar

But my boyfriend chocolate is darker...yummmmy :)

I'll Post pictures and quotes later..Im on my netbook and its aggravating. Im over my B.F. house. I need my PC. I just wanted to get all my weekend thoughts out of my head...

Sorry Felines that my usual quality isnt used in this post:(
Will fix later

I went over my boyfriends house on Thurday after seeing a POT.  I really needed a great RECing session (long hard sex).
I told my boyfriend that I went on an
He told me that I look like I went on more like a date then an interview. Then he asked me out of no where "have I been dating?"

I asked him "No,why would you say such a thing?" lol

I dont wear makeup...and I had on make up.  I had on a tight fitted sweater dress with fashion
So I told him that I went to interview to be a hostest at a high end

My boyfriend has never had a girlfriend that looks anything like me...shit or act anything like
Not to sound so full of myself but I've seen pictures of his ex's....not even on the cute list (Im not a hater I am quick to say when someone's cute). So sometimes he comes across sounding very insecure or  jealous. He always ask me why do I have to get so dressed up to go to the store. Im not getting dressed up. I take pride in myself.
Plus, when I put on makeup he doesnt even look at me. I know I be lookin good when I have it on...His response to me wearing makeup is that I have natural beauty and I dont need it.
I know its sweet and I actually agree with him on that lol.
I only wear mascara and a little nutural skin tone eyeshadow and clear lip gloss...not foundation,no press powder, or any of those other things (I dont know all the

It just get aggravating after a while.

 Im often wonder how it will flow once I have another S.D. with this B.F. of mine. I have a free schedule during the day (minus school)  throughout the week. But on weekends Im with him. He knows me so well. I mean how the hell did he know I went on a date?

He knows that I date older men because I was with an older man when I met
But, I think that if he or someone else sees me on a date I will tell him that Im looking for investors for my business.

I hate lying and as I stated in previous post Im not good at it. So, I try to play out ever scenerio in my head before it plays out so that it will flow out my mouth without me stuttering or me saying huh what you
That's my tell...Im not sure if he knows that

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
~ Caramell Seduction


Friday, February 24, 2012


Quick date went well. I had a great conversation with him. He seems to be a nice guy. He's on both A.M. as well as S.A.  He has a S.B. but he isn't happy with her.

So this post is for Felines. Felines get you shit together! If you don't want to be a Real S.B. then move the fuck out the way for the Real Babies. I'm hearing way to many complaints from S.D.s and POTS. saying that their Babies aren't delivering and they don't know why they would even want another S.B.

I'm a good sells person but damn...why should I have to sell myself so fuckin' hard because of Fake Ass S.B.
This is how it works...
1.You meet a POT. either organicly (in person) or online.
2. You and the POT. chat for a while via email, text, phone....
3. You meet you go on date.
4. You discuss what it is you want in this mutually beneifical relationship.
5. you agree upon it
6. You start your relationship

So, if you agree to meet once ever week in a month...then that's what you do! Shit comes up but try to make that up by doubling up on a week (ex. this week I'm with him 2xs instead of our usual once a week).

This praticular POT. gave her credit cards, paId her bills, bought her gits, took her on trips...
everything that you would want a S.D.( in short time period 4mths.... ) to do but now...he's on the fence becasue she would rather go out with her friends...Giving his money to her boyfriend.

I normally promote Sugarly love and togetherness...and this is no different. This is tough love.

I'm not really understanding this. This is why S.D. and POTS. want to do that Pay 4 Play shit. Because babies aren't keeping the mutual in the benefical relationship.

He was counseloring her on her relationship with her boyfriend. That's not his job! A S.D. should feel happy overload. He should be happy when he sees you. The thought of you should give your S.D. diabetes. NO DISRESPECT!

This is just unbelievable to me. The perks this S.B. is getting...... it's like grow up girl and see the Sugary Blessings. Now, he's back on A.M. prawling for a new Babie. What are you going to do when your sugary Piggy Bank Runs Out?
If this applies to you then use it as a wake up call. A S.D. will replace you just like his temporarly replacing his wife when he's with you.
There are new babies coming everyday that are a full package. Brains, Body,Personality,Super B.J.s, and Great in bed.

With my previous post earlier that baby broke major rules. This is the 3rd story I've heard from POTS. about babies not knowing the boundries that are there for S.B.

