Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Ok, I know I've mentioned him in previous post or when I respond to post on other babes blogs. I must have talked him up because he texted me last night and right now. Here is the background on Canada. We talked for a good month before he came to see me. We had this chemistry right from the first email (I met him on S.A.) we decided that we couldn't take it anymore...so we set a date for our 1st dinner date. I had finals and tons of reports due so he couldn't stay long. He flew in just for 1 day.
I asked my sister's NFL friend to tell me about an exclusive restaurant that many common locals wouldn't know about. He suggested this restaurant that you have to be a V.I.P. member...I contacted the place and they let me "try the restaurant out" and waived my membership fee for this 1 time. I wanted something nice because he travels all around the world with his job.
I picked him up from the airport and took him to his hotel right down the road from the restaurant so he could drop off his bags. We then had to go to the restaurant immediately from there. We walked in and it was absolutely as fabulous as the football player said and was well worth the membership fee $3500 a year (I didn't pay). His mouth fell opened and he kept calling me "baller" all night because I knew of this place...lol
Anyway we ate and had ball ball. We literally looked like that "MATCH.COM" commercial with the people in the restaurant. We laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt-ed. Any who...we were the last one's there. So, we left and had plans to go to this club that was jumpin' ....so we started walking and decided that it was a good idea to move my car closer. So, we walk back to my car (below 0 downtown) me with no coat try to maintain my sexy...he doesn't offer me his jacket or to hold me ...that's strike 1...I demand the same thing in the Sugar Bowl that I demand in R.L.
We get to my car & he says do you want to still go to the club..I said NO (afraid some1 would see me anyway with a POT. ....Im all about discretion). So I end up taking him to his hotel..he ask me would I like to come up for coffee or a drink..."no" I replied you know I hate coffee and I don't drink. How about some water. No thanks.lol. So he kisses me and ask how about I stay the night...I notified him that I'm not that type of girl and I sleep with no one on the 1st night...The first date is to see if there is chemistry only which I told you before you got on the plane.
I go home. He decides that he was going to go see his sick dad before flying back to Canada.
We make planes for him to come 2 weeks later because I had finals.
His dad dies...
I was so sad because I had just loss my grandmother and we talked about that while he was here. I talked him through that and was a really great friend and Pot. S.B.
New Years Eve comes around and we are scheduled to see each other again on the Jan. 9th. I receive a "Happy New Years Baby" at midnight via text. My phone text message broke at midnight so I had to call him.
Strike 2: Jan. 7th he sends me a text stating that he doesn't think that the having a sugar babe is the lifestyle that he wants. I asked him huh? Never heard from him again until last night.
He sends me a text saying that he loss his phone (eye roll and whatever) blah blah blah...bullshit bullshit.
Hes still saying that the sugar lifestyle isn't for him.
But...huh...I can't hear past the lifestyle isn't for me...lol
I tried to post the manuscript from my Google Voice...I will posted it after I work out the glitches.
What is wrong with these men...I don't care how great the connection maybe as soon as you try to talk those dollars they have amnesia to what site they met you on...
You met my ass on fucking SEEKING ARRANGEMENTS.COM it's a sugar daddie dating site. It's listed all over the damn site. REALLY? DAMN!
Sorry feline family I was having a moment.
I normally can careless if a guy in R.L. or Sugary World doesn't call but this 1 felt different. I'm so picky I've been on so many dates with men handing over checks and gifts (I give back or don't except) but if there is no chemistry then there is no me.
I guess it's a little Sugary Karma for some of the Pots. I went out with in the beginning and didn't call back or email...Damn You Karma ! lol...I've grown since then (don't judge me...as my sister says..lol)
O well, I have a short attention span anyway...OUT OF SIGHT.. OUT OF MIND ..lol
But, I've learned something....
As my dad (biological not sugary..lol) always told me in business "GET THE MONEY FIRST...GET THE MONEY FIRST!" They can say whatever they want or complain about whatever product but as long as you get the money first you have the power...if you have to wait for the money after...then your able to get screwed.
So, my dad's advice pertains to the Sugar Bowl also...Get the Money first ladies! lol
Can you imagine if I would have went up to his room with him and then he disappeared...I would have been crushed.
So, always follow your first mind and treat yourself with the same respect that you would if you were in the Real World.
This is what I always tell me friends and really close clients that are crying over a man...shit I tell myself this 2 (I have my moments..lol) it's graphic but true...
We have all the power...were the one's with the P.sy..., These things caused wars throughout history...so know your worth!
