Picture later & sorry for any typos Ill correct it later :)
I am so addicted to the Sugary Blogs. Today I had a few hours while at work doing absolutely nothing and I thought about logging on and seeing what my Felines were up to...lol while I slave away at work.
But I chose against that because...being knew I have to learn the ropes before I break them...lol
They know that Im on the net but you never know what type of software is on corporate computers...lol
So for now Ill stay off....
Hmmmm I think Im going to use my netbook while Im sitting in my office bored to death...haha
Sometimes I want to ask them why did they hire me...because I never have anything to do until after 3:30 (my hrs. are from 9-6pm) but of course this Babie isnt going to mess up her money so I keep my mouth closed! lol
Why today did a co-worker of mine (work in a different dept. same building) set me up.
She says your face looks so fimilar. I say do you get your nails done or go to the salons for hair or facial services.
She says yeah when I was in high school.
Then literally 2 sec. later she says do you know *.*.?
I say yes and she has been mean mugging me ever since.
*.*. was my middle school - high school sweet heart (I was in high school he older then me...I always liked then older guys...haha) and we were together for most of my life.
She started mean mugging me since my first day there.
I believe she knew exactly who I was and was waiting for an oppurtuinty to talk to me.
Now with that being said...I have never been the type of girl that would start something.
I hate bullies!
But, I will finish it!
*.*. and I had an on again off again relationship and just about ever summer we would break up (young..it was me not him).
Well, he would always find a" friends with benefits" type of arrangement.
Well, when we would get back together I would always have to deal with these girls not realizing that they were just a fuck! lol
So there are a few women now who are still on this...I guess.
Hince Candaceat the job (her real name)..haha
I went home and called him and of course he cant remember her...so I told him I will take a picture of her.
I believe I need to know for 2 reasons.
1. This is my job. I don't have time for high school games.
2. I don't like someone to know about me about me and I have no clue who the hell they are!
She can start something if she wants to. I have a much higher position then she does.
Women if men have a girl that he puts first ...now Im talking R.L. dont degrade yourself to be second for anyone.
Now in the bowl its different because your getting "SOMETHING 4 SOMETHING"......
But know your worth because your diff. worth more then to play second feddle to anyone.
There are signs to when a guy is inlove with someone else.
He usually tells us but we see what we want to see and already start to plan our lives together
and he is clearly showing signs of not being tht into you...lol
1. he doesnt take you to meet family.
2. he thinks your one of the boys and you fall into the "friends category"
So please pay attention to those signs Felines!
My boss souded like he was 2 seconds away from asking me to go to Vegas with him...lol
But then he remember where we were at.
He always telling me about how much money he has and how many properties he owns....and today we were talking about the megamillion.
I told him I would give him a Million if my ticket hit....he says "I already have more then a million." I ignored him like I always do...it doesn't impress me unless I'm getting some. I've dated millionaires before...no big deal...they are the same as any other type of my ...they just have more money...So like to share and some don't
So, him saying so to me is like .......eyeroll...lol
He is a very flashy guy...haha
We'll see! He says that he's leave that company soon. He only came to turn it around and put them in the "Black". So, he's training me for his position.
So, He gives me his card to his other companies and tells me to "always keep it because its my get out of jail free card and it will help me out of any pitch"
Sounds like Sugary Promotions if I've ever seen one...haha
Maybe he can be my S.D. after he resigns...haha
I know your worth!
~ Caramell Seduction
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
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So, I was on S.A. last night and came across this sexy chocolate man with a beautiful white smile. Damn he was fine! Ya'll know I love to look at all things beautiful.
So we had a great little chat and I asked him had he ever had a S.B. before.
I went to bed and Im just getting back to check my messages and his response was this:
"Lol!!! No..... Do I look like a SD?"
There isn't a particular look for a S.D.
How did you hear about the site?
A chik!!
Ok, so here is my issue with this. He is the 3rd man that I've experienced from this site who thinks that being a S.D. means fuckin' for free and his good looks some how exempts him from having to pay an allowance or any form of allowance being gifts or other...