Felines if you can't handle dating married men then don't! It's that one is forcing you to date someone else's husband!

I have a R.L. rule I don't date Married Men in Real Life. Why YOU SAY?  What's the difference since I do it in the Sugar Bowl?
Because I can't handle it. I have to be #1 in real relationships but in the Sugar Bowl it's a fantasy world. I know my role..he doesn't belong to me...he is borrowed and I will always return him.

I know that sometimes the lines can be a bit blurry. Believe me I was there before. We're inlove. He wants to leave his family for me. He would be the perfect husband for
No he won't he's already someone else husband. That tye of love isn't built on anything solid!
Everyone's situation is different....I'm telling you what mines was.
I didn't have to blink if I didn't want to because he did it for me! Damn good man. His S.B. before me showed up at his job, his house, kids sporting events....WHAT!

She only had him for 6 mths. I had him for 2 1/2 years! Why? Becasue I know how to play the game!
Learn it!

But it is impairitive to know who you are in this type of relationship! You will loose yourself and be hurt alot...if you don't listen to this post.

Don't show up at their house! Don't mess with their wives and families! Why would you want to hurt his wife? His kids? What did they do to you? Because you didn't get your way! That's childish and extremely immuture! Grow up or get out the Bowl!

Can you imagine what someone could and would do to you for tearing apart their lives! This is their families. This man could snap and kill you or ruin your future....I pray that doen't happen to anyone...but it could. Watch the news.

 You don't do that! That's a Sugary NO..NO!

I believe in Karma and your day will come for shit like that. That is destroying a family. Becasue you didn't get a trip or a purse.


Not only is that not right but it also messes up the game for other Babies...
I know some are reading this saying every Babie for Yeah, I read your mind..haha
But that's not true.

Being a Babie is about liberation. Think about why your a Babie. Normal life statistics and boundries don't apply to us in this world. We live the lives that normal people DREAM of.

You end up fuckin' yourself because you never know who knows who...
Men talk more then women. Know that for a fact!

It just take one S.D. telling his buddie he should try being a S.D. but make sure you do Pay 4 Play because I got screwed by my last Babie.

Can't you see that conversation? I can. So when you say fuck the next Babie...I'm getting mine...What your really saying is fuck yourself...
Because this is a small Bowl we all are Playing in.


If your a Kitten and don't know any better...just learn from your mistakes..but if fuckin' over Daddies is what you do....then that sad to me :(

****Treat others how you want to be treated! Not in the Sugar Bowl but in Life!

How would you feel if your giving up your time and Pussy (yeah I said pussy because this is tough love) and he doesn't pay you your allowance. Do you fill used? Do you want to quit the Bowl? Do you not see the perks or benefits of being a Babie? Think about that..I mean really think.

Well that's how your S.D. feels!

Long story short love yourself.
Love who you are. Take the time to think about why you want to be a baby. Set a goal for the Bowl and out of the Bowl. Treat people good and don't use them or take advantage of them. Get a love interest outside the Bowl...I know that others don't all agree upon this rule of mine. I say get somene out of the Bowl because the Bowl isn't real. Yeah, there are "Pretty Women" stories were Babies have married their Daddies but don't come into this game looking for love. If you have someone for yourself, you won't get caught up in this world. I won't see you on the news. You will have someone to spend holidays with you...not mistress day. You will have someone to talk to when you want and need to..not someone who can't talk after a certain hours.

So, I hope this help a Babie out there who is lost, have lost there way off their goal, who hasn't thought about a goal, who's thinking about doing something stupid,.....

Feel free to contact me...I'm here! But Doing SUGARY NO..NOs are unexceptable after reading this post!

That's my quote today.


Today Has Been..... So Far Fucked Up!!


How about this shit. One of the POTS. that has experience, who lives out of state, who travels to my state....sends me an email telling me he's getting back with his ex s.b.
After all the emails and fuckin counseling....WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!
I won't give detail as to the reason why they stopped talking but it was a good fuckin reason...and it was the S.B. fault. Im happy that she's getting a chance with him but I wish they would have figured this shit out before contacting me.
I am beyound pissed.
Im on my way to meet a POT. now. I just want to sleep all weekend but I can't...
I hope my B.F. doesn't piss me off this weekend, Im not in the mood!!!!!!! lol

This is the email he sent me. I hope that this S.B. isn't any of my Felines...I would hate to play in someones "litter box"
But then again I hope it is one of my S.B. because according to him...she has it made.
Im not a you go girl! Get that money.

