Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Picture later & sorry for any typos Ill correct it later  :)

I am so addicted to the Sugary Blogs. Today I had a few hours while at work doing absolutely nothing and I thought about logging on and seeing what my Felines were up while I slave away at work.

But I chose against that because...being knew I have to learn the ropes before I break

They know that Im on the net but you never know what type of software is on corporate
So for now Ill stay off....
Hmmmm I think Im going to use my netbook while Im sitting in my office bored to death...haha

Sometimes I want to ask them why did they hire me...because I never have anything to do until after 3:30 (my hrs. are from 9-6pm) but of course this Babie isnt going to mess up her money so I keep my mouth closed! lol

Why today did a co-worker of mine (work in a different dept. same building) set me up.
She says your face looks so fimilar. I say do you get your nails done or go to the salons for hair or facial services.
She says yeah when I was in high school.

Then literally 2 sec. later she says do you know *.*.?

I say yes and she has been mean mugging me ever since.

*.*. was my middle school - high school sweet heart (I was in high school he older then me...I always liked then older guys...haha)       and we were together for most of my life.

She started mean mugging me since my first day there.

I believe she knew exactly who I was and was waiting for an oppurtuinty to talk to me.

Now with that being said...I have never been the type of girl that would start something.

I hate bullies!

But, I will finish it! 

*.*. and I  had an on again off again relationship and just about ever summer we would break up ( was me not him).

 Well, he would always find a" friends with benefits" type of arrangement.

 Well, when we would get back together I would always have to deal with these girls not realizing that they were just a fuck! lol

So there are a few women now who are still on this...I guess.

Hince Candaceat the job (her real name)..haha

I went home and called him and of course he cant remember I told him I will take a picture of her.

I believe I need to know for 2 reasons.
1. This is my job. I don't have time for high school games.
2. I don't like someone to know about me about me and I have no clue who the hell they are!

She can start something if she wants to. I have a much higher position then she does.

Women if men have a girl that he puts first Im talking R.L. dont degrade yourself to be second for anyone.

Now in the bowl its different because your getting "SOMETHING 4 SOMETHING"......

But know your worth because your diff. worth more then to play second feddle to anyone.

There are signs to when a guy is inlove with someone else.
He usually tells us but we see what we want to see and already start to plan our lives together
and he is clearly showing signs of not being tht into
1. he doesnt take you to meet family.
2. he thinks your one of the boys and you fall into the "friends category"

So please pay attention to those signs Felines!

My boss souded like he was 2 seconds away from asking me to go to Vegas with
But then he remember where we were at.

He always telling me about how much money he has and how many properties he owns....and today we were talking about the megamillion.

I told him I would give him a Million if my ticket hit....he says "I already have more then a million." I ignored him like I always doesn't impress me unless I'm getting some. I've dated millionaires big deal...they are the same as any other type of my ...they just have more money...So like to share and some don't

So, him saying so to me is like

He is a very flashy guy...haha

We'll see! He says that he's leave that company soon. He only came to turn it around and put them in the "Black". So, he's training me for his position.

So, He gives me his card to his other companies and tells me to "always keep it because its my get out of jail free card and it will help me out of any pitch"

Sounds like Sugary Promotions if I've ever seen one...haha

Maybe he can be my S.D. after he resigns...haha

I know your worth!
~ Caramell Seduction



  1. .he says "I already have more then a million." I ignored him like I always doesn't impress me unless I'm getting some. I've dated millionaires big deal...they are the same as any other type of my ...they just have more money...So like to share and some don't

    ^^That is exactly what I'm dealing with girl. I can't stand some men who know damn well they fall into the Sugardaddy roll but refuse to share their money. They think just because the girl get a free meal at a nice restaurant or they ride in their nice car they think they deserve ally he glory in the world, tired of it. Sorry for ranting lol but I come across it too much!

    1. Lisa:
      Hey Girl I miss you! You know you can rant as much and as long as you like. lol
      Im sorry your going thru that. Those are some of the worst kinds of men to me! They want to lay up under youthful women and not pay out!
      You should consider keepin' it movin'!

  2. I would completely ignore Candace. This is an opportunity for you to get ahead in your career...TAKE IT!

    I am addicted to reading blogs as well. I take my laptop to work so that I don't have to use my work computer. I work in the evenings as a receptionist and it keeps me entertained. I was excited to see you had a new post and interrupted before I could read it. Now I am content ;)

    1. HAHA! GIRL I LOVE CANDANCE! She is jealous because she still doesn't look like anything hot after all these years..haha

      I try not to be a catty women but she started it! haha
      How childish is that of me! haha

      Your right and besides Im over she really should think about that as she passes me in the hallway rolling her

  3. Hi Caramell,

    Just read your whole blog and love it!! You're so lucky to have had such a great experience so far in the sugar world and damn lucky for living in an upperclass neighborhood it sounds like, lol. Send me a message because I'd love to chat :)

    1. I started writing you and it got to big so I wrote a whole post to
      I hope you don't mind...I tend to do that sometimes.

      You said send you a message and I couldnt think of a bigger message then a whole post.

  4. Thank you for reading & commenting FELINES!
    I miss ya'll so much :)

