Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sugar Babie Facebook

Hey Felines!

Ya'll know I'm not into the whole social media thing. I'm a extremely private person and don't like my business plastered all over the web (except for my blog & work stuff :). 
So, I get made fun of for not being into the whole facebook/tweeter/instgram...craze! lol

Which brings me to my question....How many SB/Felines have a  "Sugar Babie Facebook pages? " 
Does any pots. contact you on your page or is it just another place to vent/document  your SB journey?

Thanks Felines


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Travelling for work is the most unhealthy thing in the world! I usually don't gain weight in the winter time..I loss anywhere between 2-10 lbs. every winter. I'm a pretty healthy eater (I always always & only drink water) except when I'm under contract for work. 
Lets make one thing known now...I love my curves! People pay for a body like this! But, I'm gaining only in my hips.. What the hell????lol 

Which is fine but I like to be internationally attractive and I just want to tone up. 

The crazy thing is my scale says that I haven't gained any weight...that I am the exact 115lbs. that I've always been.. my exercise leggings are fitting to big (yucky saggy). IDK???!!!

So, I'm not much for complaining and not going for results. I've been exercising my ass  hips off....WE WANT TO KEEP THE ASS! lol

The women at the gym were  telling me that I didn't need to be at the gym because they wish that they had my shape...but what I tried to explain is that I'm there to maintain my sexy not really trying to get rid of it!

Felines you have no idea how many older women come up to me (daily) and tell me that they used to have my same curves and they wish that they would have exercised. That shit is scary!

Besides I'm short petite whatever you want to call it...I know I would look like an OOMPA LOOMPA if I get Fat

Exercising sucks at first. If your not conditioned you will feel like your going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But once you push past this point its nothing but benefits and rewards ahead.
1. more energy
2. you look good
3. its a stress reliever
4. its fun
5. you get to wear sexy workout outfits (my sister makes fun of me bcuz I look cute while working out..she's there on a mission (to only workout )..but what she doesn't understand is I have 2 missions..1. workout 2. land any Pots. that are in the building HELLO!
6.its cool! (peer pressure...haha)

Here's the things I've been trying (switch it up):

1. dancing is great, I turn on my AOL radio/ Pandora and dance like I'm up in the club. I drop it low and try to put in some exercise moves in
2. I do this spider man exercise excellent for core and legs
3. squats
4. resistance bands (live by)
5. (been doing for yrs) free style hiking though the woods (make sure you tell people if you do this one..we don't want you to get snatched off of a trail) I prefer to go off the trails and into makes me feel like I'm in a movie or something. haha

I went to Zumba last night with my sister (for the first time)...OMG it is fun it is sexy and it is women (all races,shapes,sizes,and ages...hell its even men in the class) taking their health seriously. Its inspiring (Q the music).
I've been belly dancing for 6 years now. It's a great workout and it makes you feel absolutely beautiful!

But, Zumba is different type of dance...I believe it has a Spanish orientations (don't quote me or jump down my throat felines) but its mixed with so many different music genres. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like being in the CLUB...LOL

I'm going to buy it for either my Wii or my bf Xbox (he was supposed to buy it for me last Christmas ..but got me a really nice pea coat and some other stuff instead..I needed a black one)

Keep in mind Felines that you don't have to have money to stay in shape! You can workout for free.

So, how can you exercise for free??????????????

1. see if you have a friend that has a gym membership (most gyms let their member's bring a friend to try to recruit new members) I currently don't have a gym membership both of my sisters have memberships to two different clubs in town (FYI Excellent place to free style...nothing but pots at these gyms) nothing but BALLERS & LUX.. vehicles in the parking lot...Thanks sisters!
2. YouTube has so many exercise videos that I use (type in what you want to workout )
3. Going to the park 
4. Swimming at your local pool/apartment pool (indoor)
5.  Dancing around the house
6. sex :)
7. Once you land your daddie tell him you want a gym membership you can look sexy for him :)

Just get up and try is the best start! I am known for pushing play and just laying on my sofa watching the TV exercise.

My sister goes exercising 5-7x a week...
yeah not me You body is supposed to have a day or two of rest.
I go hard on the days I exercise and then

The 1st step I think to being a great S.B. or person is to love and be comfortable with yourself & not be afraid to tweak things you don't like here and there!
Never change for anyone but yourself. Men like If your trying to land a Daddie or a husband you need to love you and he will to.

Your Beautiful Damn it!
~Caramell Seduction


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Hey Felines! So the watcher is a guy that I met on S.A. nice enough guy. His profile was pretty normal. Once we started to correspond he informs me that he wants to have a M.F.M.(3-some with him me and another man). I'm going to be honest I had to look up  what the hell m.f.m was because I had no

Now, maybe being from being from the mid-west can make me a little naive to the "goings on" in other parts of the world. lol I'm sure there are people in the Midwest who indulge in all types on kinky fantasies and fetishes. lol
When I was in high school I heard of guys double banging girls but according to him this would be more evolved. lol
It's completely about the women. It's not about "banging" its actually about worshiping the women like a goddess.
Hmmmmmm....I love to daydream at work. And I'm not going to lie...I was thinking about these men feeding me grapes..haha

So, he told me he would get off on seeing me have sex with another man. He doesn't have to touch me at all...just wants to watch ( not the first time I've been asked this from a pot on S.A.). Too bad my man(B.F.) don't play that! Because we could put on a really good show for his ass...we are so nasty it might make him change his mind about being a (t.m.i. I know! lol sometimes I get carried away :

We will see.

 Do you Felines think that Fetishes (that aren't yours) should cost extra in the monthly allowance?

