Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Ok, I know I've mentioned him in previous post or when  I respond to post on other babes blogs.  I must have talked him up because he texted me last night and right now. Here is the background on Canada. We talked for a good month before he came to see me. We had this chemistry right from the first email (I met him on S.A.) we decided that we couldn't take it anymore...so we set a date for our 1st dinner date. I had finals and tons of reports due so he couldn't stay long. He flew in just for 1 day.

I asked my sister's NFL friend to tell me about an exclusive restaurant that many common locals wouldn't know about. He suggested this restaurant that you have to be a V.I.P. member...I contacted the place and they let me  "try the restaurant out" and waived my membership fee for this 1 time. I wanted something nice because he travels all around the world with his job.

I picked him up from the airport and took him to his hotel right down the road from the restaurant so he could drop off his bags. We then had to go to the restaurant immediately from there. We walked in and it was absolutely as fabulous as the football player said and was well worth the membership fee $3500 a year (I didn't pay). His mouth fell opened and he kept calling me "baller" all night because I knew of this place...lol

Anyway we ate and had ball ball. We literally looked like that "MATCH.COM" commercial with the people in the restaurant. We laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt-ed. Any who...we were the last one's there. So, we left and had plans to go to this club that was jumpin' ....so we started walking and decided that it was a good idea to move my car closer. So, we walk back to my car (below 0 downtown) me with no coat try to maintain my sexy...he doesn't offer me his jacket or to hold me ...that's strike 1...I demand the same thing in the Sugar Bowl that I demand in R.L.
We get to my car & he says do you want to still go to the club..I said NO (afraid some1 would see me anyway with a POT. ....Im all about discretion). So I end up taking him to his hotel..he ask me would I like to come up for coffee or a drink..."no" I replied you know I hate coffee and I don't drink. How about some water. No thanks.lol. So he kisses me and ask how about I stay the night...I notified him that I'm not that type of girl and I sleep with no one on the 1st night...The first date is to see if there is chemistry only which I told you before you got on the plane.
I go home. He decides that he was going to go see his sick dad before flying back to Canada.

We make planes for him to come 2 weeks later because I had finals.
 His dad dies...
I was so sad because I had just loss my grandmother and we talked about that while he was here. I talked him through that and was a really great friend and Pot. S.B.

New Years Eve comes around and we are scheduled to see each other again on the Jan. 9th. I receive a "Happy New Years Baby" at midnight via text. My phone text message broke at midnight so I had to call him.
Strike 2: Jan. 7th he sends me a text stating that he doesn't think that the having a sugar babe is the lifestyle that he wants. I asked him huh? Never heard from him again until last night.
He sends me a text saying that he loss his phone (eye roll and whatever) blah blah blah...bullshit bullshit.
Hes still saying that the sugar lifestyle isn't for him.

But...huh...I can't hear past the lifestyle isn't for me...lol

I tried to post the manuscript from my Google Voice...I will posted it after I work out the glitches.

What is wrong with these men...I don't care how great the connection maybe as soon as you try to talk those dollars they have amnesia to what site they met you on...

You met my ass on fucking SEEKING ARRANGEMENTS.COM it's a sugar daddie dating site. It's listed all over the damn site. REALLY? DAMN!

Sorry feline family I was having a moment.

I normally can careless if a guy in R.L. or Sugary World doesn't call but this 1 felt different. I'm so picky I've been on so many dates with men handing over checks and gifts (I give back or don't except) but if there is no chemistry then there is no me.

I guess it's a little Sugary Karma for some of the Pots. I went out with in the beginning and didn't call back or email...Damn You Karma ! lol...I've grown since then (don't judge me...as my sister says..lol)

O well, I have a short attention span anyway...OUT OF SIGHT.. OUT OF MIND ..lol

But, I've learned something....
As my dad (biological  not  sugary..lol) always told me in business "GET THE MONEY FIRST...GET THE MONEY FIRST!" They can say whatever they want or complain about whatever product but as long as you get the money first you have the power...if you have to wait for the money after...then your able to get screwed.
So, my dad's advice pertains to the Sugar Bowl also...Get the Money first ladies! lol

Can you imagine if I would have went up to his room with him and then he disappeared...I would have been crushed.

So, always follow your first mind and treat yourself with the same respect that you would if you were in the Real World.

This is what I always tell me friends and really close clients that are crying over a man...shit I tell myself this 2 (I have my moments..lol) it's graphic but true...

We have all the power...were the one's with the P.sy..., These things caused wars throughout history...so know your worth!
                                   -Caramell Seduction



  1. I have met a few of those. TIME WASTERS!!! They're on the site probably trying to see if they can work their way to just getting some and not having to actually have a sugar baby. It's sometime so hard to screen them.

  2. yes, i asked him that last night and he answered everything but that. He obviously had other Pot. S.B. and tried to pull the same crap bcuz (forgot to put in my post) he told me that he found what he was looking for and that he gave his friend his account (I knew was bull) and that the lifestyle wasn't for him but he wanted to be my S.D.
    So, I clearly asked so your my S.D. he said yeah. Me putting the pressure on about when my allowance was starting then....Two days before he was supposed to come back and see me ....now the lifestyle including me isnt for him. lol

    That's a great name for them lol "time wasters."
    From now on this is how it's going to work: short connection, then meet (talk about what we want & expect....of course), here is my account number to my loadable visa.There is honestly no reason for contact after that...bcuz if there is no money on the card from you or cash in hand...there is no connection. No, more Nice Sugar Babe shit..lol
    I have a date tonight with a Pot. ....I'll try this method out and let you know how it works. lol

  3. when he said it wasnt for him, what did you say? what a tool

    1. When he first told me it wasn't for him he was refreeing to the other POT. S.B.
      So, I asked him does this mean that I'm your Baby? He said Yes. Then he said it to me and I never had a chance to say anything to him until the other night..I told him I felt like he wasted my time and that he just wanted fly in and hit it.
      My g.voice manuscript wont shirk to size.