If I wanted a regular guy with money...to just to brag to all my girlfriends. Example:"yes, my man drives a benz, owns his own house, has a black card" I wouldn't waste countless unbillable man hours on line seeking a real S.D. I would just meet him at the usual water holes.
That means absolutely nothing to me if I'm not eating off of his hardwork.
If Im driving a Benz also why the hell would I care about what you drive?
If I can by my own dinners..then why in the hell would I care about you taking me to dinner?
I have never been the bragging type and has always cared less about what a man has unless he is elevating me along for the ride.
These fake ass sugar babies need to stop telling this guys about the site.
We already have enough to deal with ruling out the cheap POTS. now we have to deal with a radom everyday dude hearing about it from a fake ass babies.
Everyone can't be a S.D. just like everyone can't be a Babie!
It''s beyond annoying!
How many Felines is starting to feel like me and think the the site is now going for quanity -vs- quality?
I am honestly starting to believe that a lot of these men are lying about their salaries....just like they lied about their sex partners in high school...haha
What was that rule again about men and their sex partners? Apply it to their incomes..that is what they really make!! lol
I had to write this post.
Plus Felines update your profiles and make them really nice. The increase in action is starting because its getting hotttt outside and S.D. are on the hunt!
Everyone can't be a S.D. just like everyone can't be a Babie!
~Caramell Seduction
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Ok, so I was on my way to bed but wanted to check my Sugary Email Acount.
Why did I just get 7 pictures from a POT. with a women in a bikini...on vaction. Why?
I ask you again why? I think it maybe his wife. At least I hope it's his wife...lol
She was out of shape and flabby. She looked old.
If your going to send a POT. S.B. pictures leave the chicks out. Why do I need to see this. Im a far cry of a jealous person but I think its about respect! Am I right?
This makes whatever chemistry there is very hard to grow.
What am I supposed to say to these pictures?
Personally, I dont understand the purpose of sending me these pictures. I mean should I send pictures of me in Flordia with my ex.? lol
I dont think that would go over to well.
I was thinking about saying:
O..your wife is pretty...haha
or who is this or maybe nothing at all...haha
What do you think?
Just wanted to post this quickly...
He said that she was his date from last night. lol
He just wanted to show me how beautiful Flordia is..lol
I told him sorry I thought she was your wife.
He said why are you sorry. No she's not my wife Ive been divorced for over 10 years now.
I said I was sorry because I thought she was your wife and also for the divorce.
I haven't heard from him since...haha
O well!
Laugh at Life!
My Sister Turning Down R.L. POTS....HUH?
My sister and aunt went to sign their lease on an office space that they are sharing. We go to the owners office (which is the whole top floor) and a young girl answers the door. She wouldnt even let us in...she said he was down stairs.
My sister says that he's her S.D.
I said no shes his daughter. She says no thats he S.B.
Long story short...he tells us in so many words that he was tapping this young girl...haha
He was checking me out. So, my sister is now on a mission to make him my S.D...haha
She wasnt a pulled together polsihed S.B.
But, I can't knock anyones style....she getting that money.
Basically his wife does all the paperwork and the S.B. sits on her ass in the office doing nothing at all...haha
I love it. He 74 years old..haha
But, He is very handsome...He is a big flirt and has swagger..lol
My sister...has R.L. guys offering to be her S.B. all the time and she turns them down..
I think it's so funny because she says she doesn't want to be a S.B. but she wants the money...
I think she will be one soon.
Her B.F. doesn't make enough for her shopping addiction...haha
Today was a sucky day!!!
- I had to search for my high school diploma...went in the storage area at my mom's and couldn't find it....ughhh
- Dropped my pretty banana (right after I peeled it)...it just fell on the floor
- Had to get TB test...Im scaried of needles..it hurt :(
- Spent way to much money these week
- Just eating for the first time 10:47pm...so I was cranky
- My sister and I alway...ALWAYS...I mean always argue...so we were arguing (again) all day today.