I took out their names.
Don't you guys love reading my

This is the bullshit he sent me:

I guess I have bad news for you but good news for me!!!
Former S.B flew to Monterey for this weekend and begged me to take her back
Former S.B. and I are going to try again. .she knows she screwed up and has begged for another chance
We are going to middle east and Europe for a month to patch things up in march. .she is going with me on my middle eastern and European buyers trip.
She has two modeling jobs as well in Israel/ turkey . .so we will see if we can get past ..the past…….. and get back to our zone…I must admit she was good for me and vice versa
She knows now. .it is not love and will never be.. and she says she can accept that.
My fault for being so giving. .I will learn not to be….so generous
Good luck in your search… stay in touch if you wish


But wait it gets better Fuckin' Tanker Truck..I'll write a post about his ass later ...

                              NO QUOTE TODAY :)


Thursday, February 23, 2012


I went on 4-5 planned dates today. I was stood up by a POT.  I normally would ex a POT out of my Sugar Bowl for that but Felines 1. the wedding is next week  2. we have good chemistry and his allowance specifications are good plus he's been a daddy before and 3. I deserved to be stood!


I have never been stood up a day in my life, not in the Sugar Bowl nor in Real Life.
The reason I say that I deserve to be stood up is because last week I stood up 2 POTS. I got some type of  "24hr. Bug" on my last date and couldn't go on the other two dates I had planned after that :(
Now, they aren't responding to me...and I don't blame them.

I haven't been on here in a while. I haven't been posting on my own blog because I've been "Sugar Speed Dating" . I respond to others Felines while I'm in class listening to a
Way to many men in toooooo short of a time period. It helps that I meet them all on the same day in the same area away from my house but 2 sub. away from my B.F. (RISKY I KNOW)..... but I keep getting people mixed up...even with my spread sheet. I think I am feeling what they call..."The Sugar Burnout" (do anyone else call it this or is it just me? lol)

Between family obligations, school, sugar world, my boyfriend, volunteering, taking classes for my goal (continue ed. course and manadtory by state courses),exercising... I'm feeling the burn, legs hurting on my dates with these POTS., lying...I have never been the lying type...I suck (I have to practice lies b4 hand with my sister the "PRO", returning emails, remember to respond to emails to POTS., following up on g.voice text and calls, trying to remember time specifications on when I can call or text POTS...........and the list goes on forever.............................

It's all starting to wear me down!

These POTS. want way to much attention!! Some give up the gas and some don't. I think its' proper etiquette to bring something with you when you are coming to see someone. Right? Or is it just me?

I mean my B.F. never come over someones house without bring something, anything will do.

DAMN THESE POTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In my Homer Simpson, got to love

L.O.L, Why are these POTS. scheduling dates (1ST MEETINGS,now ) with me weeks and months in advance. I can barely remember what I have to do let alone 2-4 weeks or 2 months  from now...hahaha...
      You got to love 'em! Such professionals...

The POTS. that I'm really interested in come in March. Some in the beginning, a few in middle, and some at the end. I told them since I have to wait so long to see them that I want gifts...HAHA. They said ok....we'll see (eye roll)...I'll keep you posted.          :)

I'm with a POT. right now (with half opened eyes and makeup still on my face ) and he I.M.s me this
"POT:‎ if you were hear with me what would you do?"

I want to say IDK roll over and ask your wife and imagine its me!!!
but I can't say that because S.B. are supposed to be

Then as I told him goodnight I got an email from a POT. who I haven't seen yet (my fault not his..I stood him up) and only emailed a few times this email, and I quote:
"i am not upset with you, and i want to see you but i'm a bit perplexed why you won't chat with me on the phone first or at least give me your number to text. :("

SO, I give him my g.voice number and tell him to text me only. This is the email I just got.

