Friday, March 2, 2012

A to the B ... 1 of my Sugar Bowl Friends

Don't they look like they give each other the best advice?

This started out as a response to her post on her blog but it was to long that they wouldn't let me send it once I typed it all ya'll know me I made it into a post and hopefully it can help all my Felines :) I hope you don't mind A to the B... 


Where do I start?

You aren't cheating on anyone of them!

 You have to separate that in your head. Ted may feel like a boyfriend but he's not! He's your POT./SUGAR DADDIE.

 He has another life outside of you and you should to. 

At, first I was going to say to you that it is good that you two have this chemistry and passion growing between you because that makes some of the best arrangements in my doesn't feel like an arrangement but more of a friendship and a boyfriend.

But, the more I kept reading the more I saw your dilemma .

Girl, your going to fall in-love with this man and get hurt because your too close already.
I think that you have to ask about your allowance now because that will put things in prospective and define what you have.

Read my recent post "talking to my dad about the bowl". I sometimes make that mistake when meeting POTS. but I feel it would be different if I was to travel across country to see a POT.

I don't want you to get to America and find out that he never had intentions to give you allowance but to just sleep with you.
You would be crushed!

Please note that him giving you his credit card number and paying for expenses is because I believe that he is serious and likes you...but with that being said I believe that he should pay for ALL cost occurred because he's asking you to leave the safety of your country and that should be a given.

If your afraid to ask for allowance then you should get practice in with a bunch of POTS. before hand. This will help get your courage up.

In the Bowl it's good to have more then 1 POT. because you never know when it may end. Plus, you have to cover you ass.
In this economy right now one of your S.D.s may loose their job or business may close and their you are being screwed because then he wouldn't be able to keep up the cost of having a women on the side, he would have to take care of his family or long term relationship first.

I think especially in your situation you should have 2 S.D. because Ted doesn't live in your country. So you wouldn't see him as often as someone who does.

You can't leave a for sure thing for a maybe thing that hasn't been discussed yet.

I'm sorry..but why do you care if he disappointed in you?
 You owe him nothing but what you choose to give him. You are clearly a good person it doesn't make you a bad person if you have more then 1 S.D.!

How would he find out? He's not even

I understand about the roller coaster your referring to in this Bowl and it can be draining.
You can't let it get you down.

Keep you distance...

That is what so good about being in the Bowl..... you don't have to be afraid to tell your Daddie that your behind on your rent.
 You don't want to get put out on the street because your scared to ask your S.D. for the money...I mean he's on a SUGAR DADDIE DATING SITE..he knows why your there.

If he cares about you he will charge it to his credit card or wire it to you today :)

If he's trying to be "exclusive" and wants you to be exclusively his... then you shouldn't have to want for anything..ever!

If it was me I would go on that date with MR.Q. never know you might have a ball and be happy you went and have a back up if your FL. trip sucks.  :)

And set up Sugar Babie safety steps before travelling to the States!!!!!!!!!

These suggestions are a combination of my own and my Feline Butterfly Sugar (HEY GIRL!)

1.Like reach out to a S.B. or R.L. friends or both to either meet you there on your trip or call you to check in we know your still alive and having fun.
2.Options to be able to leave if your not comfortable (a girl must have options).
3.Discuss where you'll be staying before hand and stick to it!
4.How long will you be visiting?
5.Will you have a car to get around in?
6.Locate the U.S. Embassy and Consulate  (this is their official website)

before your trip here..So you know where to go if your in trouble.
Know the telephone numbers and location..please!!!
7. make a folder either on your P.C. or in person and put all emails conversations as well as text messages between you, his picture, his address, his credit card number,his full name, and any other info you have on him in this folder. Tell someone you trust were to look for it if something happens to you and who to give it to.
8. Stay in regular contact with more then one person and make sure that he knows it!
He needs to know that your loved and people will come looking for you if you don't return home safely with not one hair out of place.
*Make sure that your check-in people are reliable and don't suck like my little sister who always forgets to call me when I'm  on dates with POTS...damn that is so
9. Set-up other dates to meet POTS. in Florida. That way you can have another back up if it doesn't workout with Ted. No need to come all this way to be upset if he pisses you 

I want you to be as safe as you possibly can.. I'm not trying to be your mom but I don't want you to feel scared in a country that you don't know.