- I went shopping for nude open toe pumps.........I got everything but nude pumps.
- I got in an argument with my B.F...........But he gave me money so I don't care... I took the $$$ and drove off...haha (thank you!!!)
- On my way home from leaving him.....I caughter a flat....down the road from my house. So I rode the flat to my house.
- cost of new tire $250+ tax+labor ....for one freakin' tire...Im beyound pissed! But, Im happy that it hapened once I got off the highway and I was able to make it home safely.
Thanks for listening to me bitch about my sucky day :)
I put a quote & picture later....sorry felines Im
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
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Damn this is a great picture! |
I was on A.M. responding to some emails and came across this really sweet guy. He was willing to pay me for the first date without me having to ask for it.
But, from his picture I knew he wasn't going to be able to afford my allowance.
Awwwwwww. the poor guy sent me this respectful email discussing the allowance. Of course I posted it below for educational purposes.
I kind of feel bad for posting this in my blog because he is a sweet heart.
But, every encounter is a learning lesson for a Feline.
So here we go:
I prefer to discuss arrangements before meetings.... learning experience. It saves time and money.
Thats smart Although I was going to give you a monetary gift just for meeting me
Have you been a S.D. before? I've been down the road of having chemistry and then getting really excited about the possibility of finally getting my S.D. to only hear that the allowance request (discussed in advance) isn't compatible. They don't even offer gas $...only so it's really a frustrating thing looking for a S.D. So, thank you for understanding :) How is your day? What do you do for a living?
I totally understand.... Im a private investor and obtained several new clients through referals so my free time just got extremly limited (yea for my bank accounts...boo for my love life!) LoL I do some travel cross country and do a lot of reading in the air. I have a extreme interest in relationships, (psychology) and of course the female body LoL! Depending on my mind I can be "particular" so as to not waste your time Im giving you at least 70 whenever we deceide to meet and then we can (maybe) go from there.... btw I had a "easy" day (thank you so much for asking!!!) How was your day? I trust you enjoyed this gorgeous weather, "goreous!"
Heres one of my fav online clothing stores that you can choose from (if we hit it off) www.venus.com
L.O.L. Thanks funny thats one of my favorite sites also. I wasn't able to enjoy the weather today...I had reports and school :( Your job sounds fun....but maybe a bit lonely. Im happy you had a good and easy day to day :)
*** This is where it gets good :)****
Well, if we "like" each other this is what I was thinking.... To start off with I would give you a pre-paid debit card of 200.00 per month After every "encounter" I would give you a "gratuity" of 100.00 After 6 months (if we are still happening) I would increase your allowance to 300.00 per month with a gratutiy of 150.00 following a 'encounter" Stamina is key for me.....I love to give more than receive and the ability to receive pleasure is a MUST. (I have no problems with all-nighters....) I hope this is something that would be agreeable to you and not a insult....
I love that you put thought into it....and that you don't want to offend me. But our numbers are really far apart. I wish to recieve an allowance of $2500 a mth. (this was my starter allowance with my last S.D.) Im willing to negotiate. I hope I haven't offended you.
Well my love....In my experience Ive found that if I begin with too large of a amount the relationship begins to sour in the way of being taken for granted and other things....so this is where we might part ways...CaramellSeduction you are a treasure and I hope that you will find the *One* your heart truly seeks.....
Awwwwww. I was looking forward to meeting you :( I don't think that your past experiences we're with true S.B. the reason I say this is because the foundation of a Sugar Babe relationship is being "MUTUALLY BENEFICAL." Both parties must recieve what they seek or there is no point of being together. Every real S.B. knows this. In order to remain happy myself I must keep my Daddie happy as well. Im sorry that you had a negative experience. I wish you all the best in your search and in life :)
Did he really think that a real S.B. would go all night for the allowances that he was offering?
I couldn't help but chuckle when I read it....
