Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Damn this is a great picture!

I was on A.M. responding to some emails and came across this really sweet guy. He was willing to pay me for the first date without me having to ask for it.

 But, from his picture I knew he wasn't going to be able to afford my allowance.

Awwwwwww. the poor guy sent me this respectful email discussing the allowance. Of course I posted it below for educational purposes.

I kind of feel bad for posting this in my blog because he is a sweet heart. 

But, every encounter is a learning lesson for a Feline.

So here we go:

I prefer to discuss arrangements before meetings.... learning experience. It saves time and money.

Thats smart Although I was going to give you a monetary gift just for meeting me 

      Have you been a S.D. before? I've been down the road of having chemistry and then getting really excited about the possibility of finally getting my S.D. to only hear that the allowance request (discussed in advance) isn't compatible. They don't even offer gas $...only so it's really a frustrating thing looking for a S.D. So, thank you for understanding :) How is your day? What do you do for a living?

I totally understand.... Im a private investor and obtained several new clients through referals so my free time just got extremly limited (yea for my bank accounts...boo for my love life!) LoL I do some travel cross country and do a lot of reading in the air. I have a extreme interest in relationships, (psychology) and of course the female body LoL! Depending on my mind I can be "particular" so as to not waste your time Im giving you at least 70 whenever we deceide to meet and then we can (maybe) go from there.... btw I had a "easy" day (thank you so much for asking!!!) How was your day? I trust you enjoyed this gorgeous weather, "goreous!"

Heres one of my fav online clothing stores that you can choose from (if we hit it off) www.venus.com 

      L.O.L. Thanks funny thats one of my favorite sites also. I wasn't able to enjoy the weather today...I had reports and school :(     Your job sounds fun....but maybe a bit lonely. Im happy you had a good and easy day to day :)

*** This is where it gets good :)****

Well, if we "like" each other this is what I was thinking.... To start off with I would give you a pre-paid debit card of 200.00 per month After every "encounter" I would give you a "gratuity" of 100.00 After 6 months (if we are still happening) I would increase your allowance to 300.00 per month with a gratutiy of 150.00 following a 'encounter" Stamina is key for me.....I love to give more than receive and the ability to receive pleasure is a MUST. (I have no problems with all-nighters....) I hope this is something that would be agreeable to you and not a insult....

I love that you put thought into it....and that you don't want to offend me. But our numbers are really far apart. I wish to recieve an allowance of $2500 a mth. (this was my starter allowance with my last S.D.) Im willing to negotiate. I hope I haven't offended you. 

      Well my love....In my experience Ive found that if I begin with too large of a amount the relationship begins to sour in the way of being taken for granted and other things....so this is where we might part ways...CaramellSeduction you are a treasure and I hope that you will find the *One* your heart truly seeks.....

Awwwwww. I was looking forward to meeting you :( I don't think that your past experiences we're with true S.B. the reason I say this is because the foundation of a Sugar Babe relationship is being "MUTUALLY BENEFICAL." Both parties must recieve what they seek or there is no point of being together. Every real S.B. knows this. In order to remain happy myself I must keep my Daddie happy as well. Im sorry that you had a negative experience. I wish you all the best in your search and in life :)

Did he really think that a real S.B. would go all night for the allowances that he was offering?

I couldn't help but chuckle when I read it....

But, it was different this time...I knew it wasn't coming from a negative place....it was coming from truly wanting to seek a connection with someone but not being able to afford it.

That makes me a little sad :(

But, I am not here to put my PEACH on the line because some nice guy can't afford her. 

I hope that I don't sound mean...haha

You have to know what you want! 
Know what you will negotiate to
And know what you won't except!

If anyone want him let me know. He's a really nice guy.

With that being said I have a few new great Pots. but I won't get to excited...we know how that goes (eye roll)

*A lot of money is different for everybody*
So, don't be afraid to ask what a lot of money is to them!

4 guys from S.A. and a few follow up guys from A.M.

I will of course keep you Felines posted about my adventures :)

This is the new addition of what my dad said about this poor guy :(

I told my dad the story and told him that the guy was really nice and I felt sorry for the guy.

My dad said " all broke people are nice..they have no choice, they have no money..their broke! Stop feelin' sorry for people" haha

He cracks me up! He is too bult for his own good. But he keeps me on my toes...lol

Every real Sugar Babie knows that you have to treat your Daddie like the man he is and he will spoil you better then he spoils his own damn family!  haha

~ Caramelllseduction


  1. Aww. He was so serious about that too. $200 each month to start with?? Where does he live? Thats dinner at an decent restaurant.

  2. Girl, he stays in a really small town. lol
    I thought he missed a zero at first..but I didnt want to offend him because he is nice...lol

    poor guy :(

    Im going to add to this post what my dad said today..lol

    Thank you for reading and commenting :)


  3. yeah it's hilarious that he said "all broke people are nice...they have no choice"! so funny and true!! that guy should just go to a regular dating site or try to find a horny house wife who just wants to get laid without allowance...serioulsy! if they can't afford a SB, they shouldn't be a SD!

  4. takeliaSB:

    GIRL,I know you have no idea. I'm trying to get him to start a blog. I think that he would get tons of readers..lol

    Georgina SB:
    I know right?! He just seemed really lonely :(
    I have nothing on my profile except that I want to a S.D. that gives me a monthly allowance. You would think they would stay away if they can't aford it..but they never do..lol

    My dad is nuts! lol
    I had an ex-b.f. who catered to me and did everything I said and my dad told me at the time that he had no choice because he was broke and if he wanted to keep me he would have to go above and beyond the "average joe" lol

    SO rude...lol I love him. You have to love someone who is always honest but not in a hurtful way unless you push him there..which is very rare. lol

    Ill write a post soon about his advice on how I should be a S.B....LOL
    It's even funnier and I want to try it...lol

    Thank you ladies for reading & commenting...lol