"Babe why are u olaying games? I tried callin your phone and it said it was a google #. what are not telling me?"
He meant "playing" but I guess he was typing in such anger (eye roll)
So this is what I sent back:   "what r u talking about. I have a google number
i have no reason to lie to you...i dont even know u...just like u dont have to lie to me.
text me...ill respond and prove it to u :) "

So now he is texting me and asking me to call him and send him pictures....Didn't I give him my number and stated before hand that I wasn't talking on the phone,tonight? Why yes, yes I
I sent the picture. But then he wants to talk to me on the phone. Begging me to talk on the phone..only 2mins. he says.
Yeah right! So, I sent him a nice response via text :
"im going to bed. i am extremely tired. i just sent pic. if you want to meet tomorrow we can :) "
HIM: "Just 2 seconds"
ME:" not tonight exhuasted. ill be more then happy to talk tomorrow during the day :) havent i already proved enough tonight...haha"
No response...haha, I guess he punishing me for not talking to him.
But, what he doesn't get is that I don't know I don't care.
If, I hear back from him then I will be more then happy to meet with him but if not I wish him well on his search and Bid Him Adieu !
I mean I told him I was tired what more do you want from a person at that point?
Say goodnight and start fresh.
The other day he emailed me at 1:+ am asking can he come over or can I meet him....
Uhhhhhhhh No(like the show My Wife &! I don't know you. W.T.F.
This is exactly why I don't give out my number until I'm pulling up for our first date/ or lost (as I'm so often am...even if I pick the location)....I hope I don't have to block his ass...because I will with no problem and post his profile on my blog!!!!!    lol
I hate pushy men, there is nothing sexy about a pushy man! It comes across as way to emotional,controlling, CRAZY, stalkerish, and desperate!
Desperate isn't sexy for anyone....not women and damn sure not men. I like being around people who have control over themselves!
Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work.
                ~Robert Orben
   (OMG,Im in love with this quote!!!)


Monday, February 20, 2012

AHHHHHHHH! This is a big deal for me and I know a lot of people reading this won't get it....but I made 20 members (actually 21)
 This is huge for me and a major milestone in  my journey as a sugar babe 
our journey together. I have meet a lot of Felines that I consider my Sugary Friends and that is an awesome feeling! I hope to get to know each and everyone of you felines because we're in this together...whether your a kitten, a cub, a Lioness, or Lion (my male friends who follow me).
I hope that my friends keep growing and I am actually ya'll know I'm

I tried doing a blog before just about random things and it never lifted off the It was so boring that I forgot the name of it and stop reading it myelf....Ha Ha..sad I know..but I'm honest. lol

I celebrate when I had 1, 2, 5, 10 friends. I told my father when I was at 10 how excited I was. He was like what is the blog about (nun yours dad) I told him and he said what's the big deal,
 so I'll explain it to those who don't get it just as I explained it to him....

I don't do social media, I don't knock anyone who does but it's just not my thing...I'm not saying that I would never get into it...but since it's big boooom it's never been my cup of tea. Yes, my parents have facebook and tweeter (but I've always read blogs and commented my opinion) and everyone talks about me....yeah yeah..I

But, I like keeping a sense of mystery about myself.

So with those things people follow you because they know you, or becasue they know someone that knows you, or they want to get to know you, or they are  what I like to call "Facebook Stalking". But, with blogging it's about people enjoying reading what you say. It's a meeting of the minds. We learn from each other and grow from what we've learned (well at least the smart Felines who want to be the best S.B.they possibly can, does).

So having 20+ lol .................yes I gave myself a  (+ ) for my extra friend..... is absolutely amazing to me!!!!
I used to read many of your blogs and say to myself one day I'm going to start blogging about my life in the Sugar Bowl because I have some great stories and advice to share, (haven't even bit into the juice of my sugary adventures yet...) and just wouldn't act on it.

So felines you have helped me scratch off my Bucket List/ New Years Resolution (Whatever you want to call it) starting a Sugary Blog.

                Bucket List:
1. Take mandated course to open business (only have 2 more classes of this).
2. Start a Sugary Blog
3. Go zip-lining

Ha Ha, I have so many more things that I want to do and no where near done yet but I have check one thing off my

Thank you Felines for giving me the insipiration to want to blog and the knowledge to help keep me safe on this journey.

I never expected for anyone to actually read what I've written so YES, I am really happy and pumped!!!!...and if you don't get it or you think this is cheesy.....
* Remember this: No One Owes You Anything In Life!