But, it was different this time...I knew it wasn't coming from a negative place....it was coming from truly wanting to seek a connection with someone but not being able to afford it.
That makes me a little sad :(
But, I am not here to put my PEACH on the line because some nice guy can't afford her.
I hope that I don't sound mean...haha
You have to know what you want!
Know what you will negotiate to
And know what you won't except!
If anyone want him let me know. He's a really nice guy.
With that being said I have a few new great Pots. but I won't get to excited...we know how that goes (eye roll)
*A lot of money is different for everybody*
So, don't be afraid to ask what a lot of money is to them!
4 guys from S.A. and a few follow up guys from A.M.
I will of course keep you Felines posted about my adventures :)
This is the new addition of what my dad said about this poor guy :(
I told my dad the story and told him that the guy was really nice and I felt sorry for the guy.
My dad said " all broke people are nice..they have no choice, they have no money..their broke! Stop feelin' sorry for people" haha
He cracks me up! He is too bult for his own good. But he keeps me on my toes...lol
Every real Sugar Babie knows that you have to treat your Daddie like the man he is and he will spoil you better then he spoils his own damn family! haha
~ Caramelllseduction
Monday, March 12, 2012
Just Call Me Anna Nicole Smith! I'll answer...lol
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Me and My new Papi or grand-Papi...lol |
Hey Felines!
I have great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
I landed a DADDIE....YEAH ME :)
He is someone I met on A.M. about a year ago. He's never in town and our schedules would never mesh well.
So, this is one of the dates that I was looking forward to seeing (the one who had a gift for me)...I wrote a post a while back (not to long ago but felt like a lifetime)
So, he is a C.E.O. of a large manufacturing company. He has some of the prettiest blue eyes I ever seen.
He's 6'0 and I enjoyed looking at how he wears a suite..with a splash of color in his tie & socks.
*That's a great sign that he likes to have fun but he's serious in the board room*
Felines I have went on dates before but never with someone with the years of experience he has (his age) ...lol
I'll keep you waiting to tell you how old he is...lol
He drives a BLACK BIG BODY BENZ....the reason that is important to me is because his car matches his status and that means he is serious about how he conducts his business.
I have went on dates with POTS. who drives the "family car" or their Luxury is on the same level as my Luxury and I'm in my 20's.......there is nothing wrong with not wasting your money but you may not be the Daddie for me.
To cautious with your money means to cautious with my allowance and gifts!
I don't have time for that!
I want a Daddie to show me the ropes in business and teach me how to navigate threw life...while sprinkling me with the rewards that his hard work has to offer..while I take away the stress of his tired. boring. predictable life....lol
I need someone who loves when people stare at him...the women want to be with him and the men want to be him because he's with me & he knows that I am that cause for all the stares and it turns him on...boost up his ego!
I think that a car a man chooses can say a lot about him. He is a very classy guy and that's why it was like waiting for christmas to come when I was a kid..It felt like forever!
But we finally met and he didn't disappoint.
Didn't I tell you Felines that once I got a job that I would probably get a S.D....It just always seems to workout that way.
Of course my search isn't over! I still need a few more great possibles to make my summer fantastic!
The problem is that the "Dream Job" doesn't allow for me to take a vaction for a year.... :(
A whole year!
I have been self-employeed basically my whole life and taking vacations when and where I wanted and now to have to wait a whole year .....sucks!
So, I guess Sugar will end up rolling into my personal life..because I'll be Damn if I don't take at least a weekend trip! Sorry B.F....
He will be pissed but he'll get over it! lol
O, and that gift he promised me....
He gave me a nice gift of crispy one hundred dollar bills .....in an envelope.
When he comes back our arrangement will began....April 5, 2012...Im pretty excited!
It's far away again....I'm a little nervous becasue I haven't been involved with anyone other then my B.F. since my last S.D.
Do you want to say CaramellSeduction shut up already and tell us his age! lol
He is 63 years old....
