Friday, March 23, 2012


So, I was on S.A. last night and came across this sexy chocolate man with a beautiful white smile. Damn he was fine! Ya'll know I love to look at all things beautiful.

So we had a great little chat and I asked him had he ever had a S.B. before.
I went to bed and Im just getting back to check my messages and his response was this:

"Lol!!! No..... Do I look like a SD?"

There isn't a particular look for a S.D.

How did you hear about the site?


A chik!!

Ok, so here is my issue with this. He is the 3rd man that I've experienced from this site who thinks that being a S.D. means fuckin' for free and his good looks some how exempts him from having to pay an allowance or any form of allowance being gifts or other...

If I wanted a regular guy with just to brag to all my girlfriends. Example:"yes, my man drives a benz, owns his own house, has a black card" I wouldn't waste countless unbillable man hours on line seeking a real S.D. I would just meet him at the usual water holes.

That means absolutely nothing to me if I'm not eating off of his hardwork.

If Im driving a Benz also why the hell would I care about what you drive?
If I can by my own dinners..then why in the hell would I care about you taking me to dinner?

I have never been the bragging type and has always cared less about what a man has unless he is elevating me along for the ride.

These fake ass sugar babies need to stop telling this guys about the site.

 We already have enough to deal with ruling out the cheap POTS. now we have to deal with a radom everyday dude hearing about it from a fake ass babies.

Everyone can't be a S.D. just like everyone can't be a Babie!

It''s beyond annoying!

How many Felines is starting to feel like me and think the the site is now going for quanity -vs- quality?

I am honestly starting to believe that a lot of these men are lying about their salaries....just like they lied about their sex partners in high school...haha

What was that rule again about men and their sex partners? Apply it to their incomes..that is what they really make!!   lol

I had to write this post.

Plus Felines update your profiles and make them really nice. The increase in action is starting because its getting hotttt outside and S.D. are on the hunt!

Everyone can't be a S.D. just like everyone can't be a Babie!

~Caramell Seduction



  1. LMAO...tell 'em why you mad!

  2. it's called "Seeking Arrangement" for god's sake! yet most guys are looking for free sex...I think most guys are lying about their income too. probably that's because that's the only way for them to meet young and beautiful girls!! I really hate to keep wasting my time with fake guys!!!

  3. Hey Felines!

    I know I started preaching a little but hell someone has to do it right? lol

    Georgina SB:
    I agree with you 100%
    They need to keep their broke asses off the site!
    Don't we have to deal with that enough in the R.L.

    Being beautiful (not trying to sound full of myself) isn't as easy as it looks. All types of guys try to be apart of your world and broke asses and losers are some of them as well...haha

    But Im sure you Felines know exactly where Im coming

    But I hope that the hot weather brings out the BIG SPENDERS!

    Thank you for reading and commenting :)

