Monday, March 12, 2012

Just Call Me Anna Nicole Smith! I'll

Me and My new Papi or

Hey Felines!

I have great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
 I landed a DADDIE....YEAH ME :)

He is someone I met on A.M. about a year ago. He's never in town and our schedules would never mesh well.

So, this is one of the dates that I was looking forward to seeing (the one who had a gift for me)...I wrote a post a while back (not to long ago but felt like a lifetime)

So, he is a C.E.O. of a large manufacturing company. He has some of the prettiest blue eyes I ever seen.

He's 6'0 and I enjoyed looking at how he wears a suite..with a splash of color in his tie & socks.

*That's a great sign that he likes to have fun but he's serious in the board room*

Felines I have went on dates before but never with someone with the years of experience he has (his age)

I'll keep you waiting to tell you how old he

He drives a BLACK BIG BODY BENZ....the reason that is important to me is because his car matches his status and that means he is serious about how he conducts his business.

 I have went on dates with POTS. who drives the  "family car"  or their Luxury is on the same level as my Luxury and I'm in my 20's.......there is nothing wrong with not wasting your money but you may not be the Daddie for me.

To cautious with your money means to cautious with my allowance and gifts!

I don't have time for that!

 I want a Daddie to show me the ropes in business and teach me how to navigate threw life...while sprinkling me with the rewards that his hard work has to offer..while I take away the stress of his tired. boring. predictable

I need someone who loves when people stare at him...the women want to be with him and the men want to be him because he's with me & he knows that I am that cause for all the stares and it turns him on...boost up his ego!


 I think that a car a man chooses can say a lot about him. He is a very classy guy and that's why it was like waiting for christmas to come when I was a kid..It felt like forever!

 But we finally met and he didn't disappoint.

Didn't I tell you Felines that once I got a job that I would probably get a S.D....It just always seems to workout that way.

Of course my search isn't over! I still need a few more great possibles to make my summer fantastic!

The problem is that the "Dream Job" doesn't allow for me to take a vaction for a year....                 :(

A whole year!

 I have been self-employeed basically my whole life and taking vacations when and where I wanted and now to have to wait a whole year!

So, I guess Sugar will end up rolling into my personal life..because I'll be Damn if I don't take at least a weekend trip! Sorry B.F....

He will be pissed but he'll get over it! lol

O, and that gift he promised me....

He gave me a nice gift of crispy one hundred dollar bills an envelope.

When he comes back our arrangement will began....April 5, 2012...Im pretty excited!

It's far away again....I'm a little nervous becasue I haven't been involved with anyone other then my B.F. since my last S.D.

Do you want to say CaramellSeduction shut up already and tell us his age! lol


He is 63 years old....

I have never been interested in a man of that age before because frankly I don't think any have been interested in

Just go ahead and call me Anna  Nicole Smith ...HAHA

Hell Yeah, I find him attractive ....with his clothing on..I haven't seen them off yet

 but going through your mental rolodex will help with

I will of course blog in full honesty about what our first time was like.

What it was like having sex with a man of his age and the yummy details and the not so yummy

Finally, a man who knows quality when he sees it...and once I give it to him and put it down on him...I'm going to ask for a raise in my allowance.

That was a little trick I used with my last S.D....
I waited until he couldn't survive without my Sugary Sweetness and then BAMM I asked for a

So, I start my job next Friday and I will continue to follow-up with the dates that I have scheduled.

I know this journey is hell on wheels sometimes....

My Felines don't give up and don't give in!
 Don't settle for nothing less then what you request!
You deserve 100% of the best!

lol.. I know that it is a tedous battle of going on dates and looking drop dead gorgeous and trying to impress someone...but YOU CAN DO IT!

Ya'll have watched my struggled and this is a nice little pit stop for catch my breath a

But then I'll be right back in the game.

I'm excited to see where this goes but I am not counting nothing until the money is sitting in my glove box waiting to be deposited into my bank account!

I'll give him a name later...I want it to fit his personality or something along those that will  be continued!!

Don't spend no money in your head....... until it's in your hand!!
    ~ Caramell Seduction



  1. Yay!!! congrats girl!
    I'm happy for you! age is nothing but a number..but I've never been with anyone this much older either.
    I know Marlo from Basketball wives, not sure if u watch it lol but she have a sugar daddy that age and let it be known to the public.
    Give us all the juicy details on how it goes with him. He sounds like a great catch! Which site did you pull him out from??

  2. Thank you LISA!

    I'm so freakin' happy :) About damn time! Right? lol

    Believe it or not A.M. from last year but never got to meet with him.

    I think A.M. had a few catches 2010-mid

    Girl I was going to write a post about
    Yeah, you know I got to have my

    I was engaged to a 44 yr. old and when my grandmother met him she turned and asked me "is that the oldest you can get" she said "get 1 who has 1 foot in the grave and 1 foot out of the grave"

    I MISS HER :(

    I want someone who can show me how to have my own 400 person company.


    He does seem really nice. I just hope he keeps all promises made.

    If someone saw us together they would think..............
    Straight gold digger...haha
    I dont

    He looks he age to..but he's handsome.

    You know I will tell you every drop of juice.

    It will also be my first time sleeping with a white guy last S.D. was Eastern Indian (sexy)

    SO, he will be many 1st for me :)

    Thank you for reading & commenting girl :)