-Caramell Seduction
Inspired by "The life of a Sugar Babe post: Sugar Baby Friends."
This should really be 2 post...sorry so long but it's worth the read. lol
***I fequently say women or ladies throughtout my blog but I mean all babies :)
I was inspired by "The life of a Sugar Babe post: Sugar Baby Friends." Check out her blog! This started as me commenting to her post but got way to long...so I decided to turn it into a post of my own and dedicate it to her. lol..sorry girl. lol
Your right it seems like we as babes should be able to contact another sugar babe up and say "girl, I'm going on a date or I have a POT. out of town but my usual travel buddy can't make it...do you want a free trip, can u go?" But, people in this damn recession and before, and after this recession will always be shady as hell! It's really sad :( I know but that is the reality. But, not all.
I've had a "friend" since middle school do that to me over a guy and she was married and made fun of me for dating him because he was plus sized and older. lol.
I've learned that no matter what there is no need for a women who isn't my sister's to be around any man that I'm with. My sister's and I have always had the understanding that successful men travel in packs...so if mine or theirs has money or is fine as hell...once his friend sees 1 of us then they will say "introduce me to your sister or do you have a friend." The answer is always I have a sister that would be perfect 4 you..lol
That's what women forget. We aren't in competion with each other...but to not know that there are women who are in competion with you would be crazy & unrealistic. I'm not in competion with any babe..ever! I look at everyone as friends (until u cross me and then it's your loss because I'm a damn good friend).
I work in the beauty industry and many of my clients have become my friends...my success is contributed to being a real friend to these women (and men) we treat each other like family...you can't be a hater and want them to spend their money with you...right.
Look at other Sugar Babes as people that you are "networking" with...just like in any other business. They help you to learn about your industry better and help you grow as a business women, they are connections! GET IT? In the beauty industry I have friends that do the samething as me...I guess they are supposed to be viewed as my "competition" but I don't look at it like that...and maybe that's why they send customers to me if they can't do something, or if they go on maturnity level, or va-k (I do the same). Whatever the reason is we have each others back!
Besides I appreciate the guidance that youladies babes (bcuz there are male babes) provide me....and I want that to keep comin...If I FUCK You over, why in the hell would You keep me up on the latest knowledge...lol.
I always felt that if your bold enough to eat off my plate or If you want something that I have... talk to me... I more then likely have a side piece anyway. It's never that deep for me. It's way to many men out there. lol
Sorry, if I sound overly confident and that's a turn off to some but Im just being honest.
When in the sugar world...I assume that the women in the BOWL are beautiful and or confident and can pull anything that they want!!
A successful Babe must be confident and bold and baby that's me!lol.
Im sorry that that happened to you (I know you feel hurt..believe me and or pissed). But all Sugar Babies aren't thristy and have sometype of moral compass that keeps them in the right direction of being loyal.
For me personaly, I appreciate the sport of being a Sugar Babe. It's about more then the money..it has to be. I like succeeding and taking something from someone else is corny as hell to me..I want to put the leg work in to build a connection and then rep the benifits.
I'll also say this to women in R.L. or the Sugar Bowl. Just because you see how a man does a women doesn't mean that is how that man is. He just maybe that way with her and when you get him or steal him...he's not the same with you...
movin in closer it's a secret...lol...............
IT'S NOT HIM...IT'S HER! She brings out the best in that man...she demands respect from that man and that's way he doesn't do you the same way he does her....lol
As women or Babes (because there are male babes) we need to stick together.
To make a long story short.. lol ...yeah right... I don't know how to do that...lol
Thefriend...I mean the ex-friend...come on ladies I'm nice and cool as f..k but I'm not stupid...lol
Still wants to be my friend til this day...her loss...I laugh at her corny ass when I see her (each and everytime..it never gets old) AND as far as homeboy...I ran into him and he told me she was a loud mouth and she was willing to give up the goodies much faster then me..."but I regrets it" he says... (I guess he got what he deserves)
*F.Y.I: I saw him at a fashion show that I was in and killed that runway by the way.lol
....and how he wants me back and he sorry blahhh blahh blahh...lol
I did a mannequin turn and walked away...straight DIVA Move. lol...NEVER TALKED TO EITHER 1 OF THEM AGAIN. lol
I love it..it drives them crazy!
that felt like many lives ago..lol
SO FUCK!!! the so called sugar babe friend... Don't waste not 1 more key stroke on that BITCH...
***If you get the chance keep this in mind:
*Don't let the game change who you are as a person...keep in mind how you felt when she did it to you and don't do it to another Babe and be a REAL SUGAR BABE FRIEND...OR R.L. FRIEND....
