Monday, January 23, 2012

Hi my Kittens, Cubs,and Lionesses,

I've seen this questions posted and bloged about on many sites.  I have a boyfriend that I am inlove with and has been with or 2 years now. We live in seperate houses but we're together every weekend and maybe some week day here or there for the past 2 years. Now, Im back on my Sugary Hunt and most of the really good Pot. Daddies live in other states or out of town and they want me to come be with them on the weekends.  Our relationship is already on the rocks for other me messing up our routine would really put pressure on our relationship. He is maybe the closest thing to the 1 that I've came across....great sex, really responsible, loves the hell out of me...but he doesnt make enough money to help me get to my goal of opening my business. He's not perfect at all...we bicker a lot but we love the hell out of eeach other. lol
I've never cheated on a boyfriend before. So, How can I get a way with this. Keep in mind that I am the world's worst lier. It's sad :(    in situations like this but I love that quality in myself.

My Dad (real not sugar) tells me not to marry someone broke because I will always be miserable about the things I can't do, or have, or go, or give to children when we have some.
I agree with him it's always an arguement, not this boyfriend but one in the pass didnt have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of & we argued about money.
With this boyfriend he was a great job and make "good money:" but he doesn't have what I'm accustom to. I don't see him going into his 401K to help me start this business.

So, here is my second question: Should money trump love?
What does my feline family think I should do?

“Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.”

               - Author Unknown


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