If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. 
            ~Maya Angelou 



he breeder caught my eye because he was an ok looking millionaire and I enjoyed reading his profile. It wasn't until I gave him my email address that he informed me of what he was really looking for. Now, some women my have excepted his offer but for me money isn't everything. I mean you have to have some standards and some limits.
We got along great. His emails had me ready to jump on a plane and go meet him. He was a married s.d. I have no problem with that. Sometime I prefer a married one because they know to leave me alone and take the drama SOME OF THEM AT
So, he tells me that what he seeks is a young women to have children with. That I would be a kept women and all would be legally binding and our children and myself would never have to worry or want a thing.
NOW, THIS HAD MY ATTENTION  Since I do want children and what women wouldn't want to hear those words, right! Never have to worry about a thing.
So, I asked more questions ( Im sure I drove him how would this work if your married? Why would you want to do this to your wife? How would you visit us? how often would we see you? *****MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION:
How involved in our children's lives would you be?

His response is why I say that money isn't everything to me.

He says to me " I wouldn't be involved in the children's lives. I don't want to leave my wife (which I already knew..I'm not stupid) and I would never see them. But, you would never have to worry about anything. You and the children would be taken care of even after my death.
I was like thank you for your complete honesty but this is something that I have to digest.

There are to many single mothers out here with children who thought that the dads were going to be stand up guys. Money is only one aspect to raising kids. 
How would I respond to my kids on where their father is and why they never met him?!? 
What would happen if they found out about me having them for a man who never wanted them to begin exchange for $$$$$$
Would they respect me? Probably Not!
I think he didn't want to leave this earth without knowing he had children to pass on his legacy. 
But, I think he's going about it all wrong. If he was involved then I would have took a little longer to think about my answer of

Come on now!!!! My Daddy (biological not sugary) didn't raise no damn fool!!!! 
You can always change a will in testament.
  His family could always contest (and I assure you that they will because there is no way anyone would let a 20 something year old mistress keep their family money) so our money (our children) would be caught up in probate court....that could take years.
 SO, now little ol' me struggle with these kids by myself (which I would love unconditionally). HELLLLLLL NO! REALLLLLLLY?

It just doesn't work for me!! As much as it would be nice to have a rich wealthy man's baby....I would rather be the wife (without a prenuptial agreement)  and the mother of his lets think about how much money that is!
People put themselves (especially women) in fucked up predicaments and ask GOD why them. Think before you act people! It's not GOD's fault that you went after something so shallow then to wait for something better that HE could give you.

So, no thanks I'll just wait! ON THE MONEY,THE MAN, & CHILDREN! haha

My next post Ill try to post today is about the

Everything that glitters isn't platinum and diamonds!
~ CaramellSeduction



Have any Felines ever had a sugary couple? By couple I mean married,dating, engaged,committed to each know a couple. The reason I ask this is because  lately I've been receiving emails and even in public been approached by married/dating couples trying to date me or sleep with me. Now in real life I turn this down. My city is extremely to small (not really) to be carrying on like that...l.o.l And since I'm a private person something like this could never work for me in Real Life.
In the sugary world I have been winked and emailed since I first put up my profile by couples.

 I've been having fantasies lately of have a sugar daddie and then his wife finds out and she then wants to have a 3-some to heal her pain.
Are fantasies supposed to remain just that...fantasies?

I have never been with a women. But the idea has entered my mind (I would never admit in R.L.) before of what it would be like to experience a women's  kisses all over (but the sex how does that even work...i.d.k)
But, I've always pushed the thought out of my mind because what would it be like

Plus, I would be extremely picky... probably worse then any man would be. lol
I wouldn't be seeking perfection but just perfection to me. Yes, to even to kiss or sleep with. I mean why should my standards change just because its a women. Right?

Would a women be drama? Isn't drama free one of the perks of being in a sugary relationship? 
What if they fall in love with me? What if he falls in love with me? Would she be jealous.  Or what if  she falls in love with me? What would do to there relationship. Or worse vice versa!

So, recently I had a couple email me. The s.d. pot was handsome and well spoken. He then told me that him and his wife were seeking a girlfriend. Honestly, I almost deleted the email but I told him that I would hear him out. He then emailed me personally and sent me more pictures. She was beautiful (body included) Both older then me but you guys know I like older men....
Hmmmmmm a women? 
Then she emailed me. She comes across as down to earth and nice. Hmmmm I.D.K. 
Tell me Felines....have you ever thought about being with a women/ opposite sex? How about a couple? Would that make you gay? Or Bi? 
Just wondering your thoughts Felines.

I have two other post Im going to try to post today. 1 about a millionaire who wanted me to have his
2nd one about a man who wanted to have a 3 some with men with another man..
I love the sugary world. lol

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it. 
~Mason Cooley


Thursday, August 2, 2012

HEY FELINES!!!! It was still in draft folder wrote months back.

It's all God...I can't take any credit!

SugarBrownUK....Hey Girl!

Thank you for the compliment. I went through a lot of rough times before I got to this point and believe me it is all God!

 It's nice being able to travel and write my own ticket in life.... but it isn't as glamorous as it sounds. I literally live out of a suite case...go to bed at about 7 pm like an old person when I'm away for
All my co-workers make fun of me...(Im usually one of the youngest there)
...But, I look at it like this: I'm here away from my family and love ones (whatever city I maybe in at the time) to work and  make money/ not to have fun! 

Just stay in school and never let anyone make you feel like you can't reach whatever goal(s) you may have for yourself. If you don't know what you want to do you is the best place to start even if you don't finish. It will all make sense once you reach your goal/dream like a puzzle fitting together.

P.S...It doesn't matter weather your in university/trade school/local college/or working (because school just isn't your thing)...your doing something that will help form your future...that's all that matters!

For the feline who can't stand working for other people or who finished college and can't find a job..starting your own business maybe the direction you want to take.

Find something your good at that other people think is hard or just cant do or don't want to do (..because their lazy) and make that your nitch! You can create a business out of anything.

Shit!  My last business was a small bakery from my kitchen :) I had a tutoring business :) and everyone knows about my nail salon that the recession wiped away like a :(
So never give up!