I love how you kept it completely real in your post and thank you for sharing that with us...so we can learn and grow from this experience.
You found a friend in me...so continue to be u...I think your great!
I don't want nothing up in me that I know has been up in someone else I know (even if he hasn't tapped it yet..lol)....tongue,penis,lips, ewwwwww...yucky (I'm a germ a phobe)!!!
*I can come up with many quotes for this post but I think the most befitting quote is this one:
(She signs out each show with this message and today I will also).
Put people first, Then money, Then things!
-Suze Orman
This should really be 2 post...sorry so long but it's worth the read. lol
***I fequently say women or ladies throughtout my blog but I mean all babies :)
I was inspired by "The life of a Sugar Babe post: Sugar Baby Friends." Check out her blog! This started as me commenting to her post but got way to long...so I decided to turn it into a post of my own and dedicate it to her. lol..sorry girl. lol
Your right it seems like we as babes should be able to contact another sugar babe up and say "girl, I'm going on a date or I have a POT. out of town but my usual travel buddy can't make it...do you want a free trip, can u go?" But, people in this damn recession and before, and after this recession will always be shady as hell! It's really sad :( I know but that is the reality. But, not all.
I've had a "friend" since middle school do that to me over a guy and she was married and made fun of me for dating him because he was plus sized and older. lol.
I've learned that no matter what there is no need for a women who isn't my sister's to be around any man that I'm with. My sister's and I have always had the understanding that successful men travel in packs...so if mine or theirs has money or is fine as hell...once his friend sees 1 of us then they will say "introduce me to your sister or do you have a friend." The answer is always I have a sister that would be perfect 4 you..lol
That's what women forget. We aren't in competion with each other...but to not know that there are women who are in competion with you would be crazy & unrealistic. I'm not in competion with any babe..ever! I look at everyone as friends (until u cross me and then it's your loss because I'm a damn good friend).
I work in the beauty industry and many of my clients have become my friends...my success is contributed to being a real friend to these women (and men) we treat each other like family...you can't be a hater and want them to spend their money with you...right.
Look at other Sugar Babes as people that you are "networking" with...just like in any other business. They help you to learn about your industry better and help you grow as a business women, they are connections! GET IT? In the beauty industry I have friends that do the samething as me...I guess they are supposed to be viewed as my "competition" but I don't look at it like that...and maybe that's why they send customers to me if they can't do something, or if they go on maturnity level, or va-k (I do the same). Whatever the reason is we have each others back!
Besides I appreciate the guidance that you
I always felt that if your bold enough to eat off my plate or If you want something that I have... talk to me... I more then likely have a side piece anyway. It's never that deep for me. It's way to many men out there. lol
Sorry, if I sound overly confident and that's a turn off to some but Im just being honest.
When in the sugar world...I assume that the women in the BOWL are beautiful and or confident and can pull anything that they want!!
A successful Babe must be confident and bold and baby that's me!lol.
Im sorry that that happened to you (I know you feel hurt..believe me and or pissed). But all Sugar Babies aren't thristy and have sometype of moral compass that keeps them in the right direction of being loyal.
For me personaly, I appreciate the sport of being a Sugar Babe. It's about more then the money..it has to be. I like succeeding and taking something from someone else is corny as hell to me..I want to put the leg work in to build a connection and then rep the benifits.
I'll also say this to women in R.L. or the Sugar Bowl. Just because you see how a man does a women doesn't mean that is how that man is. He just maybe that way with her and when you get him or steal him...he's not the same with you...
movin in closer it's a secret...lol...............
IT'S NOT HIM...IT'S HER! She brings out the best in that man...she demands respect from that man and that's way he doesn't do you the same way he does her....lol
As women or Babes (because there are male babes) we need to stick together.
To make a long story short.. lol ...yeah right... I don't know how to do that...lol
Still wants to be my friend til this day...her loss...I laugh at her corny ass when I see her (each and everytime..it never gets old) AND as far as homeboy...I ran into him and he told me she was a loud mouth and she was willing to give up the goodies much faster then me..."but I regrets it" he says... (I guess he got what he deserves)
*F.Y.I: I saw him at a fashion show that I was in and killed that runway by the way.lol
....and how he wants me back and he sorry blahhh blahh blahh...lol
I did a mannequin turn and walked away...straight DIVA Move. lol...NEVER TALKED TO EITHER 1 OF THEM AGAIN. lol
I love it..it drives them crazy!
that felt like many lives ago..lol
SO FUCK!!! the so called sugar babe friend... Don't waste not 1 more key stroke on that BITCH...