I have never been interested in a man of that age before because frankly I don't think any have been interested in me...lol
Just go ahead and call me Anna Nicole Smith ...HAHA
Hell Yeah, I find him attractive ....with his clothing on..I haven't seen them off yet
but going through your mental rolodex will help with that...lol
I will of course blog in full honesty about what our first time was like.
What it was like having sex with a man of his age and the yummy details and the not so yummy details...lol
Finally, a man who knows quality when he sees it...and once I give it to him and put it down on him...I'm going to ask for a raise in my allowance.
That was a little trick I used with my last S.D....
I waited until he couldn't survive without my Sugary Sweetness and then BAMM I asked for a raise...lol
So, I start my job next Friday and I will continue to follow-up with the dates that I have scheduled.
I know this journey is hell on wheels sometimes....
My Felines don't give up and don't give in!
Don't settle for nothing less then what you request!
You deserve 100% of the best!
lol.. I know that it is a tedous battle of going on dates and looking drop dead gorgeous and trying to impress someone...but YOU CAN DO IT!
Ya'll have watched my struggled and this is a nice little pit stop for me..to catch my breath a little..lol
But then I'll be right back in the game.
I'm excited to see where this goes but I am not counting nothing until the money is sitting in my glove box waiting to be deposited into my bank account!
I'll give him a name later...I want it to fit his personality or something along those lines...so that will be continued!!
Don't spend no money in your head....... until it's in your hand!!
~ Caramell Seduction
Thursday, March 8, 2012
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O.k., So I think I mentioned that I was going to start looking for a job in the field I have my degree in since my Sugary Adventures aren't panning out the way I would like.
I have been going on interviews..left and right and even went on interviews that had nothing to do with a degree but was geared more towards a Sugary pay out...hosting at top restaurants.
But either the pay sucked or someone else filled the position.
Well, today I went on an interview and was offered the position right then and there!
I'm so happy!! I need the money.
I have had an administrative position in my field with the business licensing being in my name and I resigned because the business was out of compliance and I worked to hard to loose my license for someone else's business.
Well, this position is the administrator's assistant. I will be doing the same job as before without all the stress and responsibility + I will be able to get off at 6:00pm.
When I had the other position I was on salary so I was never officially off duty.
I was looking at my boss like you will be a great Daddie...lol
I saw him peeping me...checking out my ASSets....lol
I have never really worked with a lot of men before and this position has a lot of men.
I don't mean regular men...I mean G.Q. fine ASS men...DAMN..I can't wait to start working...lol
It's Downtown and it's near my college.. ...with free parking ...so you know in the summer I'll have my little ass using the corporate district as my personal catwalk...lol
My B.F. used to get jealous when I had cute but not legal interns working for me at the place I resigned from ....I'll have to make sure he never comes to the job.....or his little chest will be fully inflated....lol
It's 4 investors who have offices in the building and ....I hope I leave a lasting and professional impression...so that they can want to invest in me...one way or another..........
(can you say Sugar Bowl felines...haha).........lol
I wouldn't mind Sugaring My Way To The Top! Women Do It All The Time In The Corporate World..lol. So why not me too?
Why was one of my interview questions "so what do you like to do for fun?"
My dumb ass said "O you mean besides blogging?!" and fell out laughing...
Of course the guy interviewing me look puzzled but it was an inside joke for me and my Felines. ;)
He said "You have a blog? What is it about?"
I responded quickly "O, no I just love to read them and write my thoughts..it's so therapeutic"...lol
So, I'm thinking next week I will follow up with any and all POTS that I have computer chemistry with and then maybe start free-styling...if none of those POTS don't workout in person.
I just thought of something....
I always have the best of luck finding POTS. that will pay up when I don't need the money.
So...cheers to having a job and not need the money so badly.
I hope all is improving in the Bowl...because we babies need some great new :)
People who enjoy what they are doing invariably
do it well.
~Joe Gibbs
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
A.M. SHOULD STAND FOR "Arrogant Men"...Can You Believe him?