As far as the $ugar. To me it's always been more important that I meet a Daddie/men/b.f. that elevate my mind rather then my body. So, finding out what a Daddie does for a living is just as important as the allowance.
 If you have the right Daddie he can direct you in ways that college could never because he's had so many life experiences. That my Felines is called Priceless!

Sugar doesn't last forever and as nice as it maybe to have that "Pretty Women"'s just that a fantasy..It can happen but that isn't an everyday thing and so we as Babies/Felines have to stay focused on our futures.

I came across so many Felines before I started blogging that was huge inspirations to me. Thanks FELINES!!!
 They offered excellent advice. 

I think that if your always willing to listen then people are willing to teach you what they know (my dad always told me that biological not sugary)

So, I realize that I still suck and haven't been blogging like I promised. But, I took sometime off of work so hopefully I'll be able to blog my little fingers off like the old days!

I'm still with my old Daddie. He's great. Its an amazing thing to have a C.E.O. who is also a business lawyer as your friend. He gives me some of the greatest advice.

I have been spinning every possible Pot. that emails me because of work so I think that I will reach out and meet some of them next week. 

I met a few on my last business trip and it was just ok.

 One poor guy took me to a really nice restaurant. I was really happy to be there since I eat junk all day on my work trips. I was so damn yummy I wanted to date myself (how vain is that lol).

I had on a pencil skirt, a tight fitted tank top, nude (to damn high) pumps, my hair was down with big spiral curls and pinned up on 1-side.
 I was to tired to be on any date and kept looking at my watch because I was up way passed my bedtime( time listed above)..haha
 I could sense him being annoyed so I ended the date early by tell him I had to get up really early (which was the truth 4:30 am) would call he to let him know I made it back to my hotel. He was a very handsome man....nice but he was kind of blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol

We met right after I got off...well, at least that's what I told (I'm a little stinker). I flew back to the hotel(in the car not plane) jumped in the shower put my hair in a side braid put on business casual outfit and rushed to meet him at the local "Panera Bread."
He told meand I quote  "I looked beautiful he couldn't believe I was just getting  off after a 12hr. shift."
 I told him "your just being kind".haha If he only
We laughed and had a ball. I may see him again when I return in October. He was handsome with a a cool sexy swagger. I saw him towards the end of my it was only that one time. He isn't married and have no kids. That can be a good thing and a bad thing.
It's always a nice thing to know your not messing with someone else's relationship, right? But, if he's attached that means he has more to loose and won't become clingy or worse a stalker. But, the distance between us will help some with that. 
I.D.K. we will see and of course I will keep you up on the latest gossip.

Go after what you want in life no matter what other's/hater's  say. They are really envious of your ambition and your strive to reach your goals/ just your swagger.


~ CaramellSeduction


Monday, July 2, 2012

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PART 2.....

Hey My Felines! I SUCK! LOL
I owe you Felines an explanation to why I've just up and disappeared and the things that having been going on in my life since my last post. lol
Remember that "Dream Job?" Well, I've been working it! I mean working the shit out of this career. You Felines know I haven't been doing it for long but I go hard!
When Im under contract I work 12- 12 1/2 Hr. work days 7 days a week no off days. All I do is go to work and go to sleep.
I now know what it feels like "being a S.D." living out of a suite case travelling and seeing the country. I also understand more why they seek Babies/'s a lonely life.
I on the other hand tend to be a very social butterfly and can strike up a conversation with any type of person anywhere. lol. It drives my friends/co-workers nuts. They want me to be more like them...moody bitches but I don't follow anyone..I'm a leader..always have been always will
It's nice have a group of women who are getting it. We've grown a bound but no one can ever replace my Felines!
I still have my same S.D. that encouraged me to leave my downtown job and go for the career that will lead to home ownership and the business I want. I haven't seen him in a while because he's been out of the country and when he finally comes back I have to leave again for a business trip.
Im on my business trip now..I just got here 2 days ago. I should be in bed right now but I got a nice email from one of my new Felines "SugarBrownUK" left me a post that she love my blog. Thank you reminded me of how much I love blogging and how much I've missed all of you Felines. So thank you girl!
I want to thank all of my new members for following me, reading my blog, and posting comment. I also like to thank my Felines who haven't given up on me and de-friended (or whatever its called)
I'm still here and still go on S.A. & A.M.... and have a lot of prospects but I travel way to much to land a S.D.
I have 2 Pots. who are willing to travel here to the city I'm in for work.. just to meet me and go out to dinner...knowing that I can only see them for a hour maybe a hour and a half (I got to get my sleep)...haha
I think it's so sweet. So, once my job calms done (the 1st week is always nuts) then I will give them a  call.
I'm still with my same sexy boyfriend. I love him and he's way supportive with my career but as usual he gets on my last nerves ...SOMETIMES! lol.
 He'll be down to visit me on Friday and can only stay until Sunday night. But, He so sweet he called off of work...If you Felines knew my man you would know that is a big deal. But, Ill be working the entire time he's here. I'm going to try to see if I can get a day off to be with him.

I put my scholarship on hold...I hope I don't loose it. But, I  have no time to take any courses not even 1 online course! Which makes me sad but I have to choose working for right now...@ least until I learn the ropes in my business. Then maybe 1 class here and 1 class there to keep my scholarship

I truly feel blessed at this point in my life. I love having the opportunity to help myself and my family if need be  (BELIEVE ME THEY CALL FOR THE DUMBEST STUFF..) But being able to id great.

I still want a S.D. to guide me to financial freedom...Show me the "Blue Print!" I like the S.D. that I have and really can't wait to see him.
I was trying to see what I named my S.D. and realized that I haven't given him a name yet. I think Im going to call him Dreamy. If you guys saw him you might not understand...
But once you got to know him you would get it.

FYI: We still haven't F***ED....
He hasn't been pushing the issue..and neither have I.

I have to get up extremely early 4:30 am and its past my 6:30 bedtime. Ill add a quote and picture later.