"I would like to think that I wouldn't steal another
SB's client.
But I simply don't know.
I haven't had the chance and won't put myself in that
predicament again though."
***If you get the chance keep this in mind:
*Don't let the game change who you are as a person...keep in mind how you felt when she did it to you and don't do it to another Babe and be a REAL SUGAR BABE FRIEND...OR R.L. FRIEND....
I love how you kept it completely real in your post and thank you for sharing that with us...so we can learn and grow from this experience.
You found a friend in me...so continue to be u...I think your great!
I don't want nothing up in me that I know has been up in someone else I know (even if he hasn't tapped it yet..lol)....tongue,penis,lips, ewwwwww...yucky (I'm a germ a phobe)!!!
*I can come up with many quotes for this post but I think the most befitting quote is this one:
(She signs out each show with this message and today I will also).
Put people first, Then money, Then things!
-Suze Orman
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Hot Of The Presses....International Businessman....yummy!
International Hottie is someone who contacted me last
night/this morning 2:55 am (I have insomnia) I enjoyed our
conversation. Hewants me to fly to Singapore to be with
Now come on my Feline Fam. I just posted last night
how scaried I am to meet a Pot. one state over from
me. L.O.L. I know my sister wouldn't want to fly
Internationally without me really knowing him...but
shit... by then why would I need her...l.o.l (s.m.h).
I politely informed him that I would love to travel but
I would need to meet him on American soil first. He
understood completely and asked could we email so
that we could get a better understanding of each
other's wants and needs. So, I just sent him my
email address.
He would be a great mentor for me...his suggestion
not mine. I would have a
"FULLY PACKAGED S.D"....looks,money,brains,and
someone to help me grow.
What more could a S.D. ask for?
I hate getting excited because I don't want to jinx anything....
you know how it is.
I'll keep you posted on any progress.
"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has
what you want than it does to try to
reconstruct an existing society to match your standards."
- Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom in
an Unfree World
My computer is doing the matrix...so bare with me
until I figure out what the heck is going on.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
2nd Potential S.D....The Crocodile Hunter
SO, my next Pot. S.D. is someone I like to dubb "The Crocodile Hunter." Does he look like the beloved Crocodile Hunter..No!....Hell No!!....Absolute not! lol.
Please take a moment of silence out for the real " Crocodile Hunter." He was awesome!!!
Ok, back to what you came here for.....
The pictures this Pot. sent me looks like something off of t.v. He travels all over the world to go hunting. Are you kidding me! I know I'm not here to judge..but it is my blog..lol
He says that his babie doesn't have to hunt if she doesn't want to but she can travel with him on all of his adventures (now that sounds fun...right?).
He's into hunting and I've been an on again off again vegetarian since I was 12 years old (can you say Ackward) my love of steak keeps bringing me back to meat :( sad I know.
I also wear fur & leather (I never said I was a perfect vegetarian)...just pray for me. lol
He has a few Pot. S.B. already lined up (according to him) that he planned on meeting this week and next week but my pictures stopped him in his tracks...awwwww isn't that sweet..lol
So, we've been emailing back and forth and I guess he's serious about his search because he wants to meet Thurs., Friday or Sunday night (dinner).
He lives a couple hours away. I let him know that this week (being that it's such short notice) wouldnt work for me. He stated that he would come to me...
Now, that's what I'm talking about!! I think that Daddies from out of town should travel to the babies for first meetings...it builds trust and confidence between the two.
Don't you agree my Feline family?
So, I told him I would have to see if I could shift somethings around and let him know tomorrow.
The Hunter is looking pretty good thus far..because he's willing to travel to me :)
Cross your fingers ladies.
It's not so fun when the rabbit has a gun.
-Jake Hoyt: Training Day
1 Of My New Potential S.D....Is Santa Clause..O.M.G!
![]() |
So, I have a few new Pot. this post will be dedicated to....Santa Clause..lol
Santa Clause (l.o.l) He has a fully grey breed with the belly to match..l.o.l. He comes across as a nice man thus far but he keeps chatting about how he wants to eat me (eye roll) why do men who your not intimate or no allowance in the bank (okay!) think that it's a turn on to talk about sexy? He said that I wasn't in his state range...in the same breathe he invited me to Vegas. He said he would rather meet in Vegas then the Midwest..shit I'm down for that I haven't had a Va-K in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time (damn you school, lol).
