Monday, July 2, 2012

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PART 2.....

Hey My Felines! I SUCK! LOL
I owe you Felines an explanation to why I've just up and disappeared and the things that having been going on in my life since my last post. lol
Remember that "Dream Job?" Well, I've been working it! I mean working the shit out of this career. You Felines know I haven't been doing it for long but I go hard!
When Im under contract I work 12- 12 1/2 Hr. work days 7 days a week no off days. All I do is go to work and go to sleep.
I now know what it feels like "being a S.D." living out of a suite case travelling and seeing the country. I also understand more why they seek Babies/'s a lonely life.
I on the other hand tend to be a very social butterfly and can strike up a conversation with any type of person anywhere. lol. It drives my friends/co-workers nuts. They want me to be more like them...moody bitches but I don't follow anyone..I'm a leader..always have been always will
It's nice have a group of women who are getting it. We've grown a bound but no one can ever replace my Felines!
I still have my same S.D. that encouraged me to leave my downtown job and go for the career that will lead to home ownership and the business I want. I haven't seen him in a while because he's been out of the country and when he finally comes back I have to leave again for a business trip.
Im on my business trip now..I just got here 2 days ago. I should be in bed right now but I got a nice email from one of my new Felines "SugarBrownUK" left me a post that she love my blog. Thank you reminded me of how much I love blogging and how much I've missed all of you Felines. So thank you girl!
I want to thank all of my new members for following me, reading my blog, and posting comment. I also like to thank my Felines who haven't given up on me and de-friended (or whatever its called)
I'm still here and still go on S.A. & A.M.... and have a lot of prospects but I travel way to much to land a S.D.
I have 2 Pots. who are willing to travel here to the city I'm in for work.. just to meet me and go out to dinner...knowing that I can only see them for a hour maybe a hour and a half (I got to get my sleep)...haha
I think it's so sweet. So, once my job calms done (the 1st week is always nuts) then I will give them a  call.
I'm still with my same sexy boyfriend. I love him and he's way supportive with my career but as usual he gets on my last nerves ...SOMETIMES! lol.
 He'll be down to visit me on Friday and can only stay until Sunday night. But, He so sweet he called off of work...If you Felines knew my man you would know that is a big deal. But, Ill be working the entire time he's here. I'm going to try to see if I can get a day off to be with him.

I put my scholarship on hold...I hope I don't loose it. But, I  have no time to take any courses not even 1 online course! Which makes me sad but I have to choose working for right now...@ least until I learn the ropes in my business. Then maybe 1 class here and 1 class there to keep my scholarship

I truly feel blessed at this point in my life. I love having the opportunity to help myself and my family if need be  (BELIEVE ME THEY CALL FOR THE DUMBEST STUFF..) But being able to id great.

I still want a S.D. to guide me to financial freedom...Show me the "Blue Print!" I like the S.D. that I have and really can't wait to see him.
I was trying to see what I named my S.D. and realized that I haven't given him a name yet. I think Im going to call him Dreamy. If you guys saw him you might not understand...
But once you got to know him you would get it.

FYI: We still haven't F***ED....
He hasn't been pushing the issue..and neither have I.

I have to get up extremely early 4:30 am and its past my 6:30 bedtime. Ill add a quote and picture later.



  1. Hey Caramell, thank you for mentioning me. I am a college student (not university) and I find your posts rather inspirational as your lifestyle is the lifestyle I'd love to live. Being in the business sector, working whenever and wherever I want to. Just know that your posts are an inspiratioto me and other's I am sure...

    Whenever you get lazy to post, remember someone is here waiting for your next post lol. XO

  2. Hey girl! Today I discovered your blog and I'm reading ever since..! :) I'm relatively new to the sugarbowl so love to read others experiences. Curious if you are alright.
    Take care!

  3. Hi Feline,
    Thank you for reading my blog. Im happy that you enjoy reading it:)
    Awwwww thank you for your concern. Yes, I'm ok. I've been trying to relax a little..double burn out from work. Searching for a new daddie or addition to my daddie I have now.
    I wrote like 2 new blogs but haven't posted them yet. I will do soon.

    Thank you for reading