This is an quick post..

I meant to send when I was on my first business :(

Hey Felines....I miss you so darn much!!!!

I started that job that would be able to help change my life. I am actually in a hotel for work now. I don't understand how POTS do it!!!! I will be on assignment for 18 day living out of a far I have been here for 7 days so far...12 hr. shifts off days!

Yes, the money is unrealistic and it get direct deposited into my account the day that my assignment is over. 

But, you know how Felines do! I am search anytime that I am not exhausted.I'm on a search for a

I told my dad that it is crazy that I am making S.D. money now....haha

I still have my S.D. but that may end soon because of our travel schedules for work. He is still extremely supportive to the things that I am trying to do with my life. 

But now I am on a new hunt. I am on a mission to get someone who makes way more then me. A Millionaire Daddie would be great!
I am an Independent contractor so I can work when and anywhere in the world. 

So..I'll try to blog before I leave so I can finally meet some Felines in person.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

He Had Me In His Car...Ooooo So Wet!


HEY FELINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know... I know... I suck! I miss you Sugary Felines!

I hope you all are doing well and getting ready for our hottest season..SUMMER BABIES!

This job sucks the energy and life right out of me.

 So, today something interesting happened to me. I had to ride with "The Investor" one of my many bosses in his 2012 2-dr Jag to get our figer printing done.
The whole company hates the relationship (completely professional) the we have. He is a serious business man...he never smiles...except when I make him..ha

So ,I was casually asking him questions on our drive. He took the long way. He drove so fast that even me "The Speed Racer" was a little scaried. I could tell that he was trying to impress me! He  told me where he lives and let me know which athletes live on his exclusive street (only 5 freakin houses on the whole entire street...not a dead end street mind you) he has a house that sits right on the water.

Was he impressing me? Am I a typical girl?
Yes. & In this case I was a regular girl....haha. His sexy car is hot ( I looked into this car at the auto show) love it! He is very rich..extremely rich...maybe not quite yet wealthy...but shit Im not his accountant..who knows..haha.
That is hot! I understand him. How he takes care of business is really sweet. YUMMY

When Im not my bubblely happy self (which was only once..becasue I do the originals owner work all the time...he lazy as hell) he told me a joke to make me laugh. He said that he couldn't go home knowing that I was so upset. He calls & emails  me all day long (all professional).

What is worse is I'm playing with myself & thinking of him when I'm fucking my "Amazing In Bed boyfriend." What the hell?!!!! He is my boss! He is my married boss! You Felines know that I have a strict rule to not entertaining married men.....unless it's in the Sugar Bowl.

Well, he is cheap when it comes to his business....haha
But, not when it comes to taking care of him. Having a S.B. is a treat to any man!  Please, I do all his finances for the company I work for (He has many) ....I have his back. He knows that he can trust me with secrets and discuss his frustrations about his partners with me. hmmmm discreteion is what we call this in our world, right? lol
I think I would be the perfect S.B. for this man.

He wife is a pretty petite blonde.
I, on the other hand...petite but curvy long off black blonde on tips hair, round big butt (not to big...but juicy none the less...haha). His wife and I may wear the same size but Im more feeled out in clothing.

Have any of you Felines seduced your boss into becoming your S.D.?
Have any Felines ever had an affair with their boss?

Do you Felines think I should make it a little more obivious?
 I want this MAN!
 I may run scaried if he gives me any attention at

 But, I have this weird thing where I need to know that I can get everything I want or it will nag at me like food stuck in my

How should I go about letting him know that Im interested?
Keep in mind that he likes things classy! (no wonder he's eyeballing me...haha)

*You Felines know I love to if your new to my blogger Im really not this bad in person...maybe just half of this...haha

I went on a lunch date (nice mexican resturant) with an older guy who is friends with my parents YES, I SAID PARENTS!
 I wouldn't date him 1. parents friend (mom doesn't care dad would kill him)  2. he is corny as
3. blah blah!
 He is trying to get me to marry him. He doesn't know anything about me except I am in Cos. industry and I am my parents daughter and really great in business and pretty smart (pat on the back...haha). SO NO! @ LEAST NOT FOR NOW..HAHA

My S.D. is out of town still until mid-May :( Im still sad about that one.

I have a date flying in from out of town and I don't want to say more then that for now...I don't want to get excited or jinx it....
We know how these things can turn out...

I may drive to see the POT. that lives 2 hrs. away.

My Birthday is May 13 (Mother's Day) I want to zipline and he lives in the area where it is. So, I want to see him this weekend. I have to drive there anyway for family.

Cross your fingers I need to quit this job soon.
The job that pays more... training is a long process and Im going thru that I need something until then.

Im not going to school for my summer semester...I may end up regreting it..but O, well! lol

O, I eat my lunch with my boyfriend everyday's so great because I gained at least 10-15lbs. (since working at my job) so home cooking is a nice change and my baby can cook.
That started on Monday. So, it's really nice. I try to get some but he is so boring & ( we eat in a busy parking lot near his job).

Fast cars are my only vice.
~Michael Bay


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Holidays Felines!!!!

Daddie does me good !!!!!!!!!

Ok so... Thursday was my last day for the work week (good friday). I had one of the worst weeks ever!

 But, on a positive note I was looking sooooo hot because I had a date with my S.D. and Im trying to hook my boss (the investor).....haha

Speaking of my boss. My former boss sent me a text last night at 11:30 p.m. saying happy holidays and he heard that I was dressed to the 9 and he was sorry he wasn't there this week like he wanted to be. So, I know that the only one who he speaks to at my job is the investor....they have been friends longer then I've been a live...haha

What did I have on you ask......I had on a form fitting but office  appropriate dress, a high waisted penical skirt like dress that had a silk coral drapped cowler...I added a poka dot cami under so you couldn't "my goodies" under my  dress. You know, so I wouldn't look like I was obviously trying to seduce him..haha
I wore my hair up with my layers sweeping my face and the back sexy version of a librian's do. haha

I think it is sexy that he noticed but he made it seem as though he didn't even see me...but it's hard for a man to not see an attractive looking women....shit it's hard for a women not to see an attractive looking women!
He stayed in my office at my desk all day so I kept leaving out. I want him to think that I don't want him either. He's someone who loves the chase! Lucky for him I love running....haha

I am so bad!!! I know :)

Anyway I had a very bad day and will more then likely be leaving this job soon so that helped with the delima of which job I should take...right!