I've always believed in counting my blessing before I recieve them, as they are given, and after I get them!

 So, once again THANK YOU!!!    :)

If there is anyone who is like how I used to be just reading and not writing there own blog...stop sitting on the sidelines and join in on the's really addictive.

Is anyone else addicted to blogging? Or is it just me?

Whoever said that women couldn't get along or be friends...hasn't meet a Sugar
                            ~ CaramellSeduction


Tuesday, February 14, 2012



                                       HAPPPY V-DAY FELINES!!!!

So, I've been revamping all my profiles on the different sights I'm on and A.M. is jumping. We all know how I feel about A.M. but I'll try to remain positive but it's hard when things like this happens. So, I am very cautious about giving out my sugary email because a POT. I was chatting with for mths. gave my P.C. a virus...yes a freakin' virus!  All Felines know how important a computer is when your in college and I take online courses in addition to ground courses.

So, I was up late again and this guy on A.M.  messaged me. Eyes tired I sent him my email and went to bed. He sent me a nice email saying thank you for trusting him with something so valuable as my email address (I didnt tell him about the virus, so I was a lil' relieved that he knew how important it was). So, he said that he wanted me to wake up to some nice pictures of him and they were nude. it just me or does other babies fell that is so rude!!  Don't send me shots of your dick! lol
I'm trying to get to know know YOU as a person, not just your dick.
Men find this to be sexy...I personally think its yucky!!! Especially if the connection hasn't been could possibly be hot with my man, but even then I.D.K........

So, Fellas or POTS. if your going to send women pics of your dick please..please...please make sure its a nice pic. that makes your dick look like the prettiest dick in the fuckin'' world.  EWWWW..I don't want picture of DICKS! lol

That wasn't anything nice to wake up at all! lol
I know some of my felines are going to say that it's apart of the game, but I don't think it has to be.
I always believe that people do what you allow them to do.
If you demand respect then you will get it and the Sugar Bowl shouldn't be any different.

O... Yeah, I also hate how POTS. talk about what they are going to do to you. lol   OMG, come on now...most men who can put it down...I mean really put it down just do it...they don't talk about it.

I don't want to hear about how you want me on your face...I know nothing about you yet...

Sorry venting haha

Have an amazing V-DAY!!!!!!

PEOPLE/POTS./BABIES respect you when you demand it...and the Sugar Bowl shouldn't be any different!


Monday, February 13, 2012



Kittens, Cubs,and Felines be cautious of the Income Daddie.... we'll go ahead and call them Uncle
It's income tax time and men who wouldn't normally  be Daddies...I'm sure are out on the

Taking their families hard earned dollars and giving it to a baby..I mean I'm not complaining. But, I think that all of our or majority of our goal is to get a full-time Daddie.
So, around this season watch out for Uncle Sam.

I would hate to read about babies who feel used or played because he sold a good story or offered broken promises.

I think it's more so for me about longivity...I want that lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng

So, men who are flashy and pulling out money is something to watch out for. Unless they are young,I call that a part of the reality tv generation syndrome (R.T.V.S.)..they want to be like what they see on t.v...They need to flash their money to feel whole. Then, maybe but proceed with caution.

These men didn't aquire the type of money they have off of being please don't get played.

*If I wrote this post to late, Im sorry and it's ok..just learn from the experience.

Most men or people don't like others to count their dollars (money) so their goal wouldn't be trying to impress you with it right away.

I've noticed they use credit cards, if they do have money on them.. it's not rapper wads of money out (rolls of money/alot of money), they usually bring gifts or give you a discrete cards with money in it ( I miss those Pots.), and so be careful.

We as babies deal with men lying in Real Life... who saying they have more then what they really do....but it should be some type of code of ethics in the Suagr Right?

But, if you don't care or you need the money then by all means...get that paper Felines!
No Judging around these

This post is just a little food for thought
 for the Felines who need/want more of a commitment.
Don't settle and don't do anything that your not comfortable with :)

Some people can hold onto money for a long time(I can hold onto money for years)  so be cautions of Uncle Sams

I'm stupid/silly I

QUICK UPDATE: I have a few dates Wednesday with Jimmy John and 2 other POTS...Wish me luck the wedding is 19 days away (my b.f.f. who lives out of town)

   Money is power, sex is power, therefore, getting money for sex is simply an exchange of power.