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Like Dude Why Are You So Full Of Yourself?? Your Not All Of That! |
I hate men from A.M. they are so full of themselves..
Like really..you contacted me! I didn't contact you ..I didn't even know that you existed! haha
This guy doesn't even have a "POT name" because I don't know how to reply to the email.
My B.F. put me in a shitty mood and so I dont want to take it out on this poor pompous sap..lol
So the reason I'm posting this post is for a graceful way to reply to his arrogant email.
The emails are of course below for your viewing and laughing pleasure...HAHAHA
What's up? So what type of amounts are you talking about I mean with what figures are you looking at?
Typos are excused if you excuse mine
$2500 mthly
Whew! I've never even thought about the sugar daddy thing but I was like damn shes fine. But that's a little steep for my blood. I don't mind taking care of a chick but thats cra. I did not realize people was getting like that lol. Anyway yeah you right having this talk upfront was best haha. Damn you're fine though so I can be here for friendship or mentorship. I'm a pretty successful guy at a young age so I can point you right direction lol.
Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos.
Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos.
Thank you for the compliment. With my last S.D. that was my starter allowance...when the relationship ended it was much higher.
Thank you for being honest and upfront. I think having this talk saves a lot of time and money in the long run. It's not the most romantic conversation to have..lol but it keeps everything real and honest.
What do you do? Tell me about yourself? What type of allowance we're you thinking?
Thank you for being honest and upfront. I think having this talk saves a lot of time and money in the long run. It's not the most romantic conversation to have..lol but it keeps everything real and honest.
What do you do? Tell me about yourself? What type of allowance we're you thinking?
I'm an engineer by day but I'm actually about to graduate from law school as well. Yeah, I'm sure it went up, he has to keep you on the team. About me I'm 6'3 190 34 years old. How old was your SD? I guess seeing that I have money, credit, good job, nice car, pretty good looking, I can't find myself paying that type of loot. I mean I could go out hang pick up chicks but I'd rather just have one bad (as in good looking) chick, like yourself on the side. In pretty much down for anything and I'm pretty cool to kick it with. Was actually looking forward to that first date! No never been an SD So I had no idea. I was thinking shopping trips, travel, gifts, dinners, jewelry, stuff like that. Im a big time shopper so i hit nyc, chicago, la. Into high fashion so i rock a lot of designer the Gucci Prada and Louis Vuitton you know but also rock regular clothes as well. Had no idea that you had to make monthly payments like it was a Bill or a mortgage LOL. So what do u like to do for fun? Do you travel? Do you date other guys or just your SD?
Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos.
Sent from my iPhone, please excuse typos.
Ok, so this last email is where the problem is. I haven't responded and I believe he sent it last week. How do you Felines think that I should reply? Isn't he arrogant?
Men kill me thinking they can pull every women. eyeroll...I'm sure in R.L. I would advoid him like the fuckin' plague! Not because of looks (he not all that...either!) but because of how arrogant he is.
Like ok get over your fuckin' corny ass self already.
Isn't he a little to old to be talking like a rapper Kanye West "Cra" refrence...that is corny as hell! HAHA
Why in the fuck would I need another friend? Would you really try to be just my friend when you clearly want to fuck me? I don't believe in "friends with benefits" so if he was to be my friend he would get absolutely NO PEACHES!
It wouldn't be a mutually benefical relationship..at all. Unless he thinks that mutual means he hits on me and mentor me...and in return gets to look at me...then ok, I have guy friends like that too....lol
I know some Felines have had success with young Pots/S.D. but I seem to get the arrogant ones.
I wouldn't mind going shopping and I guess that is the "new thing" in the Sugar Bowl shopping only ...like I couldn't go shopping with my allowance if I wanted to...
Yeah he wants a "bad ass chick" on his arm like me to make him look like he has it all together and he's a complete package for some Gucci shoes...
Am I too picky? Should I meet the dooch bag in person and see if I like him then?
I need advice...Thank you in advance.