So, when you ladies have a Pot. that's out of town...what are the steps you take? I always want to take my sister with me (even on dates R.L...in our family if u date 1 sister u kinda date us all, no kinky shit).
I know I have to get out of my own way(sister) if I want to be a truely successful S.B. and meet my finacial deadlines for the business I want to open.
He gave me the link to his company website as well as his personal and corporate email address. He checks out ...I mean you never know but he's on many sites for speaking engagements.
He's had experience with S.B. before which is always a plus in my book (I dont have to do any explaining or convincing that this is something that he wants to do).
So, how do you ladies meet men out of town?
I've had S.D. fly to me but I've never flown to a Pot. or S.D.
Thank you as usual :)
"He who marries for love without money has good nights and sorry days."
- Anonymous
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
* 911....He Says All He Wants Is A Hand Job 2x's A Week Someone To Talk 2?
Ok so I have a Pot. that I met on A.M. (I cant remember if he lives here in my state or the next state over) but he said that he's looking for a compainon (to talk with and go to movies with...blah blah blah...) and 5 min. sex. Then today he ask could I handle only giving him a hand job and how much allowance would I want for 2x's a month. The allowance I usually ask for is $2,500.00 a mth.
So how much should my allowance be to talk to the guy and give him a hand job 2x's a mth (lol)?
Thank you my Kittens,Cubs,and Lionesses!
"I told my wife 'hey honey come on, let's make love like the old days.' She asked me for 50 bucks."
"I was making love to my wife the other night, I looked up. She was on the phone."
-Rodney Dangefield
Ok so I have a Pot. that I met on A.M. (I cant remember if he lives here in my state or the next state over) but he said that he's looking for a compainon (to talk with and go to movies with...blah blah blah...) and 5 min. sex. Then today he ask could I handle only giving him a hand job and how much allowance would I want for 2x's a month. The allowance I usually ask for is $2,500.00 a mth.
So how much should my allowance be to talk to the guy and give him a hand job 2x's a mth (lol)?
Thank you my Kittens,Cubs,and Lionesses!
"I told my wife 'hey honey come on, let's make love like the old days.' She asked me for 50 bucks."
"I was making love to my wife the other night, I looked up. She was on the phone."
-Rodney Dangefield

This is going to be a quick post. You sugary bitches are amazing! I freakin love each and everyone of you. I'm learning so much from reading everyone's blogs. I'm going to compile a post of everything I learned so far from the millions of Kittens,Cubs,and Lionesses on the web. I feel more prepared to be in the sugar bowl and I'm happy to be a part of it with you Sugary Felines. Thank you for all my members. If there is anything that you want me to write about shoot me an email. I'm having trouble seeing who's following me..if you have any suggestion on how I can view this please tell me. The Lionesses have the sugar life down to a complete science and I see how and why they are pulling in the paper that they are getting..lol
I think that every Sugary Feline deserves to get above allowance because it takes alot of work to find the right Daddie. The leg work in this is no joke! I feel like this is a 22 hr. course load because there is so much learning to do..online as well as getting out there and paying your dues (1st dates with Pot.=Intership)....lol
Not what we give,
But what we share,
For the gift
without the giver
Is bare.
~James Russell Lowell
Monday, January 23, 2012
How To Dress 4 A First Date In The Winter!
When I got into the sugary game I had absolutely no idea what to wear I would google and Youtube in search of clothing to wear on a first date...but no results. I just recently started wearing makeup so I had to learn how to do that on top of my nerves. My clothing was to fly/fashionable for a regualr man to appreciate (way to flashy).
So, I came up with a standard look. When going to a dinner date at night or day dates (winter) I wear a cute non-clunky sweater dresses. I think sweater/wrap dresses are like the little black dresses of the winter. You can dress sweater dresses up or down with the change of your accessories (scrunch knee boots would be good for day and pumps or pointy toe boots for night).My love with sweater dresses started when I was about 2 years old (seriously I have pictures to prove it lol). You can get sweater dresses in any color style and or length.
If you are to wear a short sexy dress then pair it with Opaque tights..this will let you get away with wearing short dresses without looking like a hoe (excuse my french), cute boots or pump with understated accessories. Let the dress do the talking for you!
Try to stay away from trends...what we as women think is cute isn't necessarly what men find attractive.
I will show more first date tips..during that season and also the traveling babe attire. I will do another post about grooming hair, nails (Im a managing nail tech.),makeup, bikini area,....
If you want any other tips let me know and I'll do a post.
O...and if you would want to stay at home and DO yourself...then I'm sure a Potential will want to also..haha
I hope that this helps!
