Thursday, August 2, 2012

HEY FELINES!!!! It was still in draft folder wrote months back.

It's all God...I can't take any credit!

SugarBrownUK....Hey Girl!

Thank you for the compliment. I went through a lot of rough times before I got to this point and believe me it is all God!

 It's nice being able to travel and write my own ticket in life.... but it isn't as glamorous as it sounds. I literally live out of a suite case...go to bed at about 7 pm like an old person when I'm away for
All my co-workers make fun of me...(Im usually one of the youngest there)
...But, I look at it like this: I'm here away from my family and love ones (whatever city I maybe in at the time) to work and  make money/ not to have fun! 

Just stay in school and never let anyone make you feel like you can't reach whatever goal(s) you may have for yourself. If you don't know what you want to do you is the best place to start even if you don't finish. It will all make sense once you reach your goal/dream like a puzzle fitting together.

P.S...It doesn't matter weather your in university/trade school/local college/or working (because school just isn't your thing)...your doing something that will help form your future...that's all that matters!

For the feline who can't stand working for other people or who finished college and can't find a job..starting your own business maybe the direction you want to take.

Find something your good at that other people think is hard or just cant do or don't want to do (..because their lazy) and make that your nitch! You can create a business out of anything.

Shit!  My last business was a small bakery from my kitchen :) I had a tutoring business :) and everyone knows about my nail salon that the recession wiped away like a :(
So never give up!

As far as the $ugar. To me it's always been more important that I meet a Daddie/men/b.f. that elevate my mind rather then my body. So, finding out what a Daddie does for a living is just as important as the allowance.
 If you have the right Daddie he can direct you in ways that college could never because he's had so many life experiences. That my Felines is called Priceless!

Sugar doesn't last forever and as nice as it maybe to have that "Pretty Women"'s just that a fantasy..It can happen but that isn't an everyday thing and so we as Babies/Felines have to stay focused on our futures.

I came across so many Felines before I started blogging that was huge inspirations to me. Thanks FELINES!!!
 They offered excellent advice. 

I think that if your always willing to listen then people are willing to teach you what they know (my dad always told me that biological not sugary)

So, I realize that I still suck and haven't been blogging like I promised. But, I took sometime off of work so hopefully I'll be able to blog my little fingers off like the old days!

I'm still with my old Daddie. He's great. Its an amazing thing to have a C.E.O. who is also a business lawyer as your friend. He gives me some of the greatest advice.

I have been spinning every possible Pot. that emails me because of work so I think that I will reach out and meet some of them next week. 

I met a few on my last business trip and it was just ok.

 One poor guy took me to a really nice restaurant. I was really happy to be there since I eat junk all day on my work trips. I was so damn yummy I wanted to date myself (how vain is that lol).

I had on a pencil skirt, a tight fitted tank top, nude (to damn high) pumps, my hair was down with big spiral curls and pinned up on 1-side.
 I was to tired to be on any date and kept looking at my watch because I was up way passed my bedtime( time listed above)..haha
 I could sense him being annoyed so I ended the date early by tell him I had to get up really early (which was the truth 4:30 am) would call he to let him know I made it back to my hotel. He was a very handsome man....nice but he was kind of blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. lol

We met right after I got off...well, at least that's what I told (I'm a little stinker). I flew back to the hotel(in the car not plane) jumped in the shower put my hair in a side braid put on business casual outfit and rushed to meet him at the local "Panera Bread."
He told meand I quote  "I looked beautiful he couldn't believe I was just getting  off after a 12hr. shift."
 I told him "your just being kind".haha If he only
We laughed and had a ball. I may see him again when I return in October. He was handsome with a a cool sexy swagger. I saw him towards the end of my it was only that one time. He isn't married and have no kids. That can be a good thing and a bad thing.
It's always a nice thing to know your not messing with someone else's relationship, right? But, if he's attached that means he has more to loose and won't become clingy or worse a stalker. But, the distance between us will help some with that. 
I.D.K. we will see and of course I will keep you up on the latest gossip.

Go after what you want in life no matter what other's/hater's  say. They are really envious of your ambition and your strive to reach your goals/ just your swagger.


~ CaramellSeduction