Is having a S.D. kind of like having a boyfriend???
I mean when you already have one the other ones start to come out of the wood work trying to be your Daddie?
So, if I just get an ok Daddie would my Dream Daddie come?
Will I have that Sugary Glow...when I finally get another Daddie?
Do you think I'm to picky?
~Caramell Seduction
Do you live in CALI?
How many of my Felines live in Cali? I have recieved tons of action from men in Cali. so Im just wondering ...incase I pursue coming there for a visit.
Friday, March 2, 2012
A to the B ... 1 of my Sugar Bowl Friends
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Don't they look like they give each other the best advice? |
This started out as a response to her post on her blog but it was to long that they wouldn't let me send it once I typed it all out...so ya'll know me I made it into a post and hopefully it can help all my Felines :) I hope you don't mind A to the B...
A to the B,
Where do I start?......lol
You aren't cheating on anyone of them!
You have to separate that in your head. Ted may feel like a boyfriend but he's not! He's your POT./SUGAR DADDIE.
He has another life outside of you and you should to.
At, first I was going to say to you that it is good that you two have this chemistry and passion growing between you because that makes some of the best arrangements in my opinion...it doesn't feel like an arrangement but more of a friendship and a boyfriend.
But, the more I kept reading the more I saw your dilemma .
Girl, your going to fall in-love with this man and get hurt because your too close already.
I think that you have to ask about your allowance now because that will put things in prospective and define what you have.
Read my recent post "talking to my dad about the bowl". I sometimes make that mistake when meeting POTS. but I feel it would be different if I was to travel across country to see a POT.
I don't want you to get to America and find out that he never had intentions to give you allowance but to just sleep with you.
You would be crushed!
Please note that him giving you his credit card number and paying for expenses is because I believe that he is serious and likes you...but with that being said I believe that he should pay for ALL cost occurred because he's asking you to leave the safety of your country and that should be a given.
If your afraid to ask for allowance then you should get practice in with a bunch of POTS. before hand. This will help get your courage up.
In the Bowl it's good to have more then 1 POT. because you never know when it may end. Plus, you have to cover you ass.
In this economy right now one of your S.D.s may loose their job or business may close and their you are being screwed because then he wouldn't be able to keep up the cost of having a women on the side, he would have to take care of his family or long term relationship first.
I think especially in your situation you should have 2 S.D. because Ted doesn't live in your country. So you wouldn't see him as often as someone who does.
You can't leave a for sure thing for a maybe thing that hasn't been discussed yet.
I'm sorry..but why do you care if he disappointed in you?
You owe him nothing but what you choose to give him. You are clearly a good person it doesn't make you a bad person if you have more then 1 S.D.!
How would he find out? He's not even there...lol
I understand about the roller coaster your referring to in this Bowl and it can be draining.
You can't let it get you down.
Keep you distance...
That is what so good about being in the Bowl..... you don't have to be afraid to tell your Daddie that your behind on your rent.
You don't want to get put out on the street because your scared to ask your S.D. for the money...I mean he's on a SUGAR DADDIE DATING SITE..he knows why your there.
If he cares about you he will charge it to his credit card or wire it to you today :)
If he's trying to be "exclusive" and wants you to be exclusively his... then you shouldn't have to want for anything..ever!
If it was me I would go on that date with MR.Q. ..you never know you might have a ball and be happy you went and have a back up if your FL. trip sucks. :)
And set up Sugar Babie safety steps before travelling to the States!!!!!!!!!
1.Like reach out to a S.B. or R.L. friends or both to either meet you there on your trip or call you to check in with...so we know your still alive and having fun.
2.Options to be able to leave if your not comfortable (a girl must have options).
3.Discuss where you'll be staying before hand and stick to it!
4.How long will you be visiting?
5.Will you have a car to get around in?
6.Locate the U.S. Embassy and Consulate
www.usembassy.gov/ (this is their official website)
before your trip here..So you know where to go if your in trouble.
Know the telephone numbers and location..please!!!