* Winter Looks*

You cant go wrong. You can find cheap ones (for the budget friendly diva) anywhere 1 of my favorites came from walmart..I know right! It doesn't matter if your a plus size sugar or a petite (like me) sweater dresses come in different styles.
*Tip:If its snowy outside I would pair these dresses with a cute pair of stelletto pointy toe boots and opaque stockings/tights. Keep your accessories to a limit ladies!
Wrap Dress
Is great for any shape...it tends to balance any body type out and distract and bring attention to the right areas.

*I am the pop of color queen. If you wear a solid color I recommend bringing in a pop of color through your accessories. I love printed tights, unique belts, crazy necklaces.

Jeans are great for a day meeting at like coffee shops. Just make sure that the jeans lift your ass up not flatten it out. The look is a round backside. I like to get up and go to the bathroom at least once when I know I have him under my spell...so he can check out my ass of course..lol

You coat in the winter is the first impression of you when men see you (keep in mind that I live in the Midwest). A well paired coat and outfit shows a pot. that you aren't a force to be reckened with! Your fly and if he's cheap then he needs to keep it movin'!
Shoes &Boots

A nude pump should be a staple in your closet (I don't have any yet but it's on my list of things to do)

Here is Kim K. with some of the clothing Items mentioned..Opaque tights, wrap dress,nude pumps, accessories to a limit.
Quote: Remember K.I.S.S.= Keep it simple, Stupid!.
I have been busting my ass with this 10 minute trainer. Ladies if you want to get into shape and just want to tone up and look lean this darn DVD isn't no joke! lol
I mean disc 1...I haven't even tried the other 2 disc.lol
I've also finally got Turbo Fire...but I haven't been able to move passed disc 1....because of this darn 10 minute trainer...lol
I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Im already in really good shape. I loose weight ever winter usually between 5-15 ponds...I don't now why but it's always happened this way like clock work. So, this year I decided to ton my body up and maybe start working on that 4 pack (or even that sexy line going up the abs) I've always wanted.
As sugar babes so much of our allowance depends on how we look..it's sad but it's true. Men have to be physically attracted to you or it won't go any farther. I want to make sure that I look drop dead gorgeous in my bikini this summer because I plan on having a ball.
Ladies if you've seen the informercials at night and was on the fence about buy this dvd....go and get it...it's good 4 men and women.
We have cheeky quotes like ~ "Why dont you Put some fun between your legs by exercising?"
"That's not sweat , It's my body crying"...
-Author Unknown
Girlfriend/Wife=Sugar Babe...........Boyfriend/Husband=Sugar Daddie............. ...Same Damn Thing!
You have to remember that majority of people are set in their ways. They are closed minded and can't see past things that they don't understand. All men who take care of their women are sugar daddies and all women who except gifts in my eyes whether it be husband or boyfriend are sugar babies. My grandmother who recently passed away was married to my grandfather for 52+ years. She always asked for money and gifts and he gave it to her with a damn smile on his face. Everything that she could possibly think of was given and to here. Even in death he took care of his baby....by giving her a Homegoing of a Queen!
So, I shared that to say know your worth and stand by your guns! Screw what others have to say about the life we live because every women wants to have a man that they can say is a great provider and gives her gifts. That is the reality of things....regardless of how independant you are as a women.
I think that you have to be a certain type of person to be a S.B. the reason I say this is because you have to put your emotions and listen to what his needs are, become a counselor, a pastor, a friend, a business associate, a lawyer, a mother, a doctor...........the list could go on forever.
So, continue to be a free spirits and let Nay Sayer say whatever they want...they are the ones who need to open themselves up for change.
People may hate you for being different and not living by society's standards but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same.
-Unknown quotes
Sugar Babe=Liberation?
So, What are your thoughts and feelings about being a sugar babe? I remember when I first stumbled across the lifestyle and I told 1 of my g.f. about it and she asked me "don't you feel like it's the same thing as prostitution?" My reply was "no!" I've always been a conservative girl...who cares about her reputation and always....I mean always took care of her man. I can count on 1 finger how many men I've dated that has taking care of me (With the recession times are hard) so now more then ever I want to have a man help me reach my long time goal and dream of opening my own business.
I think that being a sugar babe is a liberating thing for a women. It, encourages you to make sure that any relationship (sugar world or R.L.) is mutually beneficial. I used to find myself having to explain to unexperienced potential S.D. what it means to be a S.D. and how its no different then them asking for sex or wanting a women that looks a certain way ( when they are in their late 40's-60's and want a P.Y.T pretty young thang).