I clocked out early because I plan my lunch for the last second..haha. So my day goes by fast but I ended up leaving a hour past my actual schedule which is 6pm. I had a date with my S.D. at 7p.m. So I jumped in my car and drove 20 mins. in about 10mins. I sat in my car waiting and scanning the parking lot for 20mins. additional minutes.  I couldn't find his car at all. I didnt want to walk into a ressturant without him letting me know he was there.
Then I ended up calling him and he had been in the resturant since 6:30pm. lol he wasn't mad and said that we will work on our communication as time goes along.

He quickly gave me a hug and asked me about my day. I told him all the details and that I was in a horrible mood but I was ready to proceed with our plans (THE BIG DAY). He gave me great advice and legal advice because he's a non-practicing attorney and a C.E.O.of a very large company :) (GO DADDIE!)

We ate good and he treated me as if I was the only person in the room. I had a BALL!

He is great! I like him a lot but I always had...we emailed for months (but just met in person a few weeks ago)...I think our 1 year is coming up soon...I'm going to have to search my email account and find out when we first started

He gave me amazing advice which made me honestly want to leave the resturant and go to a room :)
It was cute to see how pissed he was at how upset I

SO I know you Feline are waiting to hear about the big having sex with my 62 year old S.D....right?

Well, he had no plans on having sex with me..he just wanted to take me to dinner and touch my legs..haha
Go figure...I guess Im the horny old man! lol

We left the resturant and I walked to his car where he had pillows and blankets in his Big Body Benz. I'm thinking to myself I'm not sure what he thinks is getting ready to go down in this well lit parking lot...I'm mean what type of lady does he think I

He literally just wanted to rub my legs, kiss me, touched my peaches once, hugged me, grab my ass, put my hand on his soft cock, and that was it....I was a little sad because I was ready!

 His mind turns me on....his power turns me on even more!

But the best part is he gave me more money! Yeah Felines....Mo' Money.. Mo' Money.. Mo'! I like how he gives me money. You can tell he puts thought into how he goes about it. It's really cute..Last time he gave me all new $100 bills...and this time he gave me all new $50 bills in a white unmarked envelope.

That made my horrible day so much better :)
 He's that best!

We have a date for Monday but I'm on cycle...but knowing him he doesn't want any..anyway...haha

I hope I get more money :) Is that greedy to want even more money? O WELL...I STILL DO! HAHA

Don't settle one day your Sugary Chrming will come...if your lucky maybe more then 1!
~Caramell Seduction


Monday, April 2, 2012

This post is for Chloebaby & my Felines!

I love POSH as much as I love

So you know me
A feline commented on my last post and I wrote a whole blog..sorry..haha

Awwww. Thank you for reading my blog!!!

 Yes, I live in a great neighborhood. I live right down the street from one of the ritziest malls in my city maybe even state.
I've earned everything that I have so far. But, now I want Sugary Rewards!! haha 

 I  personally worked since I was about 8 years old in my family businesses and at 15 years old I went to school to become a manicurist which I did until recently.

It helped me pay my way thru college. Now I'm blessed I don't have to pay for college anymore because I have a full academic scholarship, awarded last year.


But don't tell my S.D. or My Pots...haha

The struggling college student seems to be what they are looking for..but my Dad  (biological not sugary) thinks I should try a whole nother Im accustom to this life style and I'm looking for someone to help me maintain it. But, I think they can tell that once they meet me.

But, if I knew about being a Sugar Babie when I turned 18 years old.... I would be an extremely wealth young women by now! lol

It's so funny that people not in the Bowl don't understand that Babies come from many different lifestyles and backgrounds and we have goals and ambitions just like any other women.

I think we're actually smarter!

I hate how were presented on talk
They find the dumbest group of women to explain why they are a S.B....I think to myself really...that's why you do this!

I hope none of my Felines were on these shows but if they were...PLEASE, PLEASE learn from your mistakes! lol

All my experiences haven't been grand in the Sugar Bowl.

I keep saying I will write a post about the "finest.. racist" I've ever seen who stalked me for months  trying to give me a designer bracelet and wanting to be my S.D. and this was pre-my-googlevoice days! lol

But as Babies/Felines we live and we learn. Right!

There are tons of story I've just been to lazy to write them all. I read many & before I actually started mine for years.

I went on many many many dates before I started blogging.
Lisa wants me to write a post on my former S.D. which I will do one day I promise.

Learn as much as you can from as many Babies/Felines as possible and you will be a force to be reckoned with!

Save more then you spend and try to find Daddies that can put you in better places in life Mentally, Financially, Emotionally or Spiritually...only you know what's needed. I think that if you just want to shop then you should get 2 for shopping and one for the allowance...haha

That way you won't waste you allowance on clothing and things that don't accumulate in value. Unless your spending big money on items like Berkin Bags and Collectors pieces of clothing. If not let your "Gift Daddie" do the spending on that.

That's just my thoughts....of course you don't have to listen and every Feline is entitled to do what they wish!

Many Babies have put me under their wing and guided me before they even knew it!

 So if you ever have any questions or problems feel free to contact me whenever!

Thank you again for reading :)

Save half of what you spend and only purchase things that accumulate in value!

~ Caramell Seduction



How Two Firefighters Started Firehouse Subs Franchise

I feel like my job is keeping me from my Sugary Adventures and Blogging and we all know that I am so into Blogging!
I miss you Felines. I just started the darn job and I feel like I have left my B.F.F. to live life without me.