7. make a folder either on your P.C. or in person and put all emails conversations as well as text messages between you, his picture, his address, his credit card number,his full name, and any other info you have on him in this folder. Tell someone you trust were to look for it if something happens to you and who to give it to.
8. Stay in regular contact with more then one person and make sure that he knows it!
He needs to know that your loved and people will come looking for you if you don't return home safely with not one hair out of place.
*Make sure that your check-in people are reliable and don't suck like my little sister who always forgets to call me when I'm on dates with POTS...damn that is so annoying..lol
8. Stay in regular contact with more then one person and make sure that he knows it!
He needs to know that your loved and people will come looking for you if you don't return home safely with not one hair out of place.
*Make sure that your check-in people are reliable and don't suck like my little sister who always forgets to call me when I'm on dates with POTS...damn that is so annoying..lol
9. Set-up other dates to meet POTS. in Florida. That way you can have another back up if it doesn't workout with Ted. No need to come all this way to be upset if he pisses you off..lol
I want you to be as safe as you possibly can.. I'm not trying to be your mom but I don't want you to feel scared in a country that you don't know.
My final advice to you is this.
**Follow your first mind/ your gut...if it's not right get out of there!
You don't have to sleep with him just because he flown you to the States..you owe him nothing.
If you need me to keep in contact with you while your in the states I will be more then happy to :)
I hope I helped and sorry it's so long.
Thank you for sharing....I hope I wasn't being to harsh...I just wanted to be honest so you don't get hurt.
Don't leave a for sure thing for a I don't know thing!
~Caramell Seduction
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Talking 2 My Dad About The Bowl...
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Men give really good advice when it comes to relationship...just ask any man you love or respect! |
So, I talked to my father about my Sugary Adventures of last week. I have never really told him that I go on these dates like I do and I darn sure didn't tell him that I meet these POTS. online...he is extremely over protective and when I was younger extremely strict..
But, now that I'm an adult we are best friends...I'm a Daddy's Girl! My boyfriend says I'm a Mommy's Girl. So, I guess I just love my parents :)
I live in a nice neighborhood...so he thinks I'm meeting them while driving or jogging, or shopping, shit I don't know...lol
and who am I to change my Daddy's views of how I meet successful men...haha
So, I was venting to my Dad about the V.P. who I wrote about in my last post. I told him I don't understand how come I'm no longer closing the deal with these POTS.
I mean not to long ago I was having POTS. giving me my allowance in full on the first date with little conversation and now I'm in a drought!
He said " You are to friendly and so they think that they can get over on you."
He also said "when you sit down you need to start talking about the reason you are there in the first place and then let things flow to see if there is chemistry."
"Ok", I said that makes sense to me.
I always take he is advice because 1. he has a lot of women young and old...he takes care of his women (Should I dare call him a S.D....I would just say he's old fashion and believes a man should take care of his women. Actually all the men in my family is that way.) and 2. he pays attention to his surroundings. 3. women either propose to him or give him keys to their house within 2 weeks...
So, from here on out I'm going to ask my POTS. as soon as I sit down "what's the deal with my NNNNs (money).....lol
My Dad say if they don't have the gas they promise or the allowance there or talking about giving it up soon then get up and walk out because ..."he's trying to see what he can get for free or see how much he can talk you down" he said.
So, I'll let you Felines know how this works for me.
You know I am on my last engines of this Sugary Hunt because I am feeling the burn out.
Multiple dates back to back starts to wear you out...and all I'm doing is eating steak and chatting...can you imagine if I was R.E.C.ing (sex) to?
I may take a break and take down my profiles and then come back...this is if I have anymore dates that continue to suck the way they have been.
Sometimes I feel like we're to close to the situation to really give it a great judge of character...so stepping back for a while and then coming back with fresh eyes is better.
No promises to that because I am a little addicted to the Bowl...lol
Get the money first... Get the money first! It's no different then in Cosmetology...Get the money FIRST!
~My Dad
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