Why are they so comfortable with asking for sex and feel that it's not ok for us to get what we want out of it. I am a little bit of a feminist. lol
My Daddy (real not sugary world lol) has always taking great care of his daughters and the women in his life. That's what men do "take care of their women!" Men these days think that women should take care of them. It should be mutually beneficially for all parties in any relationship.
What do you think ladies....do you feel that being a sugar babe is liberating?
Why is it that men can be bastards and women must wear pearls and smile?
~Lynn Hecht Schafren
I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bitch, okay.
~Madonna Ciccone
Hi my Kittens, Cubs,and Lionesses,
I've seen this questions posted and bloged about on many sites. I have a boyfriend that I am inlove with and has been with or 2 years now. We live in seperate houses but we're together every weekend and maybe some week day here or there for the past 2 years. Now, Im back on my Sugary Hunt and most of the really good Pot. Daddies live in other states or out of town and they want me to come be with them on the weekends. Our relationship is already on the rocks for other reasons....so me messing up our routine would really put pressure on our relationship. He is maybe the closest thing to the 1 that I've came across....great sex, really responsible, loves the hell out of me...but he doesnt make enough money to help me get to my goal of opening my business. He's not perfect at all...we bicker a lot but we love the hell out of eeach other. lol
I've never cheated on a boyfriend before. So, How can I get a way with this. Keep in mind that I am the world's worst lier. It's sad :( in situations like this but I love that quality in myself.
My Dad (real not sugar) tells me not to marry someone broke because I will always be miserable about the things I can't do, or have, or go, or give to children when we have some.
I agree with him it's always an arguement, not this boyfriend but one in the pass didnt have a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of & we argued about money.
With this boyfriend he was a great job and make "good money:" but he doesn't have what I'm accustom to. I don't see him going into his 401K to help me start this business.
So, here is my second question: Should money trump love?
What does my feline family think I should do?
“Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money.”
- Author Unknown
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Mr. Musical
Ok, so my Kittens, Cubs, and Lionesses....I've never went out of town to meet a potential.
I've been chatting with a nice potential (we'll go ahead and call him Mr. Musical). He wants me to come to visit him (the first visit) he lives maybe about 2-3 hour (another state) drive away and while I'm there go and see a musical. That sounds fun to me since I've never seen one with a date before.
I notified him that my sister would need to come with me.
His reply " whatever makes you feel safe?" So, I'm over here blushing because I've ran across some
asshole on these different sites.
Wish me luck ladies :)
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
~H. Jackson Brown
Smoochies ****
Friday, January 20, 2012
My 1st Post- SD DATE
The first sugar daddie date was a man I meet on S.A. site. He was a white male in his late 40's-mid 50's (I don't know he was l.o.l...ooo that sounds so mean) slight patch of bald in the middle of his head,and a yummy beer belly l.o.l. We met at a new Hilton Hotel in a suburb not to far from my job. I had my sister come because I was completely scared out of my mind. She sat in her car (I took her keys and ran into the hotel l.o.l) and text me every 10-15 minutes. the date lasted about an 1hour and 1/2.
He stood when I arrived to the table. I remember thinking to myself o.k. were off to a good start.
We talked about me being in school and how much allowance I would want. He asked me was I attracted to him and I told him I was (eye roll). He told me that when we went to places I would be starred at. He wanted to know if I could handle that. I told him that I was....It's something that you get accustom to as a women I replied to him. My sister came in to get her keys l.o.l so she could go (I drove my own car) he called he" my bodyguard and told me that I was a smart girl for thinking of my safety."
To make a long story short he felt that I was 1 foot in the door and 1 foot out of the door as far as being a sugar baby.
AND HE WAS RIGHT....I was a sad, uneducated, uninformed KITTEN!
Although I had been a S.B. before I had never met anyone offline.
So we parted ways and he gave me a card with a dog on it and $300.00 just for seeing him. He told me to think about the possibilities of us being together. I told him I would and got into my car.
I took to long to decide that I want to be his baby by the time I figured it out...he was already snatched up
Lesson Learned!!!
So now that I'm a CUB I know that if their is chemistry there...it's time to make it official (I don't mean sexually or even exchange of allowance).
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
- Author Unknown
Sugary Kittens,Cubs, & Lioness!
In the sugary world I think that I will define the stages of babies as such:
A "Kitten" is a new baby who is wet behind the ears, a "Cub" is someone who may have a little experience but still has a lot of growing and learning to do, and "Lioness" is the experience sugar baby, she know exactly what she wants and know how to get it!