I just wanted you guys to know that I miss you and that my S.D. will be back in town on the 4th of April and we're shooting for having dinner together and more when he gets here.
We will see :)

I need my allowance to start. This job is highly stressful. Women are all in my business. I have Candace (last post) who rolls her eyes at me everytime I see her. But she doesn't bother me at all...I actually think I need her to make me day go better..haha
What's that old saying about haters..."Let them be your motivator/cheerleaders" haha

My job think that Im going to do all the work of an Administrator without "Administrator money" O NO! I've had that position before and don't want to go down that road again until I own my own business.

Im going to talk with my S.D. about his thoughts on the position. He is extremely successful and Im going to use his knowledge in life and business to get me where I need to go!

 I have another job possibility (they are just now getting back to me) working in an industry that has nothing to do with my dreams and goals......BUT.....
The money is so good I could be a "SUGAR MOMMA!"
So, it's like what should I do...haha

My boss that I have a crush on $$$$ left. Come to find out he was hiring me for his position. So, Im kind of sad because I learned a lot from him! I was told by a guy who works at my job that my former boss likes black women. I said I know he likes women with a little spice because his ex-wife was a spanish women. They told me his new girlfriend was

I have my sites set on the real money.... now. The stuffy and boring Investor. When I first started working there he couldn't look me in the eyes and barely talked to me and now he can't seem to stay out of my office. He makes up every excuse to have a meeting in the morning and right before I go out the door for the evening...haha

One of my co-workers showed me the garage where his cars are parked. New Jag, New big Body Benz, Hummer...all black and my co-worker says that he has way more at home.

Im trying to paint you felines a picture of how rich he really is.

He owns the building downtown where my job is! The 3 parking lots near my job (cash cow right there alone). He owns a charter high school and middle school and child care center inside of my building. He owns an insurance company.  He has 3 personal assistant (Im not talk secretaries but assistants). Everything that is in the building I think he has his hands in the pot some how...if not his rent isn't cheap because I do the bugeting and the financing.

Im looking for my oppurtunity! Did GOD bless me with this job to land a millionaire S.D.
that would be amazing!!!!

My Boss who left is rich also but not this rich.

Both are nice looking men and grew up together..they are I have to plant my sugar seeds wisely...haha

I wear the most seductive but tasteful outfits. Fully covered but hugs all my petite womenly curves...haha.  He always walks behind me and he is always near me and of course Im smelling yummy and fresh! lol

I'm slowly putting him under my
At first he didnt smile or laugh at my jokes and now....I get maybe half a smile.
He's a work in progress.

We will see.

I have a POT. who I met on S.A. who lives 2 hrs. away..but I am so tired when I get off that I go straight to sleep when I get home.

This other job would give me the funds I need to open my business.
The job I work at I believe "Investor" is trying to buy out the owner and put me in his place. Well, that would be fine if I was trying to open my business 4-5 years from now. But, Im trying to open this year or early next year and so that plan of his couldn't work for me without the right financial paychecks.

I dont need titles! I cared about having a title,big fancy office,salary,responsibilites when I got my associates degree. Now for me it's how much are you going to pay me to do the job you want me to do?

So, Felines I feel like Im in a Dilemma  . My dad told me to quit this job and chase that money. My mom told me to stay at this dependable job and grow with the company.

My question is which job do you Felines think that I should work?

If I work at the Health Position (POT. JOB) I would be training DR.'S in the new health technologies. This will always be in high demand because my state is big in health care and DR.'S will always need to farther their education. This position is a career! Traveling (all inclusive) and paid training is included in this position.
 I would be able to purchase & start my own business & home  with this job.


Working in my "Dream" field learning. But what Im learning there I can learn with continue education courses in my field. I really wanted the position because my former boss is a great business man and I learned so much from him in the short time period that I worked for him...I wanted the job to be mentored by him. Of course it keeps the fire lit about my dream and it wouldn't be put on the back burner because I am living it everyday!

If I had to open my business later on for whatever reason both of these jobs could be excellent careers for me.

I think that my grandmother who passed wants me to take the other position because everytime she went into the hospital she would call me and tell me to "make sure you look cute because the Dr.'s are handsome and I'm not sick without a better take advantage of this"...haha
She was on a mission to get me married to a DR. /M.D. lol

She was my bestfriend and her opinion always matters to me (I know I still speak of her as if she's here but it's still all new to me ) so I know she would say that this is business and go for what would be able to help me out in the future and since the health position pays way more I should go for that one.

I would love to know your thoughts :)

Im going to talk with my S.D. about his thoughts on the position. He is extremely successful and Im going to use his knowledge in life and business to get me where I need to go
~ Caramell Seduction


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Picture later & sorry for any typos Ill correct it later  :)

I am so addicted to the Sugary Blogs. Today I had a few hours while at work doing absolutely nothing and I thought about logging on and seeing what my Felines were up while I slave away at work.

But I chose against that because...being knew I have to learn the ropes before I break

They know that Im on the net but you never know what type of software is on corporate
So for now Ill stay off....
Hmmmm I think Im going to use my netbook while Im sitting in my office bored to death...haha

Sometimes I want to ask them why did they hire me...because I never have anything to do until after 3:30 (my hrs. are from 9-6pm) but of course this Babie isnt going to mess up her money so I keep my mouth closed! lol

Why today did a co-worker of mine (work in a different dept. same building) set me up.
She says your face looks so fimilar. I say do you get your nails done or go to the salons for hair or facial services.
She says yeah when I was in high school.

Then literally 2 sec. later she says do you know *.*.?

I say yes and she has been mean mugging me ever since.

*.*. was my middle school - high school sweet heart (I was in high school he older then me...I always liked then older guys...haha)       and we were together for most of my life.

She started mean mugging me since my first day there.

I believe she knew exactly who I was and was waiting for an oppurtuinty to talk to me.

