Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Travelling for work is the most unhealthy thing in the world! I usually don't gain weight in the winter time..I loss anywhere between 2-10 lbs. every winter. I'm a pretty healthy eater (I always always & only drink water) except when I'm under contract for work. 
Lets make one thing known now...I love my curves! People pay for a body like this! But, I'm gaining only in my hips.. What the hell????lol 

Which is fine but I like to be internationally attractive and I just want to tone up. 

The crazy thing is my scale says that I haven't gained any weight...that I am the exact 115lbs. that I've always been.. my exercise leggings are fitting to big (yucky saggy). IDK???!!!

So, I'm not much for complaining and not going for results. I've been exercising my ass  hips off....WE WANT TO KEEP THE ASS! lol

The women at the gym were  telling me that I didn't need to be at the gym because they wish that they had my shape...but what I tried to explain is that I'm there to maintain my sexy not really trying to get rid of it!

Felines you have no idea how many older women come up to me (daily) and tell me that they used to have my same curves and they wish that they would have exercised. That shit is scary!

Besides I'm short petite whatever you want to call it...I know I would look like an OOMPA LOOMPA if I get Fat

Exercising sucks at first. If your not conditioned you will feel like your going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But once you push past this point its nothing but benefits and rewards ahead.
1. more energy
2. you look good
3. its a stress reliever
4. its fun
5. you get to wear sexy workout outfits (my sister makes fun of me bcuz I look cute while working out..she's there on a mission (to only workout )..but what she doesn't understand is I have 2 missions..1. workout 2. land any Pots. that are in the building HELLO!
6.its cool! (peer pressure...haha)

Here's the things I've been trying (switch it up):

1. dancing is great, I turn on my AOL radio/ Pandora and dance like I'm up in the club. I drop it low and try to put in some exercise moves in
2. I do this spider man exercise excellent for core and legs
3. squats
4. resistance bands (live by)
5. (been doing for yrs) free style hiking though the woods (make sure you tell people if you do this one..we don't want you to get snatched off of a trail) I prefer to go off the trails and into makes me feel like I'm in a movie or something. haha

I went to Zumba last night with my sister (for the first time)...OMG it is fun it is sexy and it is women (all races,shapes,sizes,and ages...hell its even men in the class) taking their health seriously. Its inspiring (Q the music).
I've been belly dancing for 6 years now. It's a great workout and it makes you feel absolutely beautiful!

But, Zumba is different type of dance...I believe it has a Spanish orientations (don't quote me or jump down my throat felines) but its mixed with so many different music genres. AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like being in the CLUB...LOL

I'm going to buy it for either my Wii or my bf Xbox (he was supposed to buy it for me last Christmas ..but got me a really nice pea coat and some other stuff instead..I needed a black one)

Keep in mind Felines that you don't have to have money to stay in shape! You can workout for free.

So, how can you exercise for free??????????????

1. see if you have a friend that has a gym membership (most gyms let their member's bring a friend to try to recruit new members) I currently don't have a gym membership both of my sisters have memberships to two different clubs in town (FYI Excellent place to free style...nothing but pots at these gyms) nothing but BALLERS & LUX.. vehicles in the parking lot...Thanks sisters!
2. YouTube has so many exercise videos that I use (type in what you want to workout )
3. Going to the park 
4. Swimming at your local pool/apartment pool (indoor)
5.  Dancing around the house
6. sex :)
7. Once you land your daddie tell him you want a gym membership you can look sexy for him :)

Just get up and try is the best start! I am known for pushing play and just laying on my sofa watching the TV exercise.

My sister goes exercising 5-7x a week...
yeah not me You body is supposed to have a day or two of rest.
I go hard on the days I exercise and then

The 1st step I think to being a great S.B. or person is to love and be comfortable with yourself & not be afraid to tweak things you don't like here and there!
Never change for anyone but yourself. Men like If your trying to land a Daddie or a husband you need to love you and he will to.

Your Beautiful Damn it!
~Caramell Seduction



  1. Omg, I love this post! It motivation for me because I know that me being plus size I'd the reason I don't get the "good" SDs. Second, I really do want to get in shape for me, for health reasons and all. Thanks for this post!

    1. Hey Feline!
      Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm happy I was able to motivate you to exercise. It's fun once you get started. As you go along you get more and more confidence on what your doing. I exercise more at home then I do the gym.
      Go to a discount store like Marshall TJMaxx Walmart and buy some resistance bands (red yellow green) go on YouTube and watch some of the workout videos.
      Have an idea in your head on how you want to look and loose weight in a health way.
      I try not to eat after 8pm (try) I love food! I don't eat to much pork (I love pork) but I do t mess with it to much. I'm an on again off again vegetarian. I'm off right now but will go back to no meat again soon.
      I drink nothing but waterI don't eat fried foods (except for French fries) lol. I'm not a candy eater (except when I'm really horny then I throw sorry t.m.i )
      I hope this helps some. This is the perfect time to start working out because it winter time.
      I did learn one thing from my job. I have to go to work at 5 am so eating breakfast is extremely important for me to stay happy and bubbly (not the annoying bubbly) but when I'm home I never eat breakfast. The hotel staff comes in early to cook for that we can all eat breakfast together (it's really sweet of them to do). Because of this I have more energy and I'm regular (tmi).
      I'm a work in progress. No one is perfect and no one ever will be.
      It's. matter of being happy with you!
      I have a plus size cousin who is sexy ass hell!! Her husband worships her. He's fine as hell! They are a beautiful family! I want that one day (not today but one day;)
      So it's a matter of how you want to feel.
      I love that you said you want to do it for you. That's all that matters. Fuck the S.Ds! Fuck other S.B.s ! Fuck the naysayers!
      There are daddies who love plus size women!
      It all able how you come across on that first date. Work that room girl! Walk with your head up! Speak with confidence and be yourself!
      And if all else fails at least you got a free meal and got to get out the house. Haha

      Thanks for commenting and reading my long ass response. Lol
      So for any typos...sent from my phone.