I classify my level of experience as a "Cub" the reason I say that I am in this category is because I've had a sugar daddie before but I still need to learn about the game. With time and learning from your mistakes I think that we all can become Sexy...Sultry... Lionesses!
Just like everything in life you must take from this a sense of growth. It can't just be all about the money (huh?) I know I can't believe I saying this to the world but it's true. You have to have a dream (for me it's opening my own business), a goal ( maybe for you it's moving out of your parents basement). But either way it has to be that driving force that keeps you centered. No, dream or goal is wrong! So, Kittens... Cubs.. &.. Lionesses, if increasing your designer wardrobe is your goal "I ain't mad at you..Do you!!!" Don't loose yourself in this sugary world. Just indulge in the Luxuries of it...l.o.l
So my feline family I leave you with this, a message from one of "the world's most famous" sugar babies ever......
“She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she
was sad. And that’s important—you know ”
― Marilyn Monroe
A "Kitten" is a new baby who is wet behind the ears, a "Cub" is someone who may have a little experience but still has a lot of growing and learning to do, and "Lioness" is the experience sugar baby, she know exactly what she wants and know how to get it!
I classify my level of experience as a "Cub" the reason I say that I am in this category is because I've had a sugar daddie before but I still need to learn about the game. With time and learning from your mistakes I think that we all can become Sexy...Sultry... Lionesses!
Just like everything in life you must take from this a sense of growth. It can't just be all about the money (huh?) I know I can't believe I saying this to the world but it's true. You have to have a dream (for me it's opening my own business), a goal ( maybe for you it's moving out of your parents basement). But either way it has to be that driving force that keeps you centered. No, dream or goal is wrong! So, Kittens... Cubs.. &.. Lionesses, if increasing your designer wardrobe is your goal "I ain't mad at you..Do you!!!" Don't loose yourself in this sugary world. Just indulge in the Luxuries of it...l.o.l
So my feline family I leave you with this, a message from one of "the world's most famous" sugar babies ever......
“She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she
was sad. And that’s important—you know ”
― Marilyn Monroe
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone in the sugary world of blogging. I have had 1 Sugar Daddie that I met in the R.L. that relationship lasted 2 1/2 years.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end...
So, I'm back out on my sugary hunt.
I had no idea what it meant to be a "Sugar Babie" until I met my 1 and only Sugar Daddie. I will have to come up with a name for him later because I will make a lot of references to him throughout my blog. He was a professional Sugar Daddie and opened my eyes to so many things. So since then I have been on many dates trying to weed out the rift raft...l.o.l
I've come close to many but my internal beeper goes off and tells me if the guy is a flake or a psycho.
It's nice that I finally found the courage to start my blog...I've been reading your blogs for years. Getting advice and finding comfort in your stories and learning from your mistakes.
I hope that I am able to provide Sugar Babies with the same inspirational information that I have received. There were many questions that I had when I first went on dates and I hope that I will be able to take the jitters out.
These are adventures that I have been on during my Sugary Quest...all advice and lesson that I've learned are my experiences. This blog is made for positive reflections although every adventure traveled hasn't always been positive.
I love quotes...so I will try to post a quote with each entry.
“I'm very definitely a woman and I enjoy it. ”
― Marilyn Monroe
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone in the sugary world of blogging. I have had 1 Sugar Daddie that I met in the R.L. that relationship lasted 2 1/2 years.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end...
So, I'm back out on my sugary hunt.
I had no idea what it meant to be a "Sugar Babie" until I met my 1 and only Sugar Daddie. I will have to come up with a name for him later because I will make a lot of references to him throughout my blog. He was a professional Sugar Daddie and opened my eyes to so many things. So since then I have been on many dates trying to weed out the rift raft...l.o.l
I've come close to many but my internal beeper goes off and tells me if the guy is a flake or a psycho.
It's nice that I finally found the courage to start my blog...I've been reading your blogs for years. Getting advice and finding comfort in your stories and learning from your mistakes.
I hope that I am able to provide Sugar Babies with the same inspirational information that I have received. There were many questions that I had when I first went on dates and I hope that I will be able to take the jitters out.
These are adventures that I have been on during my Sugary Quest...all advice and lesson that I've learned are my experiences. This blog is made for positive reflections although every adventure traveled hasn't always been positive.
I love quotes...so I will try to post a quote with each entry.
“I'm very definitely a woman and I enjoy it. ”
― Marilyn Monroe
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