Friday, February 10, 2012

Can He Be A Gift Daddie?

Fuckin' Canada,

Keeps calling and texting me. I guess I made a really great impression on him. But what difference is a really good impression if you need money, right! So, he told me if I ever need help he will be more then happy to help me with money and whatever I need but IDK. Once the chemistry is broken I think it's hard to redeem with me. I put a lot of emotions and feelings into grooming (if you will) that POT. and I got no return on my investment.

In his text messages he keeps asking to see me and begging to make up with me...I'm haven't been to interested until this light bulb went off in my head...........

So, I've been thinking....He works for the airlines. I travel alot...when not in school. I'm thinking about asking him to be a Gift Daddie.

Have you babies ever had a Gift Daddie before?

For the Kittens and other Felines....
A Gift Daddie is exactly what the name is...instead  of your Daddie paying  your allowance in money, he pays you in gifts.

No, my goal isn't to recieve gifts but what girl doesn't want them ever now and again.

If he doesn't except this proposal...then I bid him a due! There will be nothing for us to discuss or talk about ! He's wasted way toooooo much of my darn time.

So, I'll keep you posted!

"Everybody is always tugging at you. They'd all like a sort of chunk out of you. I don' think they realize it, but it's like 'grrr do this, grr do that...' But you do want to stay intact--intact and on two feet."



Quick questions Felines. If my minimum allowance is $2500 and I'm considering Pay Per Play (I know..I know...sigh deeply!) how much would I set my Play Per Play allowance to be?

 Jimmy John will be in my city this week and we're going on another date to see if we can make this work and he asked me what I would want for my  Pay Per Play allowance.

So family what do you think? How much do you usually request when dealing with Pay Per Play? Better yet, How much should I ask for?


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I was watching the show "The Jeffersons" on television last week and the episode was about George Jeffersons first girlfriend wanting him to "Keep her" lol...a.k.a she was a Sugar Babe just like us Felines. I believe she said on the show that the year was 1963..
We aren't doing nothing Men with money have been "Keeping" their women for

So, I hate hearing men act like it's such a dirty thing to have a Sugar Babe....but it's not dirty to ask me for sex and try send me away with the pile of bills I have.

I've always been attracted to the Sugar Bowl because I think that it is freeing for women to fuck like they want and not be judged (fetishes or multiple partners..whatever, it's yours!). We're able to not have to be so polite.

I feel like the sugar world is my alter ego!  I'm watching this show  "Giggolos" with my ex (we're just cool/ friends now) and the guy on the show said he likes to be a Giggolo because he's spontaneous and something else I can't I know sorry. I said" me to."  My ex said that I'm not spontaneous. I told him maybe in my other life /my secret life and he said he doubt it. lol
"You would never have a secret life..I know you to well." he had the nerve to say. lol

Little does he know that I'm a Babie....BABY! lol. I'm laughing at him because he's tells me I'm too respectful for

Babies are respectable....we just like to take control of our lives. We write our own ticket!

This is an ex that I broke up with over 2 years ago.
*Not my perfect daddie (inside know it's rude).  Maybe I have had more then 1 daddie. I'm not sure if I would count him as a daddie persay...
He paid my rent for over a year, paid all my bills, and bought me many  gifts and took really great care of me. I still have alot of clothes at his house. We dated the first time when we were 16 or 17 yrs. old and then got back together a few years back.

He lives in sunny M.I.A (he lived there when we got back the 2nd time but wanted to try to make our relationship he moved to the midwest) not even a day after we broke up there he was back in  Everytime he comes to the Midwest to visit he works on my car (wash, change fuel, put gas in it) and gives my a few bucks for my pocket. He's one of those guys that believes it ain't trickin' if you got it and I always need it..and He always has

Naw,'s love there. He just needs to grow up a lot. He hates that I have an "Average Joe" type boyfriend, not rich and didn't grow up rich and doesn't want to be rich..he just content with his life and that pisses my ex boyfriend dad (biological)

So, if we were counting gifts and money spent on me then my ex has invested a pretty penny in my little So, he can be my first Sugar Daddie and my real S.D. could be my

"Local" negotiations wasn't a match with my desires...He wanted me to drive to him 5 days a week per month for $2500.00 (not including gas) he fuckin' crazy!  That would be damn near my half my allowance...spent on gas...

