Wednesday, November 7, 2012


he breeder caught my eye because he was an ok looking millionaire and I enjoyed reading his profile. It wasn't until I gave him my email address that he informed me of what he was really looking for. Now, some women my have excepted his offer but for me money isn't everything. I mean you have to have some standards and some limits.
We got along great. His emails had me ready to jump on a plane and go meet him. He was a married s.d. I have no problem with that. Sometime I prefer a married one because they know to leave me alone and take the drama SOME OF THEM AT
So, he tells me that what he seeks is a young women to have children with. That I would be a kept women and all would be legally binding and our children and myself would never have to worry or want a thing.
NOW, THIS HAD MY ATTENTION  Since I do want children and what women wouldn't want to hear those words, right! Never have to worry about a thing.
So, I asked more questions ( Im sure I drove him how would this work if your married? Why would you want to do this to your wife? How would you visit us? how often would we see you? *****MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION:
How involved in our children's lives would you be?

His response is why I say that money isn't everything to me.

He says to me " I wouldn't be involved in the children's lives. I don't want to leave my wife (which I already knew..I'm not stupid) and I would never see them. But, you would never have to worry about anything. You and the children would be taken care of even after my death.
I was like thank you for your complete honesty but this is something that I have to digest.

There are to many single mothers out here with children who thought that the dads were going to be stand up guys. Money is only one aspect to raising kids. 
How would I respond to my kids on where their father is and why they never met him?!? 
What would happen if they found out about me having them for a man who never wanted them to begin exchange for $$$$$$
Would they respect me? Probably Not!
I think he didn't want to leave this earth without knowing he had children to pass on his legacy. 
But, I think he's going about it all wrong. If he was involved then I would have took a little longer to think about my answer of

Come on now!!!! My Daddy (biological not sugary) didn't raise no damn fool!!!! 
You can always change a will in testament.
  His family could always contest (and I assure you that they will because there is no way anyone would let a 20 something year old mistress keep their family money) so our money (our children) would be caught up in probate court....that could take years.
 SO, now little ol' me struggle with these kids by myself (which I would love unconditionally). HELLLLLLL NO! REALLLLLLLY?

It just doesn't work for me!! As much as it would be nice to have a rich wealthy man's baby....I would rather be the wife (without a prenuptial agreement)  and the mother of his lets think about how much money that is!
People put themselves (especially women) in fucked up predicaments and ask GOD why them. Think before you act people! It's not GOD's fault that you went after something so shallow then to wait for something better that HE could give you.

So, no thanks I'll just wait! ON THE MONEY,THE MAN, & CHILDREN! haha

My next post Ill try to post today is about the

Everything that glitters isn't platinum and diamonds!
~ CaramellSeduction



  1. I was wondering where you went! Welcome back! I enjoyed reading your posts!

    1. Hi Feline
      Thank you..I've been so busy with the R.L. that the sugar bowl kinda had to take a back seat.

      Thank you for reading