Now with that being said...I have never been the type of girl that would start something.

I hate bullies!

But, I will finish it! 

*.*. and I  had an on again off again relationship and just about ever summer we would break up ( was me not him).

 Well, he would always find a" friends with benefits" type of arrangement.

 Well, when we would get back together I would always have to deal with these girls not realizing that they were just a fuck! lol

So there are a few women now who are still on this...I guess.

Hince Candaceat the job (her real name)..haha

I went home and called him and of course he cant remember I told him I will take a picture of her.

I believe I need to know for 2 reasons.
1. This is my job. I don't have time for high school games.
2. I don't like someone to know about me about me and I have no clue who the hell they are!

She can start something if she wants to. I have a much higher position then she does.

Women if men have a girl that he puts first Im talking R.L. dont degrade yourself to be second for anyone.

Now in the bowl its different because your getting "SOMETHING 4 SOMETHING"......

But know your worth because your diff. worth more then to play second feddle to anyone.

There are signs to when a guy is inlove with someone else.
He usually tells us but we see what we want to see and already start to plan our lives together
and he is clearly showing signs of not being tht into
1. he doesnt take you to meet family.
2. he thinks your one of the boys and you fall into the "friends category"

So please pay attention to those signs Felines!

My boss souded like he was 2 seconds away from asking me to go to Vegas with
But then he remember where we were at.

He always telling me about how much money he has and how many properties he owns....and today we were talking about the megamillion.

I told him I would give him a Million if my ticket hit....he says "I already have more then a million." I ignored him like I always doesn't impress me unless I'm getting some. I've dated millionaires big deal...they are the same as any other type of my ...they just have more money...So like to share and some don't

So, him saying so to me is like

He is a very flashy guy...haha

We'll see! He says that he's leave that company soon. He only came to turn it around and put them in the "Black". So, he's training me for his position.

So, He gives me his card to his other companies and tells me to "always keep it because its my get out of jail free card and it will help me out of any pitch"

Sounds like Sugary Promotions if I've ever seen one...haha

Maybe he can be my S.D. after he resigns...haha

I know your worth!
~ Caramell Seduction


Friday, March 23, 2012


So, I was on S.A. last night and came across this sexy chocolate man with a beautiful white smile. Damn he was fine! Ya'll know I love to look at all things beautiful.

So we had a great little chat and I asked him had he ever had a S.B. before.
I went to bed and Im just getting back to check my messages and his response was this:

"Lol!!! No..... Do I look like a SD?"

There isn't a particular look for a S.D.

How did you hear about the site?


A chik!!

Ok, so here is my issue with this. He is the 3rd man that I've experienced from this site who thinks that being a S.D. means fuckin' for free and his good looks some how exempts him from having to pay an allowance or any form of allowance being gifts or other...

If I wanted a regular guy with just to brag to all my girlfriends. Example:"yes, my man drives a benz, owns his own house, has a black card" I wouldn't waste countless unbillable man hours on line seeking a real S.D. I would just meet him at the usual water holes.

That means absolutely nothing to me if I'm not eating off of his hardwork.

If Im driving a Benz also why the hell would I care about what you drive?
If I can by my own dinners..then why in the hell would I care about you taking me to dinner?

I have never been the bragging type and has always cared less about what a man has unless he is elevating me along for the ride.

These fake ass sugar babies need to stop telling this guys about the site.

 We already have enough to deal with ruling out the cheap POTS. now we have to deal with a radom everyday dude hearing about it from a fake ass babies.

Everyone can't be a S.D. just like everyone can't be a Babie!

It''s beyond annoying!

How many Felines is starting to feel like me and think the the site is now going for quanity -vs- quality?

I am honestly starting to believe that a lot of these men are lying about their salaries....just like they lied about their sex partners in high school...haha

What was that rule again about men and their sex partners? Apply it to their incomes..that is what they really make!!   lol

I had to write this post.

Plus Felines update your profiles and make them really nice. The increase in action is starting because its getting hotttt outside and S.D. are on the hunt!

Everyone can't be a S.D. just like everyone can't be a Babie!

~Caramell Seduction


Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Ok, so I was on my way to bed but wanted to check my  Sugary Email Acount.
Why did I just get 7 pictures from a POT. with a women in a bikini...on vaction. Why?
I ask you again why? I think it maybe his wife. At least I hope it's his

She was out of shape and flabby. She looked old.

If your going to send a POT. S.B. pictures leave the chicks out. Why do I need to see this. Im a far cry of a jealous person but I think its about respect! Am I right?
This makes whatever chemistry there is very  hard to grow.

What am I supposed to say to these pictures?
Personally, I dont understand the purpose of sending me these pictures. I mean should I send pictures of me in Flordia with my ex.? lol
I dont think that would go over to well.

I was thinking about saying:
 O..your wife is pretty...haha
or who is this or maybe nothing at all...haha

What do you think?

Just wanted to post this quickly...

He said that she was his date from last night. lol
He just wanted to show me how beautiful Flordia

I told him sorry I thought she was your wife.

He said why are you sorry. No she's not my wife Ive been divorced for over 10 years now.

I said I was sorry because I thought she was your wife and also for the divorce.

I haven't heard from him since...haha

O well!

Laugh at Life!


My Sister Turning Down R.L. POTS....HUH?

My sister and aunt went to sign their lease on an office space that they are sharing. We go to the owners office (which is the whole top floor) and a young girl answers the door. She wouldnt even let us in...she said he was down stairs.

My sister says that he's her S.D.
I said no shes his daughter. She says no thats he S.B.

Long story short...he tells us in so many words that he was tapping this young girl...haha

He was checking me out. So, my sister is now on a mission to make him my S.D...haha

She wasnt a pulled together polsihed S.B.
But, I can't knock anyones style....she getting that money.