He said that he gave last S.B. $3000.00 but she was local. I think it was bullsh*t because
we live close enough that it wouldn't matter if I stayed in a different city. I can get there in a hr. and a half to 2 hrs. max.

So, then he suggested "Pay Per Play" what the hell! Is this "Pay Per Play" thing the new Recession Friendly way to get OOOCH? It's Annoying!  I'm not interested in him dropping a few coins everytime he gets an itch (ok, if you choose to do it and I'm NOT say I will never do it, I may change my mind)...I don't want to go shopping...I want to start a business...DAMN IT!

I'm thinking about it with Jimmy Johns only because he wants to break it down to me/explain and I need the money I have to go out of town next month and it's not going to be cheap.
So...we will see...but if Jimmy John sounds like B.S. also I will walk from him to.

I had 2 A.M. guys that I talked to, text, and emailed with for months and we could never see each other because me school schedule was bananas (My school semester is every 8 in a traditional semester I've doubled the courses...I took 24 credits in 8 weeks...what the hell was I THINKING...I was burned out)!!! But he emailed me and
SO, one  of the guys from A.M. travels a lot and he got me a gift he says..I hope it's
Im just play (sort of...I just told u I need the damn money) I'm grateful for anything someone wants to give me. We will see. He doesn't come into town until March 10,11,12 then he leaves again..
He's 63 years old I didn't know that until he recently messaged I don't care he's a nice guy..

What's the oldest Daddie or POT. you've ever had?

Am I over reacting about the "Pay Per Play"?

Do you have an "Average Joe" boyfriend and your in the Sugar Bowl?


                          "Love doesn't pay the bills."
                                                     -Author Unknown


Monday, February 6, 2012


Negotiation are so tedious to me. I know that it has to be done but ...dag it's such a long process...or it feels like it to me. Right now I'm in negotiations with two Pots. Jimmy John who wants to "Pay Per Play" and he wants to go out on a date to explain to me in person..because I need something  a little more regular.

The other guy is the one who I thought was Jimmy John in the email( They have the same name)...we will call him Local.

Local wants to pay either half my wanted allowance for the time I suggest (what I want: $2500 for 1-4xs a mth.)  so he wants to pay:  $1250 for 4-6 xs a he fuckin crazy! I've turned down men who was offering more then he and wanting to see me for less...
Plus felines he lives 2 1/2hrs. away...My car is a sports car and drinks premium gas like we drink water.

So, of course he isn' adding in additional cost for gas...W.T.F.!

A suggestion for babies is...if a POT. says that your allowance is out of his price range ask him "what will he feel comfortable with?" I've notice that POTS. don't realize that they have the oppurtunity to Negotiate...

Have a high allowance in your head, a mid allowance, and an allowance that you won't go any lower then.

For me, I've already done the math in my head and 1 S.D. that pays $2500 mth is good but if I got 2 Daddies I will be at my goal in no time.

I'm not a Promiscuous girl so I need some incentive to make my numbers go up...OK! lol

So, ladies...I'm not sure if it's proper equette to ask but you know

How much is your allowance?
How many days are you spending with your daddie?
Do you get gifts included with your allowance?
Do you have to travel to get to him?
Have you negotiated a raise?

            If you do Pay Per Play ....
How many days do you see him?
How much per visit/play?
Is it Consistent ?
Which method do you prefer?

I will share with you ladies so you will feel comfortable. I've had only 1 S.D. we were together for 2 1/2 yrs. My allowance started at $2500 (his suggestion) a month. I then got a reveiw of how I was doing as a babie...if my review was good then I would get a raise...each raise would be different in allowance based off of my "needs" so when our relationship ended my allowance was $5000.00 a month. Although, he was an out of town Daddie, I never travelled to him He always travel to my city for business.
We went on business trips together and I got gifts...
He was a great daddie and somedays I miss the hell out of him but I know it's for the best that we aren't together!

So, that's where my $2500.00 mthly allowance quote comes from. I know that I may not (but I like to remain positive) get back up to $5000.00 from one S.D. so that's why I say two. If I can get more daddies or more money then I will go for that

Now that I've showed you mine...You have to show me :)

How much do you get?

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend and a man's worst enemy!"                                
                                 - Author Unknown