My final advice to you is this.
**Follow your first mind/ your gut...if it's not right get out of there!

You don't have to sleep with him just because he flown you to the owe him nothing.

If you need me to keep in contact with you while your in the states I will be more then happy to :)

I hope I helped and sorry it's so long.

Thank you for sharing....I hope I wasn't being to harsh...I just wanted to be honest so you don't get hurt.


Don't leave a for sure thing for a I don't know thing!
                      ~Caramell Seduction



  1. Caramell, I love the advice and thoughtful comments you leave on other SB's blogs - I always seem them because they're usually longer than the typical few sentences people leave as comments!

    You gave such great advice - especially with the exclusivity. If a SD wants to be exclusive with you, he sure as hell better make sure you don't need ANYTHING. Otherwise, it's so obvious how ridiculously deluded he is.

  2. Wow, thank you girl! I think it´s really sweet of you to take the time to respond to my post... <3

    I agree with all you´ve said and I know all of this, too. Of course I will have a SB security checklist. But I dont worry about that because he has sent me a confirmation letter that the US Embassy needs to see (that he is my host and will pay for all my costs etc.) on my Visa Interview. I have his real name, address, credit card no. and other stuff... but as you never know, I will nevertheless be prepared for the worst case.

    He has sent me nice pictures of his house where I will probably stay. But he also offered to book an appartment for me, in case I´d like to be on my own...

    I know, we sooner or later need to have "the talk"... I just gotta think about how hard it is to meet someone with sincere intentions in the bowl! Only few would really fly you out if they had never seen you before. Im sure he has no problems finding SBs in FL, so why should he invest in me?

    Girl... Im aware of everything, but it was really good you get it to the point when you said "Ted feels like a boyfriend, but he isnt." That´s EXACTLY what I feel and I guess Im way too deep involved by now... but Im trying to keep some distance...

    The "boyfriend feeling" is irritating me... Im not in the bowl to find a boyfriend, but I just cant fight the feeling. I am not afraid to ask a POT for allowance. But Ted doesnt feel like a POT (although he is, I know I know...) Not that easy! Just dont wanna kill the atmosphere.
    With all the other POTs I´ve mailed back & forth so far, I always make sure I know how the arrangement will look like. That´s what I like about Mr. Q... directly clarifyinf everything before hand, so that a SB can enjoy the experience... I guess until things between Ted & me have clarified I will keep Mr.Q - but I will def have a hard time separating this in my head. It´s a personal thing.

    Maybe I come across naive, but Im a realist. I just did not expect things with Ted (or anyone in the bowl) to progress in such a direction... and dont worry, I would N E V E R sleep with anyone just because of "duty". I know I owe him nothing... but to be honest: I actually cant wait to sleep with him! OMG I must sound like a noob saying this hahah but my anticipation & excitement is raising like crazy... next week I will have my Visa Interview and if everything goes well, my FL trip will be at the end of April...

    I cant wait to see him!! Just heard of the tornados in the States though... luckily, we dont have to deal with these kind of natural disasters in Europe... Im praying for the people there and hope the tornados wont get to the East Coast...

    I will keep you gals updated about how everything will turn out in the next weeks. Im SO excited =)

    I also appreciate your offer to contact me when Im the States... let´s talk about it again, I´ll come back to that later. Thank you and take care!

    A. <3

  3. Jane,
    Thank you for reading my blog. I try to stay as positive as possible and try to remain as positive as I can possibly be :)
    I agree with you that my responses tend to be longer then the average...I have so much to say and I want my answers to be as fulfilling and as helpful as possible But yeah they are long as hell..haha

    Yeah I think that if a POT./Daddie has such strong opinions on how things should work then he should make sure that you don't have to look in another Daddies

    Thank you for reading and commenting...and please keep reading I have tons of journeys that I went on in this Bowl that I haven't had a chance to Blog about yet.