Basically his wife does all the paperwork and the S.B. sits on her ass in the office doing nothing at all...haha

I love it. He 74 years old..haha

But, He is very handsome...He is a big flirt and has

My sister...has R.L. guys offering to be her S.B. all the time and she turns them down..
I think it's so funny because she says she doesn't want to be a S.B. but she wants the money...

I think she will be one soon.

Her B.F. doesn't make enough for her shopping addiction...haha

Today was a sucky day!!!

  • I had to search for my high school diploma...went in the storage area at my mom's and couldn't find it....ughhh
  • Dropped my pretty banana (right after I peeled it) just fell on the floor
  • Had to get TB test...Im scaried of hurt   :(
  • Spent way to much money these week
  • Just eating for the first time I was cranky
  • My sister and I alway...ALWAYS...I mean always we were arguing (again) all day today.
  • I went shopping for nude open toe pumps.........I got everything but nude pumps.
  • I got in an argument with my B.F...........But he gave me money so I don't care... I took the $$$ and drove off...haha (thank you!!!)
  • On my way home from leaving him.....I caughter a flat....down the road from my house. So I rode the flat to my house.
  • cost of new tire $250+ tax+labor ....for one freakin' tire...Im beyound pissed!  But, Im happy that it hapened once I got off the highway and I was able to make it home safely.
Im happy the day is over...All I want to do tomorrow is sleep. I dont have to start my new job until monday. So, Im resting. Ill have triple A come out and change my tire to my spare so I can buy a new one.

Thanks for listening to me bitch about my sucky day :)


I put a quote & picture later....sorry felines Im tires...I mean tired lol

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Damn this is a great picture!

I was on A.M. responding to some emails and came across this really sweet guy. He was willing to pay me for the first date without me having to ask for it.

 But, from his picture I knew he wasn't going to be able to afford my allowance.

Awwwwwww. the poor guy sent me this respectful email discussing the allowance. Of course I posted it below for educational purposes.

I kind of feel bad for posting this in my blog because he is a sweet heart. 

But, every encounter is a learning lesson for a Feline.

So here we go:

I prefer to discuss arrangements before meetings.... learning experience. It saves time and money.

Thats smart Although I was going to give you a monetary gift just for meeting me 

      Have you been a S.D. before? I've been down the road of having chemistry and then getting really excited about the possibility of finally getting my S.D. to only hear that the allowance request (discussed in advance) isn't compatible. They don't even offer gas $...only so it's really a frustrating thing looking for a S.D. So, thank you for understanding :) How is your day? What do you do for a living?

I totally understand.... Im a private investor and obtained several new clients through referals so my free time just got extremly limited (yea for my bank for my love life!) LoL I do some travel cross country and do a lot of reading in the air. I have a extreme interest in relationships, (psychology) and of course the female body LoL! Depending on my mind I can be "particular" so as to not waste your time Im giving you at least 70 whenever we deceide to meet and then we can (maybe) go from there.... btw I had a "easy" day (thank you so much for asking!!!) How was your day? I trust you enjoyed this gorgeous weather, "goreous!"

Heres one of my fav online clothing stores that you can choose from (if we hit it off) 

      L.O.L. Thanks funny thats one of my favorite sites also. I wasn't able to enjoy the weather today...I had reports and school :(     Your job sounds fun....but maybe a bit lonely. Im happy you had a good and easy day to day :)

*** This is where it gets good :)****

Well, if we "like" each other this is what I was thinking.... To start off with I would give you a pre-paid debit card of 200.00 per month After every "encounter" I would give you a "gratuity" of 100.00 After 6 months (if we are still happening) I would increase your allowance to 300.00 per month with a gratutiy of 150.00 following a 'encounter" Stamina is key for me.....I love to give more than receive and the ability to receive pleasure is a MUST. (I have no problems with all-nighters....) I hope this is something that would be agreeable to you and not a insult....

I love that you put thought into it....and that you don't want to offend me. But our numbers are really far apart. I wish to recieve an allowance of $2500 a mth. (this was my starter allowance with my last S.D.) Im willing to negotiate. I hope I haven't offended you. 

      Well my love....In my experience Ive found that if I begin with too large of a amount the relationship begins to sour in the way of being taken for granted and other this is where we might part ways...CaramellSeduction you are a treasure and I hope that you will find the *One* your heart truly seeks.....

Awwwwww. I was looking forward to meeting you :( I don't think that your past experiences we're with true S.B. the reason I say this is because the foundation of a Sugar Babe relationship is being "MUTUALLY BENEFICAL." Both parties must recieve what they seek or there is no point of being together. Every real S.B. knows this. In order to remain happy myself I must keep my Daddie happy as well. Im sorry that you had a negative experience. I wish you all the best in your search and in life :)

Did he really think that a real S.B. would go all night for the allowances that he was offering?

I couldn't help but chuckle when I read it....

But, it was different this time...I knew it wasn't coming from a negative was coming from truly wanting to seek a connection with someone but not being able to afford it.

That makes me a little sad :(

But, I am not here to put my PEACH on the line because some nice guy can't afford her. 

I hope that I don't sound mean...haha

You have to know what you want! 
Know what you will negotiate to
And know what you won't except!

If anyone want him let me know. He's a really nice guy.

With that being said I have a few new great Pots. but I won't get to excited...we know how that goes (eye roll)

*A lot of money is different for everybody*
So, don't be afraid to ask what a lot of money is to them!

4 guys from S.A. and a few follow up guys from A.M.

I will of course keep you Felines posted about my adventures :)

This is the new addition of what my dad said about this poor guy :(

I told my dad the story and told him that the guy was really nice and I felt sorry for the guy.

My dad said " all broke people are nice..they have no choice, they have no money..their broke! Stop feelin' sorry for people" haha

He cracks me up! He is too bult for his own good. But he keeps me on my

Every real Sugar Babie knows that you have to treat your Daddie like the man he is and he will spoil you better then he spoils his own damn family!  haha

~ Caramelllseduction